Lego monkie kid episode 1

Обновлено: 07.05.2024


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Monkie Kid is a LEGO theme that was released in 2020.
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MK's team

Meet the demon fighters

Season 2

Catch up with Season 2 of Monkie Kid

Season 3

Get ready for the new season of Monkie Kid

Demon Bull King Monkie Kid-RotSQPart4-10-10.jpg
Red Son 4C7B8059-724F-43A4-9D0B-7CF4B02B0A04.jpg
Princess Iron Fan LEGO Monkie Kid-S1Ep3-02-06.jpg
Yin Silver Horn Demon.jpg

Demon Bull Family Ep8.jpg

LEGO Monkie Kid lands in LEGO Brawls!

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Character Information

Full/Real Name




Weapon(s) of choice












Voice Actors

English voice actor(s)

Other languages

Du Guangyi
Dirk Petrick
Poon Wan Chun
Emiri Katō
Diego Becerril
Choi Seung-hoon
Jian Zhilun

First Latest
Monkie Kid: A Hero is Born Destiny Fulfilled
MK is a noodle delivery boy and the successor of the Monkey King. When MK learns that the Demon Bull King was freed from his imprisonment, he, along with Mei, Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy, went on a quest to give the Golden Staff back to the Monkey King, in hopes that he can defeat the Demon Bull King again. However, when MK went to the Flaming Mountains with Mei and Pigsy, he was presumably killed by Princess Iron Fan. But when MK realized that he ended up in Flower Fruit Mountain, he meets Monkey King and was inspired by him to believe in himself and take the Golden Staff back. When MK returned to the city, he reunites with friends and celebrated with them after defeating the Demon Bull King, earning the title Monkie Kid.

A week later, MK continued to battle demons as well as facing difficult challenges. Although, when the Demon Bull King freed Lady Bone Demon from her tomb, MK teams up with Princess Iron Fan and Red Son to free DBK from Lady Bone Demon's control and became successful.

When the Spider Queen and the Spider-Bots started taking control of the civilians at New Year's, MK wasn't sure what to do after Monkey King got captured by her. However, when Red Son says he can find an antidote that can cure the citizens, MK and the rest of his team teamed up with him to travel to the Celestial Realm to and retrive the Celestial Artifacts.

After Monkey King left to go on vacation, MK began to wonder if the Monkey King picked the wrong successor after learning Lady Bone Demon's identity. Eventually, MK learned that the Spider Queen was being used as a pawn for Lady Bone Demon and attempted to fight her, but lost his powers as a result. However, after MK realized that Monkey King lied about going on vacation and was actually looking for a weapon that could defeat Lady Bone Demon the whole time, he and the others joined him on a quest to look for it so they can beat the Lady Bone Demon.


Official descriptions

Monkie Kid™ Heroes

Our Main Hero

When MK, or Monkie Kid™, isn’t delivering the BEST noodles in town for his friend Pigsy’s Noodle Shop, playing video games or collecting cool Monkey King keepsakes, he fights ancient demons with his friends. [1]

LEGO® Life Magazine Issue 1 2022

Resourceful and clever, Monkie Kid uses his brains, his sense of humor and the power of the Monkey King staff to defend against dangerous threats of all kinds. [2]


MK is a typical teenage boy. [3] [4] He enjoys hanging out with his friends, playing videogames, and is often easily distracted when it comes to his job. More than anything, MK is a fanboy of the Monkey King, knowing everything of his background and heroism in his journey to the west. Upon gaining the Monkey King's Golden Staff, MK seeks to become hero like the Monkey King every way. However, he tends lose focus on the task at hand, and can be impatient when to comes to the Monkey King's training, wanting to learn action moves rather than learn a lesson. He has severe arachnophobia.

Despite his shortcomings, MK is cares a lot about his friends and is willing to do whatever it takes to protect and be there for them, even risking his own life just to comfort his best friend after having an emotional breakdown. [5] MK is incredibly empathetic, accepting and encouraging the help of Red Son and Macaque, even though both were his enemies at the time. [6] [7] He believes that you cannot judge something by its worst qualities.

In Season 2, Monkey King's absense and Lady Bone Demon's interference caused MK to grow a sense of insecurities, which caused him break away from his friends as he tried to keep it a secret from them, believing that it was the best way to protect them from the Bone Demon. It also led MK into thinking that Monkey King choosing him as his successor was wrong, and even going as far to punch "Monkey King" after thinking he was being mocked about his lack of confidence.

MK has admitted that sometimes he plays dumb to lighten the mood.

In LEGO Brawls (non-canon)

MK is a playable character in LEGO Brawls. He is the first character that can be unlocked after collecting enough Season Trophies in the first week of Season 14 of LEGO Brawls, A Hero is Born. In addition, MK's Hero variant can be unlocked in the final week of Season 14, Team Monkie Kid.


MK is a teenager [3] [4] with spiky black hair that's kept up by a red bandana. He has thick eyebrows and his minifigure has a chipped tooth.


Minifigure Show Differences
MK's Minifigure has the Chinese character for "sky" on the left side of his shirt while a red rectangle with white squares is featured on the right. His bandana has a circlet design on the front as well.
MK's Minifigure features a breast pocket and a Pigsy's Noodles' insignia on his white dress shirt.
MK's minifigure features more pockets on the pants and the shoes are more detailed, with the outsole having white and gold printing. Each side of the jacket also has a breast pocket and the shoulder strap has the Chinese character for "sky".
MKs training outfit is practically identical between the minifigure and the show.

Weapons & Accessories

Main article: MK's book

MK's book is a red book that contains the history of the Monkey King. The front cover depicts a drawing of MK and Monkey King.


Main article: MK's headphones

MK occasionally uses his headphones to listen to music either while delivering noodles or on his free time.


Main article: MK's phone

MK's phone is a handheld object owned by him. He mainly uses it as a GPS whenever he delivers noodles. It has a noticeably cracked screen.

The Golden Staff

Main article: The Golden Staff

The Golden Staff is legendary staff owned by MK. Originally, it belonged to the Monkey King, who used the staff to imprison the Demon Bull King under a mountain.

However, during his battle with the Lady Bone Demon, MK lost the Golden Staff after his powers were taken. He later gained it back before defeating the Lady Bone Demon.

Alternate versions

His reflection

Listen, every time we get in trouble, we turned to Monkey King, or our friends, or someone. They tell us a story and we find that smidge of motivation we need. Well…now we're on our own. It's just…you.” ―MK's reflection [src]

During his entrapment in the Trigram Furnace, MK found himself hopeless until he saw his reflection, who told him that he's on his own and that he needed to figure a way out by himself. Even though he disagreed at first, MK took his reflection's advice and was able to escape from the furnace.

When the Lady Bone Demon attempted to trick MK into striking the furnace, his reflection frantically warned him to stop, causing MK to catch onto the ruse.

It's worth noting that MK's reflection is presumably not another living being like his clones, but a representation of his inner thoughts and subconscious for the audiences benefit.

MK Clones

Main article: MK Clones

Due to him having the same powers as Monkey King's, MK can create multiple versions of himself by using strains of his hair. Although, MK can only keep the clones docile depending on how well he can control his powers. [8] Otherwise they would overdo what they were told.

АссортиментУзнать больше

LEGO® Monkie Kid™

Представьте, что бы произошло, если бы герои и злодеи из старинных сказок вдруг оказались в современном мире. LEGO® Monkie Kid™ переносит в наше время персонажей древней китайской истории о битве между добром и злом. Так рождается новая легенда — и дети получают возможность создавать свои собственные героические приключения.

Самые популярные

Город Фонарей

Фабрика лунных пряников Чан’э

«Галактический странник» Манки Кида

Робот Злой Макаки

Манки Кид — сюжет: сезон 3

Манки Кид и его команда отправляются в свое путешествие на запад: им предстоит отыскать три могущественных огненных кольца, чтобы победить Костяного демона. Сможет ли Злая Макака со своей армией темных обезьян остановить нашего героя? Да начнется гонка!

Манки Кид — сюжет: сезон 2

Эпические приключения продолжаются: наш герой Манки Кид (он же «МК») вместе с друзьями сражается, защищая город от двух новых легендарных и опасных врагов: Костяного демона и Королевы пауков.

Манки Кид — сюжет: сезон 1

Судьба отправляет юного доставщика лапши Манки Кида на поиски давно потерянного золотого посоха Царя обезьян. Сможет ли он использовать его магические силы, чтобы победить демонического Царя быков, принцессу Айрон Фэн и Ред Сана?

Огненное кольцо Нэчжа

«Галактический странник» Манки Кида

Разожгите у детей интерес к приключениям, и пусть они соберут детализированную стартовую площадку и звездолет, а затем отправятся в героические космические экспедиции вместе с Манки Кидом, Мэй, Сэнди, мистером Тангом и роботом Мо.

Погрузочный робот Сэнди

Мощный робот Сэнди с диджейской будкой наверху (ну а почему нет?) против робота Синтакса, стреляющего ракетами с паучьим ядом. Вот это сражение!

Танк-лапша Пигси

Сегодня в меню захватывающие сражения едой! В схватке участвуют скорострельный танк-лапша Пигси, робот-панда, стреляющий «лимонадом», и дрон-панда!

Коптер команды Монки Кида

Настоящий швейцарский нож среди летательной техники! Проводите самые дерзкие спасательные операции с неба с этим коптером. А потом можно отпраздновать, отдохнуть и отлично провести время в домашней атмосфере. опять же в коптере!

Легендарная Цветочная гора

Там, где началась легенда! Этот впечатляющий набор предлагает детям воссоздать историю появления Царя обезьян на священной Цветочной горе. В наборе есть 4 минифигурки Царя обезьян, изображающие его в разном возрасте.

Город Фонарей

Робот Злой Макаки

Сразитесь в напряженном бою с могучим роботом Злой Макаки. Ваш юный герой должен объединиться с Манки Кидом, Мэй и Сэнди, отыскать все три огненных кольца и использовать пушку из Золотого посоха, чтобы победить злодея.

Фабрика лунных пряников Чан’э

С помощью этого веселого игрового набора вы можете по-новому познакомить детей с легендарной китайской богиней Луны Чан’э. В наборе есть фабрика для производства лунных пряников, стреляющий шипами кролик-робот, ракета в форме моркови и многое другое!

Машина-дракон Мэй

Потрясающая машина Мэй, трайк темных обезьян, летающая доска Манки Кида, четыре минифигурки с крутым оружием и аксессуарами. все, что нужно вашему ребенку для ролевых эпических сражений за огненное кольцо!

Творения посоха Манки Кида

Дети могут вообразить себя в роли Манки Кида, который учится у Царя Обезьян использовать Золотой посох, чтобы сделать робота, самолет и гоночный автомобиль, а потом смешать модели и создать свои собственные волшебные творения.

Оригинальная легенда о Царе обезьян

История серии LEGO® Monkie Kid™ берет свое начало в древнекитайской культуре и легендах. Наборы с любовью переосмысливают знаменитого Царя обезьян и других персонажей классического романа «Путешествие на запад». Эта сказка XVI века входит в число четырех великих классических романов китайской литературы.

LEGO® Monkie Kid™ рассказывает новую легенду — об обычном мальчике, который встретил своего кумира и узнал: чтобы стать современным героем, нужен тот, кто в тебя верит, нужна смелость отстаивать свои ценности, даже если иногда ты делаешь ошибки, а еще нужно воображение и много практики! Да, ну и друзья со стреляющим сосисками оружием и крутой техникой тоже не помешают, конечно.

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𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎? |Monkey king x Reader| от simpin_aint_pimpin

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<She's mine!></p>
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