Lego marvel super heroes 3ds

Обновлено: 06.05.2024

Объявлен общий сбор! Пластмассовые герои и злодеи объединяются в борьбе за обладание невиданной силой родом из космоса. Кто победит в этом противостоянии? Да какая разница! Главное, что будет весело. Простенько, знакомо, но все равно весело

Жанр Экшен/Приключения
Издатель Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Издатель в СНГ «1С-СофтКлаб»
Разработчик Traveller’s Tales
Минимальные требования Процессор Intel Pentium 4 2,4 ГГц/AMD Athlon 64 2800+ 1,8 ГГц, 1 Гбайт RAM, видеокарта с поддержкой DirectX 9 и 256 Мбайт памяти, например NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900XT/AMD Radeon X1300, 8 Гбайт свободного места на жестком диске, интернет-соединение и учетная запись Steam
Рекомендуемые требования Процессор Intel Core 2 Duo 2,4 ГГц/AMD 64 X2 Dual Core 5200+ 2,6 ГГц, 2 Гбайт RAM, видеокарта с 512 Мбайт памяти, например NVIDIA GeForce 9800GT/AMD Radeon HD 2900 XT
Дата выхода 15 ноября 2013 года
Возрастной ценз от 7 лет
Платформы PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Nintendo DS, Nintendo 3DS
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В наше время модно ругаться, когда киношная, игровая или любая другая серия попадает на конвейер. Брюзжания эти, если честно, уже слегка надоели: «Каждый год новая Call of Duty! Уже ничего придумать не могут! «Хитмана» испоганят! Assassin’s Creed недолго осталось! Batman тот же самый!» — и все в таком духе. Посмотрите вот на серию LEGO от студии Traveller's Tales — это пример почти идеального конвейера. Вдумайтесь: восемнадцать (!) полноценных игр за восемь лет — и ничего, любим, как в первый раз.

В самом деле, обвинять LEGO Marvel Super Heroes в том, что она как две капли воды похожа на своих старших сестер, как-то ну совсем глупо и неудобно. В рамках формата развеселого пародийного балагана взятая разработчиками еще в 2005 году игровая механика прекрасно себя чувствует и сегодня. Единственным серьезным «инноватором» в серии стала прошлогодняя LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes, в которой милые квадратные человечки научились разговаривать, устраивая разборки в открытом для исследования мире. С той поры обе эти особенности стали неотъемлемыми атрибутами любой новой LEGO-игры студии.

При этом такая унифицированная механика отлично укладывается в любую вселенную, обыгрываемую в проектах Traveller's Tales. Смотреть, с каким изяществом британские кудесники берут популярные медийные франшизы и переворачивают их с ног на голову, неизменно весело раз от раза. В этом плане даже удивительно, что до тематики комиксов Marvel разработчики добрались только сейчас. Зато добравшись, они развернулись на полную катушку.

Не шути с агентом Колсоном!

Чтобы хоть как-то обосновать творящийся на экране игрушечный беспредел, была придумана история о разбитой доске Серебряного Серфера, осколки которой — «космические блоки» — даруют обладателю поистине невероятную мощь. Заполучить ее вознамерился Доктор Дум, для чего собрал целую ораву самых отъявленных злодеев и послал их эти самые блоки добывать. Естественно, команда «правильных» героев под началом рассекающего на своем летающем авианосце Ника Фьюри просто так это оставить не может. И да начнется веселье!

Развязав себе руки, разработчики запихнули в игру, кажется, чуть ли не всех мало-мальски известных героев и злодеев, когда-либо мелькавших на страницах комиксов Marvel. Мстители, люди-икс, Братство мутантов, Фантастическая Четверка, Щ.И.Т. — кого ни назови, скорее всего, они здесь есть. Всего в LEGO Marvel Super Heroes больше сотни играбельных персонажей, каждый со своими способностями и зачастую несколькими вариантами облика. Как водится, сюжетная кампания открывает лишь малую их часть, а остальных придется разблокировать самостоятельно, выполняя необязательные задания во время вольных прогулок по Манхэттену. Плюс некоторые герои появляются в многочисленных камео. Так, например, Капитан Британия грустно топчется на перекрестке, опечаленный потерей своей «стопроцентно британской» машины, а Блэйд ждет не дождется, когда кто-нибудь согласится погонять с ним. Ну и куда же продукт с логотипом Marvel на упаковке без Стэна Ли? На каждом уровне известный сценарист оказывается в какой-нибудь беде — и кто-нибудь из добродушных героев его спасает.

В специальном отсеке на борту вертоносца Щ.И.Т.а можно вылепить героя на свой вкус. Варианты могут получаться самые безумные

Фан-сервис — плоть и кровь игр серии LEGO. Когда кривое управление уже натурально бесит, когда бездумный «фарминг» деталек (местной валюты) уже стоит поперек горла, а однообразные побочные задания приелись (а такой момент рано или поздно обязательно наступает), именно фан-сервис становится тем стимулом, который не дает бросить все и заставляет играть дальше. Воссоздав любимую вселенную в конструкторе, разработчики, как и много раз до этого, от души наполнили ее юмором, приколами и позитивом. Ужимки героев, их перебранки и подколки, забавные ситуации, в которые они попадают, — от всего этого улыбка появляется легко и непринужденно. Лично автора этой статьи особенно развеселил стеб над Человеком-Пауком, который постоянно жалуется взрослым героям на свою тяжкую жизнь: мол, у него не хватает времени помыть посуду, сделать уроки и погулять с девушкой. Вообще, едва втянувшись, уже с нетерпением ждешь, что же будет дальше, кто появится следующим, куда еще занесет нас погоня за блоками. Затягивает не по-детски.

В целом LEGO Marvel Super Heroes остается верной принципам серии. Это веселая аркада, которая будет интересна в первую очередь не столько детям (хотя они тоже определенно будут довольны), сколько поклонникам супергероев Marvel. Если не зацикливаться на однообразном игровом процессе, а просто наслаждаться разудалым представлением забавных человечков в пластмассовых декорациях, удовольствие гарантировано. Остается только один вопрос: какая же вселенная в следующий раз подвергнется «LEGO'изации»? Свои предположения можете оставлять в комментариях.

С тех пор, как в LEGO-играх появилась осмысленная речь, локализаторы предпочитают её не трогать, переводя на русский лишь текстовую часть. В иной ситуации мы бы только спасибо им за это сказали, но именно здесь русского озвучения не хватает. Западные актеры особым артистизмом не отличаются, поэтому не было совершенно никакого риска «испортить атмосферу» — а ощущения были бы приятнее, да и детям играть было бы проще.

Обидно, что текстовая часть не лишена изъянов. Переведено все, в принципе, грамотно, но не понятно решение отображать абсолютно все субтитры одним здоровенным рубленым белым шрифтом. Строки лезут друг на друга, сливаются и заслоняют обзор. Выглядит это неудобочитаемо и попросту грустно.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Universe in Peril Image

This is a strong portable game well-suited for consumption in short bursts, but with plenty of content and a possibly-addicting design. It should satisfy both LEGO and Marvel fans who never want their favorite franchises farther away than their pockets.

In all, the technical problems of LEGO Marvel Super Heroes really make it difficult to recommend, although there’s no dearth of content. You just have to be willing to put up with a lot to enjoy it.

Long load times, ugly cinematics, and finicky touch controls aside, the fun mission structure and engaging gameplay makes this one worth picking up for anyone seeking big fun in small bursts.

The portable counterpart to LEGO Marvel Superheroes is a lot les 'Super'. Levels are short and bland, the cut-scenes are in horrible quality and the gameplay just isn't that much fun when the whole game lacks the polish and quality that the console-version has.

Such a let-down, and flawed in almost every aspect that made the full version so special. The stages themselves are fun, as expected, because they're capturing the only aspect of TT's fantastic LEGO games: the gameplay. This is a perfect example as to why people are dubious over handheld ports of titles. These butchered remains of fantastic games are an unnecessary addition for fans of the full version, and unworthy examples for those without the console edition. Avoid.

User Reviews

I'm a big fan of the LEGO games and Marvel so I was very excited to play the crossover game of the two. The game play, is awesome without a I'm a big fan of the LEGO games and Marvel so I was very excited to play the crossover game of the two. The game play, is awesome without a doubt, being able to unlock heroes and villains (a huge win for a Loki fan-girl like me) and exploring more then just the Avengers. There's plenty of levels and the in-level challenges we see in many LEGO games aren't lacking in number. The only issues I see, though, is the voice actors aren't the same as the movie actors, the voices sounding like bad impressions throughout (with some exceptions, but it's to the ears of the beholder) and the cut-scenes are blurry. There isn't a straight-up tutorial, but with over 150 characters each with different abilities and weapons i can see why but there isn't a pop-up screen to show you controls. You figure it out as you go (I still can't figure out how to block. ). Overall, I love the game despite it's minor setbacks and it grasps the humor of the Marvel world. … Expand

Yes, the handheld version for this game has a completely different feel from the console version, its for the better. The console version is a Yes, the handheld version for this game has a completely different feel from the console version, its for the better. The console version is a mediocre puzzle experience with tons of characters that you might not care about. The 3DS version has less characters, but the same amount of stages, but to a lesser extent. The first thing i want to talk about is the sound, one of the first things you notice about it, and its terrible. It literally sounds like the sounds were ripped from a regular DS game. One thing that the "universe in peril" version does that the console version does not, is that it displays missions for you when the level is loading, and you can pause the game to see how to do those missions. Each level is short, depending on how you play it. But it is significantly shorter than the console version. One gameplay mechanic they removed in the handheld version, is the ability to jump. That means you will not be facing any asinine platforming mechanics. Another thing they added in the handheld is when you die. you actually die. Not exploding into studs and re-spawning, actually dying. So you could say its harder than the handheld version, but its a lot better. If you want to try this game, there is a free demo on the 3DS e-shop, wiiU, PS3, PC, gameboy advances, apple 1s, cardboard boxes, and every other platform to exist. … Expand

This is not as good as the console versions. It is easier and has a bunch of characters but it doesn't feel like a Lego game compared to This is not as good as the console versions. It is easier and has a bunch of characters but it doesn't feel like a Lego game compared to others. The levels are better than usual, it is also a Marvel related of course, and I loved that about it. It is just that the game wasn't amazing. … Expand

I honestly hope this game is better on the consoles. Lego, when it aint broke, don't fix it. They did exactly the opposite. What I loved about I honestly hope this game is better on the consoles. Lego, when it aint broke, don't fix it. They did exactly the opposite. What I loved about the previous lego games (aside from Lego Batman 2) The game was the same on DS and the consoles, they didn't dumb it down at all. Well they did this time. Free roam? No. Not only do you not get to explore New York City's Marvel twin, but you don't get to explore anywhere. This game can still be fun though and is a time wasster, but it is very flawed. If you were planning to buy the 3DS version, don't. I'm sure the PS3 and XBox 360 versions are much better. … Expand

Wow. i remember this game.
I bought this game for my 3ds when I was a little kid, and yet didn't know that 3ds version of LMSH was this bad. Wow. i remember this game.
I bought this game for my 3ds when I was a little kid, and yet didn't know that 3ds version of LMSH was this bad.
The game changes completely, with some horrible boss fights and gameplay.
Yet, the game isn't extremely bad.
But since it was extremely decepcionating, i give this a game a 3 out of 10.
This is the worse game i ever played. … Expand

Considering this a lego game is just unfortunate. The Wii U version is excellent, and it blows my mind that the 3ds version is this bad. Lego Considering this a lego game is just unfortunate. The Wii U version is excellent, and it blows my mind that the 3ds version is this bad. Lego Batman 2 on 3ds is excellent because it feels like a lego game minus the open world, but instead, with this game it is linear, you have one life, in a lego game. The game is really challenging, which sucks because while I like difficult games, I don't want one of those to be poorly made with instant death everywhere in a lego game for kids, some missions have a little bit of enjoyment, but this game is just bad in my eyes. I'm giving this a 2/10 because I had a little bit of fun with the first 2 levels, and for 3DS this game looks pretty good but other than that this game is miserable. i never want to see a lego game in this style ever again. … Expand

If you love Lego games avoid this at all costs!

Travellers Tales have taken the great Lego formula and completely broken it, out go the big If you love Lego games avoid this at all costs!

Travellers Tales have taken the great Lego formula and completely broken it, out go the big levels, multiple character switching and the ability to jump in comes instant death and the frustration of playing levels over and over.

Having lots of re-doing levels (instant death or to re-collect gold bricks) and lots of shoddy cut scenes has been added to counteract the lack of real in game content and try and make the game seem longer than it is.

I think Travellers Tales thought this game would sell on the LEGO Marvel Superheroes name and quality of past games, so didn't need to put in any real effort.

A boring and poor addition to the LEGO stable of games.

Try one of the older Lego games instead and save yourself some money. … Expand

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes Image

Like some work of over-stimulated fanfiction with a Tony Stark-size budget, this plays out with all the excess, in-jokes and idiocy that entails. Wonderful.

Marvel Super Heroes is the latest, possibly greatest, in the revered LEGO games franchise. The Wii U's exclusive benefit of each player having their own screen is a big deal, but this is a fun game regardless of the platform you play it on.

The LEGO series sticks to its formula of accessible puzzles, gags and simple gameplay mechanics. While this coherence is overall positive, it’s not improving where it should. Nonetheless, the overwhelming presence of the Marvel universe and the amount of unlockable content are well enough for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes to please the fans of both the comic and the game series alike.

If you have kids and they love any of the Marvel superheroes, I could definitely recommend this game to them. Otherwise, you can le’go of any hope that this game could be enjoyable.

User Reviews

While playing Lego Marvel Superheroes 2, I was fondly reminded of just how fantastic this entry in the Lego series is. I have played almost While playing Lego Marvel Superheroes 2, I was fondly reminded of just how fantastic this entry in the Lego series is. I have played almost all the entries in the Lego series since the DS and none of them created a game experience quite like this. My absolute favorite thing is just the massive scale of the open world. There's nothing quite like it, even in games like Skyrim or GTAV. The amount of collectables there are is insane and it doesn't feel tedious until you've done most of them. There are a huge amount of characters, vehicles and more. The developers even created things in the environment to interact with to make the game even better, like passing trains you can ride, NPC's spouting random dialogue to you and more. The level of enjoyment I got from playing this game was very high. The story missions gave us a more interesting storyline than previous entries which led me to find myself actually involved in the story. The vast amount of abilities you can use is comparable with other Lego games, but does not lack in the slightest. One thing that makes this game even better on Wii-U than any other platform is definitely the fact that one person can play on the TV while one is on the gamepad. This can make for some fun matches of hide-and-seek in the massive Manhattan setting that you just won't get on the PS4. Aside from this, the dialogue is hilarious both in story and free-roam. Also, the soundtrack that plays while you are in the open world is simple, catchy and enjoyable to listen to. Some cheat codes also unlock quirky modifications to appearance and gameplay that can be enjoyable. The only con I would have to give this game is the amount of bugs you'll find scattered in certain levels, but this doesn't render the game unplayable, as it often is just funny to watch. I have put countless hours into this game and still never explored everything or completed every collectable. I highly recommend this masterpiece of a game; despite being marketed to kids, I think adults like myself will find it just as enjoyable. … Expand

Lego Marvel Superheroes is the best entry in the Lego series, and for good reason. The graphics look very next-gen, the characters all have Lego Marvel Superheroes is the best entry in the Lego series, and for good reason. The graphics look very next-gen, the characters all have cool abilities, and the levels are all very fun. My favorite part of this game isn't actually the levels, but instead just goofing off and destroying stuff around the city, using the many vehicles provided. A must-have for Marvel fans or Lego fans. … Expand

great game. I usually don't like Lego games, but being a Marvel fan I gave it a try. gameplay is good, difficult is well set and the story is great game. I usually don't like Lego games, but being a Marvel fan I gave it a try. gameplay is good, difficult is well set and the story is really funny. the best thing is the open world map. you'll spend a lot of time swinging around like Spidey. btw, tons of characters with cool powers. best Marvel game so far! … Expand

Travelers tales offers up a fantastic LEGO game that appeals to LEGO and Marvel fans, both young and old.

The game has a fascinating and Travelers tales offers up a fantastic LEGO game that appeals to LEGO and Marvel fans, both young and old.

The game has a fascinating and captivating plot, especially for game aimed at young audiences. It has an authentic Marvel feel to it, while still remaining humorous. I enjoyed it immensely.

The gameplay is typical for a LEGO game. It gets buton mashy, but powers such as laser vision or flight help break that. The bosses are fun, albeit simple. I greatly enjoyed the many embodiments encountered through the game, from Island M to Castle Doom. One disappointment was, despite the many big-figs they're all generic copies.

Voice acting may come as a disappointment to some. After becoming used to Downey Jr providing Iron Man's voice, it is jarring to hear someone else do it. However, Coulson retains his voice and Stan Lee cameos.

Graphics look wonderful, and far prettier then in LEGO Batman 2. The gameplay takes place during the day, allowing you to see the world's many colors clearly.

This game also encourages co-op and with a huge open world there is plenty to do. I can spend hours simply wandering through LEGO New York City. Many sidequests are available, and with 150+ characters you'll be coming back for more.

This is a great family game for both parent and child alike! I would definitely recommend this game. … Expand

It's not really my thing, but my nine-year-old son has played this game more than any other in the past year, including Minecraft and other It's not really my thing, but my nine-year-old son has played this game more than any other in the past year, including Minecraft and other favourites. Incredible replayability. … Expand

This review contains spoilers , click expand to view . I love this game, but have to confess that I seen a lot of glitches already. That aside, TT improved the open world format tons between Batman 2 and Lego City. Marvel Super Heros refines it even a tiny bit more by removing the scanner aspect which was frustrating because you have to get up and turn around at times. Another criticism is that the 2nd chapter of LMSH was a bit of a re-hash of Lego City, but that's understandable because only Wii u owners have seen Lego city. Some of the other chapters I have played have been a lot more fresh, and enjoyable. The characters I've played so far have each added to the fun. I like this lineup of characters so much better than Lego City which had wayyy too many generic characters that looked different, but didn't have enough personality to justify their existence. The humor is good in this game as well. Loved seeing Abomination sleeping with a Teddy, and when Magneto dismantles Iron Man's armor there's Stark in boxers with big red hearts. Good stuff.

I will say I think there is a really good reason to want to play this game on Wii u vs other consoles. I'm not a big fan of the Game Pad, but I love one aspect of it. No split screen!! The split screen makes me insane in 2 player mode. I prefer to play on the Gamepad while my son watches the TV, and never do we need to watch the screen split then fuse back together. It's heaven. … Expand

I've always seen Lego video games as inoffensive little diversions that didn't really deserve my attention in a big way. Last year, everything I've always seen Lego video games as inoffensive little diversions that didn't really deserve my attention in a big way. Last year, everything changed when I played the fantastic Wii U exclusive Lego City Undercover, which is not only the epitome of the Lego series in my opinion, but also one of my favorite titles on the console's entire library. Of course, this also means that Undercover will forever be a point of comparison for newer Lego games I play in, and in the case of Marvel Super Heroes, the comparison isn't flattering.

The game's general structure is pretty much what you'd expect from a Lego game: it features loads of possible characters for you to unlock and play as, in this case, heroes and villains in the Marvel universe. Each character brings their own skillset to the table, allowing you to overcome challenges and solve puzzles. The traditionally tongue-in-cheek approach to storytelling is also present, and in this particular case it's a bit hit-or-miss. It did help me get into the "superhero" vibe, since, given the conceptual absurdity of costumed vigilantes combating crime, I tend to cringe a bit at all the grittiness and seriousness that permeate the genre these days. (Except for Batman. Batman is awesome.)

Like Undercover, Lego Marvel Super Heroes features an open world (in this case, a Lego version of New York City), but there are key differences. For starters, while in Undercover you were free to wander around from the get-go, LMSH tasks you with completing several mundane story quests (more on those later) before you get to the exploration part. And when the exploration finally comes, it suffers from poor pacing choices: you can simply become Iron Man and fly over almost the entire city the first time you ever set foot on it. This took away the sense of mystery and wonder I felt in Lego City, where protagonist Chase McCain's limited early exploration skillset kept me guessing about all those initially inaccessible rooftops and hidden spots.

The city itself is populated by citizens in need, who the heroes have to help in order to unlock collectibles. Most of these are merely fetch quests, however, resulting in boring gameplay. Other points of interest are the many unlockable characters and vehicles scattered around New York, often needing a specific hero's power to reach. Given that you're not free to change between heroes at will, it becomes hard to bother with going back to a changing spot, getting into a new skin, then going all the way back to the item to claim it. Overall, collectibles are handled in a quite unexciting way, which is a further blow to the game's exploration aspect.

Story missions, of course, are the other main part of the game, and here things go completely awry. They are boring, buggy, unimaginative romps through famous Marvel locations, featuring some extremely forced puzzle solutions. During one of the early missions, for example, I had to get the Hulk to the top of a small building. There was a platform that looked like an elevator (with the generic futurist design of every gadget, you're never sure), so I stood on it; nothing happened. I proceeded to scour the place for more hints on what I had to do, coming back to the elevator a few more times, all to no avail. When I was about to give up, I went back to the elevator one final time, stood on it again, and voilà: now it worked, just because. Thing is, the game has terrible prompt detection, resulting in situations like this one, or the many times it asked me to hit a button to activate a setting-based ability, only to prompt an entirely different ability when I did so.

On the plus side, Lego Marvel Super Heroes does offer a load of content, and this should be enough to keep you entertained for a long time if you can overlook the game's missteps. I openly admit I'm not the biggest super hero enthusiast in the block, but I'd be more than willing to dedicate long hours to this game if it weren't for all the bugs and poor level design. As is, this is a title better suited for die-hard Marvel fans or less demanding gamers.

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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes cover.jpg



В поисках следующей жертвы Серебряный сёрфер попадает в ловушку Доктора Дума, и обломки его доски теряются на Земле в виде космических кирпичиков. Ник Фьюри призывает героев планеты, чтобы разыскать обломки, прежде чем Дум сможет использовать их для создания супероружия. Альянс злодеев отвлекает героев достаточно долго, чтобы Дум завершил строительство, но в последний момент Локи крадёт оружие и подчиняет себе Галактуса. Герои и злодеи объединяются и дают бой пожирателю миров, а Сёрфер обещает увести его подальше от Земли. В сцене после титров на планету прибывают Стражи Галактики и предупреждают о грядущей опасности.


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes следует стандартному шаблону игр от TT Games, закрепившемуся с выхода LEGO Batman 2: DC Super Heroes. Вначале игроку требуется завершить несколько основных сюжетных уровней, к которым впоследствии возможно вернуться в режиме свободной игры. На каждом уровне спрятано по 10 мининаборов, по нахождении открывающих доступ к виртуальному комиксу. Красные бонусные кирпичики в игре принадлежат Дэдпулу, продающему их в своём отсеке домашней локации. Роль незадачливого гражданина исполняет Стэн Ли, которого необходимо отыскать на уровнях 50 раз, чтобы получить его в коллекцию персонажей.

Между персонажами распределён ряд традиционных способностей, в том числе полёт, разрушение серебряных блоков взрывчаткой, плавление золотых кубиков тепловыми лучами и трансформации в другие версии героев. Популярные персонажи комиксов Marvel вызвали расширение списка такими силами, как особое чутьё Человека-паука, позволяющее отыскать дорогу вперёд, и неуязвимость Росомахи, превращающее его в живой скелет вместо возрождения. Игрок может создать 12 собственных персонажей и назначить им желаемые способности; новшеством функции стала возможность перекрасить отдельные детали фигурок.

Вне уровней игроку предлагается исследовать крупный открытый мир, помещённый в комиксной версии Нью-Йорка. Жители города выдают бонусные уровни и побочные миссии, необходимые для открытия новых персонажей и золотых кирпичиков. Домашней локацией игры служит парящий над городом хеликерриер ЩИТа.

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - что это за игра, трейлер, системные требования, отзывы и оценки, цены и скидки, гайды и прохождение, похожие игры

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes — это экшен с видом от третьего лица от разработчиков из студии Traveller's Tales. Издает игру компания Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment.

Похоже, что LEGO Marvel Super Heroes получилась полнейшим отстоем. Об этом свидетельствуют низкие оценки к сервисе Metacritic.


LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 — трейлер:


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Системные требования

Минимальные системки для игры:

  • Windows XP
  • Процессор: Intel Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz
  • 500 Mb ОЗУ
  • 8 Gb HDD
  • Nvidia GeForce FX 5900XT Видеопамять: 256 Mb

Даты выхода

LEGO Marvel Super Heroes уже вышла на PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PS Vita, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo DS.

Полный список дат выхода и платформ смотрите на странице релизов.

Где купить игру со скидкой?

VGTimes ищет и сравнивает цены на LEGO Marvel Super Heroes в разных магазинах, чтобы вы могли купить игру дешевле, чем в Steam, PS Store и других официальных сервисах дистрибуции.

Сейчас LEGO Marvel Super Heroes продается в таких магазинах, как Plati, Origin, Microsoft Store и других. Самая низкая цена, которую нам удалось найти - 158 рублей. Игру можно активировать в Steam.

Вот некоторые актуальные предложения:

    в магазине Plati за 158 руб в магазине Plati за 260 руб в магазине Plati за 255 руб в магазине Gamivo за 180 руб в магазине HRK Game за 176 руб

Еще больше скидок и вкусных цен ищите здесь.

Похожие игры

Игры как LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - похожие

Вот несколько игр, которые больше всего похожи на LEGO Marvel Super Heroes:

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