Lego lord of the rings mocs

Обновлено: 26.04.2024

Серия Лего Властелин колец (Lego lord of the rings), выпущенная в мае 2012 года, создана по мотивам фильмов Питера Джексона, которые в свою очередь основаны на книгах Дж. Р. Р. Толкиена. Первая волна наборов посвящена трилогии фильмов «Братство кольца», «Две башни» и « Возвращение короля». Вторая волна наборов Лего серии Властелин колец будет представлена в декабре 2012 года. Все артикулы будут посвящены новому фильму «Хоббит: Неожиданное путешествие».

История приключений начинается, когда молодой хоббит по имени Фродо Бэггинс наследует кольцо дяди Бильбо. После того, как Бильбо остается жить с эльфами в Ривенделл, Гэндальф Серый объясняет, что кольцо на самом деле является самым мощным оружием. Его создателем был Темный Лорд Саурон. Он наделил Кольцо чудовищной силой. Для того чтобы поработить всех обитателей Средиземья, он создал еще несколько колец и раздал их самым влиятельным правителям. Кольца давали неограниченную власть над пространством и временем. Их обладатели моги проникать в параллельные миры и творить чудеса. Но вместе с этим, они теряли силу и человеческий облик. Вскоре все владельцы колец превратились в Назгулов, вечных служителей кольца из мира теней. Самое главное Кольцо находилось у Саурона. Это было Кольцо Всевластия, с помощью которого он забирал силу носивших другие кольца. Но, спустя время Кольцо Всевластия было утеряно. Сначала оно попало в руки хоббита Голлума и полностью подчинило его себе. Но потом бесследно исчезло. Неизвестно сколько прошло времени прежде, чем оно попало в руки Бильбо. Но именно с этих пор начинаются удивительные приключения бесстрашных хоббитов Фродо, Сэма, Пиппина и Мэрри.

Компания Lego постаралась выделить основные моменты путешествия. К первой книге трилогии «Братство кольца» относятся 3 набора: Прибытие Гэндальфа (9469), Нападение на Везертоп (9472) и Шахты Мории (9473). Они описывают события первых приключений защитников Средиземья.

Гэндельф Серый приезжает в селение хоббитов, чтобы рассказать Фродо о безграничной силе Кольца Всевластия. Он остерегает хоббита о том, что если не уничтожить Кольцо, то оно может вернуть силу некогда побеждённому Лорду Саурону и он поработит всё Средиземье. Гэндальф устраивает фейерверк в деревне хоббитов и показывает несколько трюков с помощью своего посоха. Для точного воспроизведения этого фрагмента фильма в наборе Лего 9496 Прибытие Гэндальфа есть всё необходимое: посох и петарды.

Следующий ключевой момент разыгран в наборе Лего 9472 Нападение на Везертоп. В результате сражения на развалинах крепости Везертоп Фродо был смертельно ранен предводителем Назгулов и находился между жизнью и смертью. Но героям удаётся достичь Ривенделла, где владыка эльфов Элронд исцеляет хоббита.

Завершая повествование первой книги можно отметить набор Лего 9473 Шахты Мории. После того как было принято решение об уничтожении Кольца в жерле вулкана Ородруин, путники отправляются в поход через пещеры Мории. Здесь их поджидают полчища орков и огромный горный Тролль.

Вторая и третья книги практически неразделимы и состоят из четырёх наборов: Кузница орков (9476), Битва за Хельмову Падь (9474), Атака Шелоб (9470) и Армия Урук-хай (9471).

Чтобы познакомить молодых конструкторов с жизнью и тяжёлым трудом орков был создан набор Лего 9476 Кузница орков. Здесь множество орков трудится в подземных кузницах. Они добывают руду и куют мечи и доспехи для непобедимой армии. Так же у них есть тайники для хранения наиболее ценного оружия.

Армия Урук-хай из набора 9471 отличается от обычных орков. Они были созданы волшебником Саруманом. Он использовал генотип человека и орка, в результате чего получились необычайно высокие , сильные и выносливые воины. Их лидером стал генерал Лурц – уникальный Урук-хай, способный думать, анализировать и отдавать приказы.

Главным событием второй книги стала Битва за Хельмову Падь (9474). Объединённые силы эльфов и людей смогли защитить стариков, женщин и детей, укрывшихся в заброшенной крепости. На рассвете прибыл Гэндельф Белый с подкреплением, и армия орков была разбита.

После знакового сражения Фродо и Сэм продвигаются в Мордор. Их невольным проводником становится Голлум. Но находясь под властью Кольца, он решает погубить хоббитов и заманивает их в логово Шелоб. Набор Лего 9470 Атака Шелоб наглядно демонстрирует размеры чудовища и ее смертоносные способности.

В заключение можем сказать, что реализацию наборов Лего на тему "Властелина Колец" многие дети ждали уже порядка 10 лет. В 2001 году вышла в прокат первая часть этой замечательной трилогии. За прошедшее десятилетие молодые поклонники конструкторов Лего возмужали и стали взрослыми людьми. Но мы уверены, что многие захотят вернуться в этот замечательный фантазийный мир, т.к. данной тематике как говорится "все возрасты покорны".

LEGO Lord of the Rings: The Video Game by Traveller's Tales was released on October 30, 2012 for handheld consoles and November 13, 2012 for other platforms.

It was released on Microsoft Windows, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS, Mac OS X, iPhone, and iPad. The Mac OS X version was published by Feral Interactive and was released on February 21, 2013. [1] It was released November 7, 2013 for iOS.

The game takes players through the events of all three movies and is the second LEGO video game to feature fully voiced cutscenes. Though it follows the events of Peter Jackson's film trilogy, many comical twists are added in. It has the largest game environment so far of any LEGO video game, letting players explore an open world map of Middle-earth (though locations are greatly decreased in size). It also has dozens of new features not seen in past LEGO video games. Players can complete side quests, create items to use from mithril, access a large variety of collectible items from the "treasure trove", and there is a variety of characters with unique items possessing special abilities.



The Fellowship of the Ring

  • Prologue - A playable version of the fall of Sauron at the end of the second age and the finding of the One Ring
  • The Black Rider - Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin evade a Nazgûl while Gandalf must defeat Saruman inside Orthanc.
  • Weathertop - The four Hobbits face the Nazgûl on Weathertop, assissted by Aragorn
  • The Mines of Moria - the Fellowship is attacked by Orcs and a Balrog in Moria
  • Amon Hen - Boromir attempts to take the One Ring from Frodo and the Fellowship is broken

The Two Towers

  • Taming Gollum: Frodo and Sam are attacked by Gollum but then Gollum helps them get to Mordor while Gandalf fights the balrog on top of a tower.
  • The Dead Marshes: Frodo, Sam and Gollum are attacked at the swamp by a Nazgûl and then Faramir and his men take the hobbits to Osgiliath.
  • Track Hobbits: Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas look for the hobbits, meet Gandalf, while Merry and Pippin go with the Ents.
  • Warg Attack: Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and Gandalf cure Théoden and then are attacked by Wargs on the way to Helm's Deep.
  • Helm's Deep: The Battle of Helm's Deep.
  • Osgiliath: Frodo, Sam, Gollum, and Faramir fight for Osgiliath while Merry and Pippin battle alongside the Ents at Isengard.

The Return of the King

  • The Secret Stairs: Frodo, Sam, and Gollum go to the Secret Stairs, Frodo sends Sam home, Gollum betrays Frodo.
  • Cirith Ungol: Sam fights Shelob (with Shagrat's assistance), infiltrates Cirith Ungol, and escapes with Frodo.
  • The Paths of the Dead: Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas fight The King of the Dead.
  • The Battle of Pelennor Fields: Gandalf and the West fight evil.
  • The Black Gate: The Host of the West march on The Black Gate.
  • Mount Doom: Frodo and Sam have a final showdown with Gollum. In the end, Gollum falls into the Cracks of Doom and dies, and the One Ring is destroyed, killing Sauron and saving Middle-earth.



Consoles and Windows versions

Story characters

Unlockable characters

    (Second Age) (Normal) (Normal) (Twilight) (Third Age) Orc (Normal) Ranger (Cursed) (Normal) Elf Soldier Orc Soldier (Captain) (Old)

DLC characters

Non-playable characters

    (Green Dress) (Yellow Dress) (Rivendell Clothes) (Young) (Ghost)
  • Captain of the Dead Elf
  • Mumakil Rider
  • Guritz
  • Elven soldier (second age)
  • Witch King (Twilight)
  • Witch King (Hood)
  • Bald Mordor Orc
  • Armored Uruk Hai
  • Sauron (giant)
  • Cave Troll
  • Olog Hai
  • Peter Jackson

Abilities characters may possess

"You have to toss me. Don't tell the elf!"

-Aragorn and Gimli, at the gate of Helms Deep trying to get to the bridge

Small characters (like dwarves and hobbits) can be picked up by tall characters and be thrown to reach places they can't reach. Gimli can be thrown at high up cracked LEGO to smash them.

The eye is the only “rare” piece, you can substitute it with the part listed as spare, just the same piece but without any print.

This design is “inspired by” , but in this brick form it’s the intellectual property of MOMABricks (aka MOMAtteo79). Any resale of these instructions without express permission from MOMABricks (aka MOMAtteo79) is an act of fraud and will result in legal action.

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There is a video for every level detailing all the Treasures, Minikits, and Blacksmith Designs. Free-Roam is done in pictures/text for the Red Bricks, Mithril Bricks, Characters and Quests.

Have fun, and help put meat back on the menu!





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All levels will have two walkthrough videos: the Story video will just be a quick run through. while the Free-Play will be 100% collectibles.

Story videos are on the left and Free-Play videos are on the right.

Every Story/Free-Play level upon completion gives give one Mithril Brick for the following:

    True Adventurer: (Collecting enough studs to fill the top meter to max)

  1. Mithril Music Boots

  • Aragorn (Gondor Armour)
  • Pippin (Gondor Armour)

2. Pull the hook with the rope, then give him the Stop Wand you found in Amon Hen: Story/Freeplay to receive one Mithril Brick.

3. Go around the houses and shoot both targets. Jump along the bars and ropes to receive one Mithril Brick.

4. Shoot the target with a bow, and give her the House Key you found in The Mines of Moria to receive one Mithril Brick.

6. Blow up the padlock, and give her the Golden Carrot you found in Battle of Pelennor Fields. You will receive one Mithril Brick.

11. Break the padlock and give him the Mithril Rope you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Amon Hen) to receive one Red Brick (Poo Studs), which you can buy for 25,000 studs.

*Despite what the Map Stone says, there are actually only 4 Side Quests and 2 Bricks in Bree. The other quest and brick are located in Weathertop, so that's where they will be posted.

2. Give him the Soup Pot you found in The Black Rider, and he will give you a Mithril Brick in return.

3. Give him the Fancy Umbrella you found in The Dead Marshes: Story/Freeplay, and he will reward you with a Mithril Brick.

6. In between the Prancing Pony and the gate, you'll find a hobbit tunnel. Crawl through it to receive one Mithril Brick.

7. From doing the story missions you'll automatically receive the Mithril Trowel and unlock the Red Brick (Quest Finder) that costs 50,000 studs.

7. Blow up the padlock, and give him the Mithril Boxing Gloves you forged (from the Blacksmith Design acquired in Osgiliath: Story/Freeplay) and he will give you one Red Brick (Mithril Brick Finder) that costs 75,000 studs.

8. Break the tile by the lake, then fish to receive a key. Jump along the boards to get to a cave, then open the door with the key. Break the chest to receive one Mithril Brick.

9. Push the pillar to the empty slot, then jump up the pillars. Break the chest to receive a Mithril Brick.

11. Jump and grab the rail against the chimney, then climb up to the wooden platforms. Walk along the platforms and ropes until you reach the Mithril Brick.

15. Give him the Mushroom Crown you found in The Black Rider, and he will give you one Mithril Brick. You can also get the Return of the Mushroom King Achievement[/i] by equipping Aragorn with it.[/h1]

2. Throw a dwarf at the cracked wall, then plant a seed. Jump off the plant to reach the Mithril Brick.

3. Use a strong character to open the door to the crypt. In the first room, jump up with the rails, then grab the vine and swing-jump towards the Mithril Brick.

4. Give him the Mithril Stud Mallet you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design in the Dead Marshes: Story/Freeplay) and you will receive one Red Brick (Minikit Detector) that costs 50,000 Studs.

7. Break the cracked tile in the floor, and defeat all scorpions within the time limit to receive a Mithril Brick.

9. Dig up the key in the marshes, then use it with the chest behind some breakable stones to receive a Mithril Brick.

14. From the nearby jetty, obtain a crank from fishing and use it on the lever to obtain a Mithril Brick.

15. In Trollshaws, either find a water source for your bucket or use the Mithril Bottomless Bucket, and extinguish the fire. Use the Phial to enter and receive a Mithril Brick.

16. Blow up the mithril blocking the entrance, and give him the Mithril Ice Bow that you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Cirith Ungol). He will then give you a Red Brick (Regenerate Hearts) that costs 100,000 Studs.

17. Use the rope on the hook, the shoot the target. Jump and break the tile in the middle of the lake, then shoot the holes with your bow. Swing-jump from the bars and walk across the vine, then drop down to receive a Mithril Brick.

18. While following a trail, head past Trollshaws and into a cave. The Mithril Brick is beside the campfires and places to dig.

3. Throw Gimli at the cracked wall, and shoot the target inside. Jump up the newly formed stairs, and receive a Mithril Brick.

5. Push the pillar to the hobbit tunnel, and go through. Give him the Quill you found from Weathertop: Story/Freeplay, and he'll reward you with a Mithril Brick.

6. Use a wizard to arrange stairs, and jump up top. Run to the left and when you see a railing behind pillars, jump down to receive a Blacksmith Design for Mithril Spring Boots.

7. Use a wizard to arrange stairs, and jump up top. Give him the Luminous Stone you found in The Pass of Caradhras: Story/Freeplay, and he'll reward you with a Mithril Brick.

8. A very easy (and fast) way to get up is to use Legolas. Stand on the left half of the wooden (unraised) bridge, and double jump to the right half of the bridge. Just before you drop, hit the attack button and you get an extra bit of lift, enabling you to safely reach the other side. Climb up the hanging rope, and you'll be able to buy Elrond (Third Age) for 200,000 studs.

10. Jump between the platforms on the water, then walk on the rail. Give her the Mithril Gloves you forged (after acquiring the Blacksmith Design from Warg Attack) and she will reward you with a Red Brick (Studs x2) that costs 250,000 studs.

12. Break the cracked tile, then shoot the two targets. Walk past the newly formed bridge, and break the chest to receive a Mithril Brick.

14. Use the rope with the hook, and climb up to the top of the tower. Use an Elf and keep going until you reach the bars. Swing-jump to reach the Mithril Brick.

15. Go inside the cave behind the waterfall, and use Gollum/Mithril Climbing Boots to reach the top. Plant a seed and head outside. Jump off the plant, and break the cracked tile with your axe to receive a Mithril Brick.

16. Easily the most annoying Mithril Brick to acquire in the whole game; mainly due to aiming at the Mithril Brick at the end. The best strategy is to use an Elf and wear Mithril Climbing Boots, then jump to the rope. Walk across, then swing-jump until you reach the rope. Try to correctly angle with the Mithril Brick, and jump to (hopefully) acquire it.

Hobbiton by Animato Studios. Click on the image for the detailed video.

All these lockdowns and curfews and social distancing lead me to re-watching some of my favorite movies. The Lord of the Rings were on top of that list. After about 12 hours of Hobbits and wizards and elves, I started thinking about another favorite pastime of mine: LEGO. I realized I don’t know much about the LEGO The Lord of the Rings sets, and even less about the beautiful MOCs fans make. So, I decided to get back in the writing game and share my thoughts with you.

To be honest, after re-watching the movies, the first thing that came to my mind is how little love The Lord of the Rings got from LEGO. According to Bricklink, there are 15 LotR sets. However, if you take out the polybags, which don’t really add much save the minifigures, we are left with 12. Of these 12, only a handful of them, in my opinion, are enough to start creating your own Middle Earth. Sure, we have Gandalf with his cart, which is nice, and a horrifying Shelob build, but neither give the sense of place. They can only be used as accessories. The Battle of Helm’s Deep (set 9474), or The Tower of Orthanc (set 10237) are much more suitable as starter kits.

But before we get into all that, there’s something else I want to talk about.

LEGO Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings

The minute after the last film ended, I found myself thinking about the Harry Potter books, and how LEGO continued to make more sets and minifigures on them. I mean, look at the first Harry Potter minifigures for goodness’ sake! Could they BE any more primitive? Still, LEGO kept making more sets, more minifigures, and every minifigure was better than the ones before. Different characters were added each time, and existing ones got more detail. I think it’s safe to say that in a few years, we’ll have every version of Harry, Ron and Hermione from the films – if we don’t already!

Images from Brickset and Bricklink

So why didn’t they do the same thing for the Lord of the Rings? If it’s a matter of copyright, fine, then there’s not much to say. But I got curious, and I asked Google if LEGO will make more the Lord of the Rings sets. Do you know the first entry I saw? “No.” It was from a Reddit user, and it went on like this: “If LEGO sees a market for new LOTR or Harry Potter sets, they will release new sets.” Since we all know Harry Potter sets are being released almost every year now, they probably see the market for them. But why is the Lord of the Rings different? Does it not have a huge fan base as well? I doubt that.

Of course, when it comes to LEGO, you’re never limited by the sets. There are a number of beautiful the Lord of the Rings MOCs out there.

LEGO The Lord of the Rings Skylines

I thought I’d start with something more general, and relatively smaller in scale. Remember the Skyline series of the LEGO Architecture theme? Well, here are a few Middle Earth Skylines for you.

This first one is by Matteo M. I found him through Flickr, but he also has an Instagram page and sells the instructions of his creations on Rebrickable. His MOCs are definitely worth checking out, with Skylines from the Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter, Avengers to Indiana Jones, and many, many other cool designs.

The next one on the Skylines list is Ben, or benbuildslego. Like Matteo, he also displays his creations on both Flickr and Instagram, and sells the instructions on Rebrickable.

Ben separated the three films and designed a skyline for each. The first one features the Shire, Bree, Weathertop, Ford of Bruinen, Rivendell, Moria (which is behind Rivendell), the Doors of Durin, and the Gates of Argonath. The second one has Edoras, Fangorn Forest, Isengard, the Dead Marshes, and Helm’s Deep. The third consists of Minas Tirith, the Black Gate, Barad-dur, the Tower of Cirith Ungol and Mount Doom. Detailed images can be found both on his social media pages and on Eurobricks.

lego lord of the rings skyline

Slightly Larger MOCs

These, like the Skylines, have the potential to be turned into relatively affordable sets. First, we have the Council of Elrond by Paul Trach. Now, I know that there’s already an official set with the same name, but let’s face it, Paul did a much better job here.

lego lord of the rings council of elrond

I’ll admit, including all the main characters of the theme in one set may not be so good for marketing and sales, but even if you stick to the figures in the official set (Elrond, Arwen, Frodo and Gimli), the atmosphere he created is so much better than the 242-piece set we got from LEGO. And having Sam, Merry and Pippin hiding is a beautiful little detail. You can find more images of this MOC in Paul’s Flickr page.

Next in line is Leonard von Wolcker with the memorable scene with Arwen, Ringwraiths, and the river. While this isn’t exactly a starting point for a build of Middle Earth, I think it’s a nice detail to have. Think of it as the Expecto Patronum set (75945). A few key figures, a few landscape elements, and (unlike the mentioned set) quite a beautiful build.

Leonard also has a Weathertop MOC on his Flickr page.

Speaking of scenes including the Ringwraiths… why not have a Nazgul Fellbeast as well? We have been seeing more and more Ninjago dragons lately, so if LEGO ever decides to make more LotR sets, a Fellbeast would be perfect, since they appear throughout the films.

This Fellbeast is made by Adam Purves. It seems it took him a few tries to get it right, but I’d say the end product is magnificent. This would make a great addition to many Middle Earth setups, and a beautiful display piece on its own.

lego lord of the rings nazgul fellbeast

Adam has a Barad-Dur MOC on his Flickr page, where he mentions the design belongs to Anduin1710. You should definitely check out his gallery to see some more awesomeness. Here’s a little (!) sneak peek for you!

lego lord of the rings rivendell ldd

Ultimate Collector Series

As I was searching for LotR MOCs, and trying to pick some to talk about here, I came across a build called The Black Rider. It was displaying the scene where the Hobbits hide from the Rider, before Merry and Pippin knew anything. I thought “Hey, that’s a nice little build. You can really feel the atmosphere of the scene.” I wondered if the creator has made any other MOCs, so I clicked on his profile…

And that’s when I was left speechless. Not only he made other MOCs, but they were huge! You could create the whole Middle Earth with them. Well, if you have a spare room big enough, of course, and the cash to get the parts.

According to his Patreon page, Alex (or LegoMocLoc) is an architect. I can only imagine how many hours he spent on creating each and every one of these builds. Here are a few of my favorites, but make sure you visit his Instagram and Rebrickable pages to see more of his wonderful creations.

Some of these are among the smaller builds, mind you!

Seriously, if I had any say in it, I would make a LotR department and make this guy the head designer!

While the above creations are digital, the user norlego created some parts of Middle Earth in physical form. Below is the Gate of Edoras. There are many more in his Flickr page, including a huge build of Bree and Buckleberry Ferry, a collaboration between him and Northern LEGO.

lego lord of the rings edoras

The ULTIMATE Ultimate Builds!

You may have heard of Alice Finch, the super talented lady who built the minifigure-scaled Hogwarts Castle. Well, she also built Rivendell in collaboration with David Frank. Below is the overall image of their build, but please visit her Flickr page for some incredible details.

lego lord of the rings rivendell

Next, we have Koen Zwanenburg with his beautiful creation of Minas Tirith. Even though the build is in microscale, it consists of 11,500 pieces and took Koen six months to finish. You can find more images on his Flickr page, as well as his Tower of Barad-Dur build.

And last, but definitely not the least, where everything started: Hobbiton. This particular build is a collaboration between Jake Hansen and Cole Blood. Make sure you check their Flickr pages to see some detailed images.

lego lord of the rings hobbiton

Wrapping up

As you can see, there is a lot of potential here, should LEGO ever decide to build more sets. New characters can be added, like Faramir and Eowyn, and existing ones can be re-designed. While they are already pretty detailed, there’s always room for improvement, right?

So, what do you think about this? Should LEGO make more the Lord of the Rings sets? Do you think they would have a market? And what about the existing MOCs spread across the web? Which designs/designers are you favorites? Let me know in the comments!

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