Lego avengers infinity war trailer

Обновлено: 03.05.2024

While Star Wars might have a strong affinity to LEGO, Marvel has arguably one of the best sets when it comes to playability. With Avengers: Infinity War shaping up to be one of the biggest movies to wrap up a decade of superhero movies, LEGO will definitely be at the forefront of the marketing push.

The upside of LEGO and Marvel, the Avengers: Infinity War playsets should not, based on historical prices, be pegged to a premium compared Star Wars sets. With the Infinity Gauntlet as the biggest draw in the upcoming movies, the time is ripe for LEGO to execute one of the most obvious plans we geeks could see a mile away – collecting all the gems to form the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thanos: The Last Battle (76107)

First up, we have the Milano together with Thanos, Iron Man, Gamora and Star Lord. This set is the only one that includes the Infinity Gauntlet together with what appears to be the Reality Gem. Given how the gem colours do differ from the ones we’ve seen in the comic, this is likely to be the Reality Gem which was last seen in Knowhere’s Collector’s Museum.

With the Infinity Gauntlet only having one stone, it’s up to us to buy the rest of the LEGO sets to form our own complete gauntlet for Thanos to wear. This will probably be the most popular set out of the entire range.

The Battle in the Sanctum Sanctorum (76108)

Looking like a modular LEGO set, Dr Strange’s Sanctum Sanctorum includes the likes of Ebony Maw and Cull Obsidian to combat with Spider-Man and Dr Strange to wrest the Time Stone from their grasp which we know is hidden within the Eye of Aggamoto.

Close up of the sets contents reveals the Time Stone placed on the pedestal, and it includes a few spares as well.

The Hulkbuster Fight (76104)

The interesting twist to this set reveals that Bruce Banner might be the one piloting the Hulkbuster instead of Tony Stark. Gathered by his side would be Falcon and they would be guarding the Soul Stone from the likes of Proxima Midnight and minion.

This would be the very first time the Soul Stone is making an appearance in the enture MCU!

Corvus Glaive Attacks (76103)

Taking the fight to Wakanda, Corvus Glaive is looking to remove the Mind Stone from Vision. We’re guessing this will be the location of his inevitable death. That is if T’Challa and Shuri have any ability to stop the onslaught.

The Search for Thor’s Weapon (76102)

Given the destruction of the Mjolnir from the events in Thor: Ragnarok, it comes as a surprise that Thor is still in search of a new weapon. After all, we learned that Thor always had it in him to power of a God even without his iconic weapon.

Based on the colour of the gem, it looks like Thor together with Rocket Racoon and Teenage Groot will be in possession of the Power Stone. This nicely overlaps with our favorite plant and rodent combo having last seen the stone in the first Guardians of the Galaxy.

Attack of Riders (76101)

Captain America is still without his shield and while he is armed with LEGO Wolverine’s weapons, this set is probably his quest to obtain his shield once again. Together with platinum blonde Black Widow they seem to be in the possession of the Space Stone. With no named villian in this set, it would be an easy task for the duo to dispatch the Outriders with ease.

With all six stones revealed, we probably have a good inkling of the events that might unfold in Avengers: Infinity War. Does this hype us even more for the movie’s release? HELL YEAH!

Keeping the Brickheadz momentum going, we see the official reveal and the name of Iron Man’s new MK50 suit –

We’ve seen the concept art of this suit floating around the Internet for some months now and it looks like he’s armed like Mega Man.

The real hero of this new range has to be Thanos once again.

Looking absolutely cute, this is probably not the form our dreaded titan wants to be viewed apart from Lady Death, but we’re sure he’s gonna be a hit with the ladies!

Check out the full album of LEGO Avengers: Infinity War sets below –

Gerald currently straddles between his love of video games and board gaming. There’s nothing that interests him more than trying out the newest and fanciest gadget in town as well. He dreams of publishing a board game sometime in the future!

The record-breaking trailer for Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity war has received the Lego treatment, complete with threats from blocky Thanos.

The record-breaking trailer for Marvel Studios' Avengers: Infinity war has received the Lego treatment, complete with threats from blocky Thanos. Fans spent months waiting for the first Infinity War trailer to arrive, to the point where some had started to wonder if the trailer in question would show up before the end of 2017. Thankfully, the wait finally ended about a week ago, with the Infinity War trailer arriving in all its glory.

Some fans thought Infinity War's trailer lived up the hype leading up to it, while others were a tad underwhelmed. That said, the trailer's release was just as big an event as most had predicted it would be, with the trailer quickly smashing through online viewing records. It's not surprising though, as it's hard to think of a superhero film this highly anticipated since the original Avengers movie hit theaters back in the summer of 2012. Infinity War promises to change the MCU as fans know it, and the hype train is sure to only increase speed as the months go by.

In the meantime though, Youtube's dt98films has taken it upon itself to craft an Avengers: Infinity War Lego trailer, featuring blocky renditions of all the MCU's resident heroes and villains. Well, at least the ones that actually made it into the trailer. Alas, poor Hawkeye. Anyway, the full video can be seen above, complete with the Lego version of Iron Man's Hulkbuster armor.

One of the clear standouts in the Avengers: Infinity War Lego trailer - just as in the actual trailer - is of course Thanos, who in Infinity War will finally emerge from the shadows of space to try and take out Iron Man, Cap, Thor and the rest of the team once and for all. While Lego Thanos clearly doesn't much resemble his cinematic Josh Brolin counterpart, he at least looks closer to Thanos' classic appearance, lending more of a comic book feel to the Lego version of the trailer.

More faithfully reproduced from the trailer is Captain America's beard, which quickly became a hot topic after the Infinity War trailer arrived. Also present is an amusing Lego rendition of Peter Parker's Spider-Sense, which isn't easy to try and do, as arm hair isn't exactly a natural addition to a Lego character. Still, the creator clearly tried, and earns points for effort. Better looking is the Lego version of the running group shot that quickly became a hallmark of the trailer.

Key Release Dates

  • Black Panther (2018)Release date: Feb 16, 2018
  • Avengers: Infinity War / The Avengers 3 (2018)Release date: Apr 27, 2018
  • Ant-Man & The Wasp (2018)Release date: Jul 06, 2018
  • Captain Marvel (2019)Release date: Mar 08, 2019
  • The Avengers 4 / Avengers: Endgame (2019)Release date: Apr 26, 2019
  • Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019)Release date: Jul 02, 2019

Michael Kennedy is an avid movie and TV fan that's been working for Screen Rant in various capacities since 2014. In that time, Michael has written over 2000 articles for the site, first working solely as a news writer, then later as a senior writer and associate news editor. Most recently, Michael helped launch Screen Rant's new horror section, and is now the lead staff writer when it comes to all things frightening. A FL native, Michael is passionate about pop culture, and earned an AS degree in film production in 2012. He also loves both Marvel and DC movies, and wishes every superhero fan could just get along. When not writing, Michael enjoys going to concerts, taking in live professional wrestling, and debating pop culture. A long-term member of the Screen Rant family, Michael looks forward to continuing on creating new content for the site for many more years to come.

К релизу фильма «Мстители: Война бесконечности» разработчики игры LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 анонсировали одноименное дополнение, которое принесет с собой новую локацию, Таноса, а также других могущественных злодеев из вселенной Marvel.

DLC Avengers: Infinity War уже доступно для PC, PS4, Xbox One и Nintendo Switch.

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Релизный трейлер игры LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Уже сегодня, 14-го ноября, выходит игра LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2, поэтому компания Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment решила опубликовать релизный трейлер с фрагментами игрового процесса. В.

Контент из фильма «Тор: Рагнарёк» в игре LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Разработчики приключения LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 показали новый трейлер, демонстрирующий тематический контентен из фильма «Тор: Рагнарёк». Речь идет об особых миссиях, костюмах и персонажах.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Сюжетный трейлер и особенности Season Pass Разработчики игры LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 опубликовали новый сюжетный трейлер с супергероями, локациями и Кангом Завоевателем – главным злодеем. Именно он, используя современные технологии.

Сверхлюди в новом трейлере игры LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Игра LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 получила новый трейлер, посвященный Сверхлюдям. Их команда состоит из Чёрного Грома, Медузы, Кристалл, Карнака, Горгоны, собаки Локджо и Максимуса - безумного.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Трейлер дополнения Black Panther Разработчики игры LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 опубликовал дебютный трейлер дополнения Black Panther. Как несложно догадаться, данный контент принесет с собой новые локации и персонажей из.

Релизный трейлер игры LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Уже сегодня, 14-го ноября, выходит игра LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2, поэтому компания Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment решила опубликовать релизный трейлер с фрагментами игрового процесса. В.

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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Сюжетный трейлер и особенности Season Pass Разработчики игры LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 опубликовали новый сюжетный трейлер с супергероями, локациями и Кангом Завоевателем – главным злодеем. Именно он, используя современные технологии.

Сверхлюди в новом трейлере игры LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Игра LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 получила новый трейлер, посвященный Сверхлюдям. Их команда состоит из Чёрного Грома, Медузы, Кристалл, Карнака, Горгоны, собаки Локджо и Максимуса - безумного.

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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 Официальный анонс На официальной странице LEGO Marvel Super Heroes в Facebook появилась информация о том, что в разработке уже находится новая часть серии LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2. Создатели проекта обещают.






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The teaser trailer for Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War finally arrived, bringing with it a lot of big moments -- and just as many questions.

The long-anticipated teaser trailer for Marvel's Avengers: Infinity War finally arrived this morning, delivering most everything fans could have wanted -- and then some. Crammed within its nearly two and a half minutes of footage are alien invaders, widespread destruction, the armies of Wakanda and, yes, the Avengers reassembled, with some new allies.

And at the center of it all is Thanos, with one eye on conquest and the other on the Infinity Stones.

Needless to say, there's a lot to unpack from this trailer, which answers some questions but raises so many more. It's a difficult task, but we try our best below.

Oh, No! . Pepper?

At the risk of starting out on a down note, the opening shot of Infinity War's teaser trailer does not bode well for Gwyneth Paltrow's Pepper Potts. Robert Downey Jr.'s tearful Tony Stark sits amid rubble, pressing his lips against a muddy -- or bloody -- hand. It's fairly clearly not his own, and its difficult to imagine what other character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe would stir that sort of reaction, or sentiment, from Tony Stark.

Welcome Back to Earth, Bruce Banner

In a callback of sorts to a scene from 2012's The Avengers, Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner awakes to find himself in a crater, although this time it's not in a warehouse. Instead, it's in the basement of the Sanctum Sanctorum, whose residents Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) and Wong (Benedict Wong) are unsurprisingly alarmed by his arrival through their roof, and staircase.

We can safely presume the same encounter with Thanos' massive vessel Sanctuary II in Thor: Ragnarok's mid-credits scene that hurled Chris Hemsworth's thunder god across the galaxy delivered Banner back to Earth. We're left to wonder, though, what happened to the rest of the passengers aboard the Asgardian refugee ship, and what the odds are of Thor ending up in the vicinity of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Banner in Doctor Strange's home. Are those merely convenient coincidences that move the plot along, or is there an invisible hand at play as the heroes of the MCU march toward their showdown with Thanos?

New York City Street Fight

Strange, who previously met Thor and Tom Hiddleston's Loki, expands his Rolodex, not only with the unexpected visitation of Bruce Banner, but with the addition of Robert Downey Jr.'s Tony Stark. We previously caught glimpses of this team-up in leaked set photos, but this teaser trailer suggests that the fight against Thanos takes place on three primary fronts: in New York City, the traditional center of the Marvel Universe; in Wakanda, homeland of Black Panther; and in the outreaches of space, where Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy are (at least initially). Judging from later footage, we might surmise that New York City is the scene of the 0pening battle, which may not go well for the heroes, leading them to take a stand in Wakanda.

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Peter Parker's Spider-Sense Is Actually Tingling!

Some fans were dismayed that Spider-Man: Homecoming didn't depict the wall-crawler's signature Spider-Sense, that tingling feeling that warns Spider-Man of danger, but it's front and center in the trailer, in a novel way. As Tom Holland's teenage Peter Parker rides the school bus, the hairs on his arm stand up, causing him to look out the out the window at . well, something.

What Is That Enormous Ouroboros-Like Machine?

What draws the attention of Peter Parker, and undoubtedly millions of other New Yorkers, is the enormous mechanical creation resembling an ouroboros floating amid the city's skyscrapers. Whatever it is, it certainly isn't good for New York or for Earth.

It's possible the circle is a portal through which Thanos' forces will arrive on Earth, or else an engine to power something else -- something worse.

Spider-Man's New Costume

Whatever the machine is, Spider-Man aims to stop it, while wearing his new costume. Long teased, and even leaked, it isn't the Iron Spider armor from Marvel Comics that some fans might have expected, at least in appearance. But given that the wall-crawler's previous costume possessed so many features not traditionally associated with the superhero -- artificial intelligence, a reconnaissance drone, etc. -- it's a safe bet this one has a few surprises. Maybe even supplemental mechanical arms.

Whose Side Is Loki On?

The teaser answers one major question, about whether Loki stole the Tesseract in Thor: Ragnarok, but raises another: Whose side is the god of mischief actually on? Besides his own, of course.

He's shown in the footage stepping over bodies -- are they those of the Asgardian refugees? -- to seemingly off up the Tesseract, the containment vessel for the Space Stone. As we later see Thanos add the stone to his Infinity Gauntlet, we might presume this scene takes place in the encounter with Sanctuary II, and Loki is presenting his prize to the Mad Titan or one of the members of his Black Order. If that's the case, was this Loki's game plan all along, to retrieve the Space Stone for his former ally? Or does the trickster have something else up his sleeve?

Thanos Arrives (and He's Ready to Fight)!

After spending years largely behind the scenes, or at least on the sidelines, of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Josh Brolin's Thanos at last takes the field, arriving amid a black cloud, appropriately enough. Although he has the Black Order, and an entire army, backing him up, the teaser trailer demonstrates that Mad Titan is finished just setting around and ordering others to do his bidding. He's ready to get his hands dirty.

And he certainly does in this new footage, where he's shown fighting both Spider-Man and and Iron Man, knocking the latter to the ground with a punch from his Infinity Gauntlet-covered fist. He has a mean left hook.

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'Get This Man a Shield'

No matter whether he goes by Captain America, Nomad or simply Steve Rogers in Avengers: Infinity War, Chris Evans' hero knows how to make an entrance, catching a spear thrown by Proxima Midnight of Thanos' Black Order. However, it's the instructions delivered by Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) that really make this moment: "Evacuate the city," says the king of Wakanda, "engage all defenses, and get this man a shield."

Rogers of course gave up Captain America's iconic shield (and signature weapon) following the events of Captain America: Civil War, which tore the Avengers apart, and pitted him against Tony Stark.

A Feat Suited For a God

There's an undeniable mythological quality -- think Hercules or Samson -- to Chris Hemsworth's standing at the center of this enormous cosmic machine, using all of his Asgardian might to destroy, or at least stop, it. We might assume this is the other end of the portal shown earlier in the sky above New York City, suggesting that Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy may spend a significant portion of Infinity War in deep space, attempting to cut off Thanos' invasion at its source.

Is It Now Called the Thanos-Buster Armor?

Iron Man's Hulkbuster armor introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron makes a return in the Infinity War teaser, first with the glove in the apparent possession of Bruce Banner, and then in this shot. It's shown again later, during the epic Lord of the Rings-style battle in Wakanda, but we may not want to presume it's Tony Stark piloting the suit. Or, heck, maybe we should. But it's an interesting notion that someone else -- someone completely unexpected -- is within.

What Are Those Aliens?

They certainly appear to be Outriders, the insect/humanoid hybrids that served Thanos in Marvel Comics' Infinity crossover, where they were dispatched across the universe to find planets worthy of the Mad Titan's conquest. Apparently Earth met their standards, resulting in hundreds, if not thousands, of the aliens invading Wakanda.

The Vision's Infinity Stone

Lest we forget Thanos' goal is to assemble the Infinity Stones, the trailer depicts the Mind Stone being violently, and painfully, extracted from The Vision (Paul Bettany) by a member of the Black Order. The immediate question is, of course, is what having another of the six Infinity Stones means to Thanos' power, and his plans.

However, we also have to wonder what happens to The Vision once the Mind Stone is removed. After all, it's what granted both Ultron and The Vision sentience, and imbued the latter with his powers. Does he lose abilities, and his spark of humanity, or does he "die"?

Avengers (and Wakandans) Assemble!

It's virtually not to feel a little something when seeing this scene, which not only depicts Captain America and Black Panther leading an alliance of Avengers and Wakandans, but brings us War Machine back in action following his injuries in Civil War.

It's also worth noting that, despite T'Challa command to "get this man a shield," Captain America isn't carrying a shield here -- at least not in a traditional sense. He is, however, wearing some kind of gauntlets, suggesting that Shuri (Letitia Wright) may equip Steve Roger with energy shields, which in Marvel comics are produced from a wristband . or gauntlet.

The Eye Has It

Our first clear look at Chris Hemsworth's god of thunder confirms that, yes, he still bears the wound of his fight with Cate Blanchett's Hela in Thor: Ragnarok. Although the Guardians of the Galaxy might scrounge a high-tech prosthetic, or Doctor Strange might conjure up another eye, for now the might Thor wears a patch, like his late father.

Enter . the Guardians of the Galaxy

Finally, the fan-favorite Guardians of the Galaxy arrive, with Teen Groot in tow . just in time for the teaser to end. We know from the footage screen in July at Comic-Con International that they rescue Thor in space, presumably where he's been floating since the encounter with Thanos' Sanctuary II in the mid-credits scene of Thor: Ragnarok.

Don't interpret their limited screen time in the teaser as a sign that their presence is diminished in Avengers: Infinity War, however. For instance, we know from an earlier tease that Chris Hemsworth was on the Atlanta set at the same time as Robert Downey Jr. and Tom Holland, so it's likely that Star-Lord, Tony Stark and Spider-Man share at least one scene. Plus, Karen Gillan is in the film, yet there's no Nebula in this brief scene. So, yeah, there will definitely be more Guardians.

Directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War stars Robert Downey Jr., Josh Brolin, Mark Ruffalo, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner, Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Olsen, Sebastian Stan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Paul Bettany, Samuel L. Jackson, Cobie Smulders, Benedict Wong, Zoe Saldana, Karen Gillan, Vin Diesel, Dave Bautista, Pom Klementieff, Scarlett Johansson, Tom Holland and Anthony Mackie. The film opens May 4, 2018.

Senior features editor of CBR, Kevin Melrose has covered comics, film, television and culture for the Eisner Award-winning website since 2008. A former newspaper editor and designer, Kevin has also worked in advertising and public relations, and as a nightclub manager and promoter. His writing has also appeared in Comic Foundry, Philadelphia Weekly and Time Inc. Books' Rise of the Superhero, among other publications. He can be found on Twitter at @kevin_melrose, although he seldom tweets, preferring instead to spend his free time researching obscure folklore and raising chickens.

UPDATE: All images removed at the request of the LEGO Group.

The Avengers: Infinity War trailer shows Thanos (Josh Brolin) launching an invasion of Earth on multiple fronts. There are attacks on New York, Wakanda, and wherever Vision (Paul Bettany) and Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) are staying (in real life, it was Scotland). The trailer and D23 Expo footage also highlight a major battle between The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Thanos.

New images of the upcoming LEGO sets have shed additional light on these sequences. They give us a better idea of all the major players involved. That is, of course, if the characters included in the sets match the characters included in the actual scenes, which is not always the case.

Regardless, I’m issuing a spoiler warning just in case these sets are accurate and you don’t want to know anything about these sequences that wasn’t already revealed in the footage released thus far.

Last chance! Walk away now if you don’t want to know…

For those of you still here, let’s begin in New York. The trailer shows us Tony Stark (Robert Downey, Jr.), Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo), Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch), and Wong (Benedict Wong) inside the Sanctum Sanctorum in Greenwich Village, New York when something calls their attention outside. Meanwhile, Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is riding the bus when he sees a huge ring in the sky.

The LEGO set based on this sequence shows Iron Man, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange are battling a pair of the Children of Thanos (known as the Black Order in the comics). The big guy is Cull Obsidian (known as Black Dwarf in the comics) and the other one is Ebony Maw, a character who has the power of influence. Basically, whatever he says, you’ll do, or at least that’s how it works in the source material.

The exclusion of Banner and Wong does not mean they will not fight in this sequence. It is possible, however, that Strange has sent Banner through a portal to Wakanda where he can warn the others.

We know Banner gets to Wakanda somehow, as he appears there in the trailer. There is also Hulkbuster armor in the trailer and no Tony Stark shown in Wakanda, leading many to believe that Banner is piloting it (probably before he Hulks out).

That appears to be the case based on the LEGO set. Banner is there, as is the armor and another hero who fights in the Battle of Wakanda, Falcon (Anthony Mackie). Proxima Midnight is the baddie here, which figures since she is shown attacking Captain America (Chris Evans) in Wakanda in the trailer. The other antagonist is an Outrider. There will be hundreds if not thousands of those in the film, as they are the foot soldiers in Thanos’ army.

Another set includes more characters from (I’d imagine) this same battle. Cap and Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson) are up against a couple Outriders.

Black Panther (Chadwick Boseman) and his sister, Shuri (Letitia Wright) appear in another set that places them somewhere you might not expect based solely on the trailer. We see Vision and Scarlet Witch under attack, but LEGO would have you believe Black Panther and Shuri will come to their aid against attacker Corvus Glaive and an Outrider. Scarlet Witch is not in the set, but Vision and Glaive are, so it’s hard to tell if this is the same location as the trailer or somewhere else.

The next LEGO set goes into space. We see Thor (Chris Hemsworth) with two of the Guardians he meets in the trailer, Rocket (Bradley Cooper) and Groot (Vin Diesel). Thor has his legendary axe, Jarnborn, as we saw in some early Avengers: Infinity War concept art.

Lastly, we have the big battle with Thanos. Only Spider-Man and Iron Man appear in this confrontation in the trailer, but we know from the D23 Expo footage that a number of other heroes are present, including Star-Lord (Chris Pratt) and Doctor Strange. The LEGO set includes Iron Man, Star-Lord, Gamora (Zoe Saldana) Thanos, and an Infinity Gauntlet that appears incomplete, like the one Thanos wears in the trailer.

None of these sets are all that shocking given the footage we’ve all seen, but they do help us map out where we might see the Children of Thanos. For more on those characters, check out this piece I wrote for Modern Myth Media.

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