Lego naruto the video game

Обновлено: 26.04.2024

Многие идеи Lego основаны на оригинальных концепциях или представляют собой новые коллекции на темы старых наборов, но есть довольно много идей, основанных на популярном аниме.

Всегда неизвестно, одобрит ли The Lego Group в конечном итоге идеи сообщества, но голоса сообщества показывают The Lego Group, сколько потенциальных клиентов может быть. Если в наборе идей используется интеллектуальная собственность третьих лиц, например, Doraemon, то дизайн также должен быть одобрен правообладателями. Многие идеи основаны на оригинальных концепциях или представляют собой новые наборы на темы старых наборов (Пираты, Бионикл, Лего-Сити и т. д.), но есть немало идей , основанных на популярном аниме .

10.Наруто Беги.

Одним из наборов Lego, пользующихся широкой популярностью у поклонников аниме, может быть Naruto Run от LordSoarin115, в котором Наруто, Сакура, Саске и Какаши из Команды 7 бегают в типичной манере Наруто .

LordSoarin115 смог запечатлеть четыре дизайна персонажей Наруто с минимальным количеством деталей, сохранив при этом различные стили прически и одежды персонажей. Если бы это когда-либо было одобрено как набор, было бы нетрудно понять, как можно было бы создать и других персонажей Наруто .

9.K-ON !: Клуб Легкой Музыки От StarlordRockz

StarlordRockz воссоздал одну из самых знаковых школьных комнат всех времен с клубной комнатой легкой музыки K-ON . Включение съемной концертной площадки, инструментов, чайного столика и бака Тон-Чана завершает внешний вид, показывая фанатам, насколько StarlordRockz предан проекту.

Нетрудно понять, как можно сделать классные комнаты из других аниме , например, клуб Бригады SOS из Харухи Судзумии или любое количество других важных школьных локаций из аниме.

8.Ковбой Бибоп

Даже не фанаты Cowboy Bebop должны признать, как круто Swordfish II выглядит как в исходном материале, так и в этом воссоздании Lego от Бена Осборна.

В этой модели лего присутствует отчетливая форма корабля, а также минифигурки членов экипажа Бибопа : Спайка, Фэй, Джета, Эдварда и Эйна.

7.Наруто: Магазин Рамэнов Ичираку

Если Долина Завершения — самое знаковое место в истории Наруто, то магазин Ичираку Рамэн, вероятно, второй по значимости. Этот набор Idea от DadiTwins является одним из наиболее подробных предлагаемых наборов на всем сайте Ideas и не только представляет Ichiraku Ramen, но и улучшает дизайн за счет дополнительных деталей, ожидаемых от 3D-модели.

Дизайн DadiTwins включает в себя даже 6 минифигурок ниндзя , а также владельца Ичираку Рамена Теучи и его дочь Аяме.

6.Studio Ghibli: Лапутанский Робот

Лапутанский робот из Castle In The Sky был мрачным, послушным роботом с ужасающими разрушительными способностями, который следил за Лапутой и ее растительной и животной жизнью. Как и в фильме, это изображение Lego робота GSCLD также вырастило мох и растения на своем теле в течение сотен лет изоляции, представленные зелеными кирпичами, используемыми для его плеч и спины.

В набор даже входит симпатичная белка-лиса из «Небесного замка » и « Навсикая из долины ветров», а также множество цветов, которые робот должен защищать вместе с ней.

5.Studio Ghibli: Моторизованный Ходячий Замок Хаула

Замок Хаула был перепроектирован, громоздок, нестабилен и каким-то образом тщательно воссоздан Ericlego321. Замок выглядит так, будто может рухнуть в любой момент, как это было в фильме Ghibli. Одним из самых впечатляющих аспектов этой сборки является то, как некоторые ее части моторизованы, включая ноги, челюсть и язык замка.

На одной картинке Софи Шляпник из «Ходячего замка » представлена ​​двумя синими и серыми заклепками, которые представляют собой простую деталь, показывающую масштаб замка.

3.Канье Уэст: Выпускной

Канье Уэст — первая мысль, услышанная словом «аниме», но Канье вовсе не имеет отношения к аниме. Медвежья фурсона Канье Уэста активно использовалась в первые дни его карьеры в индустрии развлечений и была разработана современным японским художником Такаси Мураками. Мураками также снял музыкальное видео, на котором основан этот набор лего, и предварительный просмотр шоу Kids See Ghosts, которые фанаты обычно считают аниме CGI.

Этот набор от lbex выглядит точно так же, как обложка альбома Канье Graduation 2008 года, и, вероятно, станет огромным хитом, если будет полностью поддерживаться на Ideas. Единственное очевидное упущение в этом наборе — это уши Dropout Bear, которые, как мы надеемся, будут добавлены в окончательный набор.

2.Инициал D: Toyota Corolla AE86

Lego не новичок в создании наборов для реальных автомобилей, таких как их наборы Bugatti Chiron и Land Rover Defender, а также множество других автомобилей из фильмов. Эта версия Lego Toyota Corolla AE86 Initial D от Davanchi M. подойдет к остальным, а также станет отличным представлением для поклонников Initial D.

В этом дизайне отсутствуют некоторые незначительные детали, такие как контейнер для тофу в багажнике, чашка для воды Такуми и минифигурка самого Такуми, но нетрудно представить, что они были бы добавлены в дизайн, если бы этот набор был сделан Лего реальным.

1.YU-GI-OH !: Темный Маг Против Голубоглазого Белого Дракона

Dark Magician Vs Blue-Eyes White Dragon от Zero Helix определенно осуществит прямую атаку на кошельки многих фанатов аниме . Этот набор мог бы быть впечатляющим, если бы на трибунах стояли только Голубоглазый и Темный Маг, но тематическое поле битвы добавляет контекста сцене с разрушенной колонной, которая наверняка была сломана во время их дуэли.

Единственное, что могло бы улучшить этот набор, это Сето Кайба и Юги Муто, стоящие по обе стороны поля, готовые играть в карты, чтобы поддержать своих монстров. Еще один Ю-Ги-О! персонаж, который заслуживает того, чтобы стать частью набора Lego, — это Блокмен, монстр из Yu-Gi-Oh! GX — голем из кубиков Lego.


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LEGO Naruto: The Video Game is a game themed after the manga and anime series Naruto. It is based on Seasons 1-3 from the original series and seasons 1-12 from the Shippuden series. It will be release on the gaming platforms of Xbox 360, PS3, PC, PSP, DS, Wii, PS Vita, and 3DS, iOS. It is a part of the line of Traveler's Tales Video Games and publish by Namco Bandai.

Some hidden levels are also based on the scenes from Naruto seasons 4 and 5 and from the movies.




  • Some characters has an ability to summon creatures like in LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7.

Characters and Creatures

  • There are 500+ characters to unlock.
  • Some playable characters that does'nt appear in other Naruto video games will make their appearance in this game such as Ibiki Morino, Hayate Gekko, Gato, and more.
  • Some characters from the movies and OVAs are featured in this game such as Dotu Kasahana(this is the second time appearance), Suien, Shibuki, and the Haido's Knights. They can be unlocked when you complete the hidden levels.

Differences from the anime, manga, and game



  • Minato is survived in the beginning of the arc rather than sacrifice himself.
  • Naruto is automatically passed and graduated from the Ninja Academy rather than failing for the third year in a row. Later on, Mizuki is trying to attack both Naruto and Iruka.
  • Naruto's Sexy technique is replaced by a girl wearing a school swimsuit instead of a nude woman.
  • When Naruto meets Konohamaru, Ebisu did not take Konohamaru away from Naruto.
  • Kakashi's One Thousand Years of Death technique is omitted.
  • The trio must take the bell from Kakashi.


  • Teguse is absent in the game.
  • The battle between Sasuke and Haku is omitted.
  • Both Naruto and Haku fight Zabuza together to make co-op friendly.
  • When Inari is being bullied by Akane, Kaiza came to stop Akane from bullying Inari.
  • The execution of Kaiza is omitted. It is unknown if Kaiza is still alive or not.
  • Gato is not slashed by Zabuza with his Kubikiribōchō until he fell down, instead Zabuza punched Gato on his face.
  • Haku does not die in the game.
  • Some of the Kusabi bandits was driven out by Haku's Ice blade seal, but the rest are escaped.


  • The conversion between Lee and Naruto is omitted.
  • During the written test, Naruto answered all the questions rather than looking around at his test paper.
  • When they all passed the written exam, Ibiki Morino and his exam proctors holds a cardboard with a green smiley face.
  • Shigure and his teammates are absent in the game.
  • Baki did not assassinate Hayate Gekko. Instead Gaara throw him down.
  • After Hayate's death, Genma is trying to attack Baki, but Gaara block him down
  • Futaba is absent in the game.
  • Some of the genins who is defeated during the preliminary chunin exam are present in the finals such as Hinata and Naruto fights Neji, Kiba and Shikamaru fights Temari, and Lee and Sasuke fights Gaara.
  • The Third Hokage does not die after he release his Dead Demon Consuming Seal, instead he retires after the aftermath.
  • .
  • The Third Hokage's funeral is omitted.
  • When the funeral is omitted, Kabuto's trainer is absent in the game.


  • Both Kurenai and Asuma assists Kakashi and Guy to confront the two akatsuki members.
  • Tsunade is not stabbed by Orochimaru in her chest.


  • Naruto and the gang must escort Idate to his right way.
  • The Wagarashi clan leader has a checklist with an avatars of Aoi and Team Oboro.
  • The Evil Minister of the Tea Daimyō is absent in the game.


  • Naruto and Choji battles Jirobu together then he help Neji to fight Kidomaru to make co-op friendly.
  • The Sand Siblings came early to assist Shikamaru, Kiba, and Rock Lee fighting the remaining Sound Four.
  • Rock Lee's Drunken fist is ommitted.
  • Kimimaro is defeated by Rock Lee with the Extreme Lotus.



  • Both Iruka and Naruto battles Mizuki rather than Iruka alone.
  • When Mizuki succumbs the side effects of the incomplete potion, he transformed into a giant three-headed tiger monster.
  • The two legendary stupid brothers has been chased by Choji's Human Bullet Tank.


  • Jibachi and Kurobachi are absent in the game.
  • Suzumebachi is captured and become an ally of Naruto and Team Kurenai after they retrieve the Bikochu.
  • Naruto did not fart when his attempting to get the Bikochu.



  • Dotu Kazahana and his company destroys the castle with a tank and artillery rather than burning it down.


  • Both Naruto and Temujin confronts Haido and his knights.






  • Before this arc starts, Naruto, Kakashi, and Yamato must confronts Team Guren before they capture Yukimaru and the Three-Tail Beast.
  • Jiraiya is not killed in this arc.


  • They shouldn't kill Hinata and just make her really damged.
  • Also, they should make Hinata the sond co-op player
  • Pain does not die and is just no longer controlled by Nagato.
  • Konan just takes pain bodies and Nagatos then talks to Naruto.


  • In the game, each Kage has three bodyguards rather than two except for Gaara and the Fourth Raikage.
  • Since Haku was not died during the Land of the Waves arc in the game, he is present during the Five Kage summit as Mei's third bodyguard.


  • Naruto and Konan battles Tobi together rather than Konan alone to make co-op friendly.
  • Konan is not stabbed by a metal pipe, nor killed by Tobi.

Some levels and cutscenes are based on arcs from the anime including the anime-exclusive arcs.

Naruto: Seasons 1-3

Introduction Arc

  • Ninja Academy Graduation
  • Konohamaru
  • Team 7 Formation and Evaluation

Land of Waves Arc

  • Mission Assignment
  • Demon seal of the Hidden Mist
  • Training
  • The Tool's feelings

Chunin Exam Arc

  • The Forest of Death (Based on the Second phase of Chunin Exam)
  • Chunin Exam Preliminaries
  • Jiraiya returns
  • Chunin Exam Finals

Invasion of Konoha Arc

  • Orochimaru VS Third Hokage
  • Naruto VS Gaara

Search for Tsunade Arc

  • The Return of Itachi
  • Brothers Reunion
  • Search for Tsunade
  • Battle of the Sannin

Land of Tea Arc

  • An Old Friend
  • Nagi Island
  • Fierce Battle of Rolling Thunder

Sasuke Retrieval Arc

  • Sound VS Leaf
  • The Sand Arrives
  • Decisive Battle: Sasuke VS Naruto

Land of Rice fields Arc

Mizuki Strikes Back Arc

Search for the Bikochu Arc

Curry of Life Arc

Naruto Shippuden: Seasons 1-12

Kazekage Rescue Arc

Sasuke and Sai Arc

Hidan and Kakazu Arc

Itachi Pursuit Arc

Invasion of Pain Arc

Five Kage Summit Arc

Confining the Jinchuriki Arc


LEGENDS: (*) Playable, (**) Playable only in the handheld versions, (***) Not featured in handhelds, (****) Downloadable content only

Naruto gets assigned to Team 7 with Sasuke and Sakura. Together they must take the bells from Kakashi!

Characters: Naruto, Sasuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno

The New Mission

The Third Hokage grants Team 7 a C-ranked mission, but during the mission they are attacked by two chunin!

Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi Hatake

Demon of the Mist

Team 7 encounters Zabuza, one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist!

Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi

Tree Climbing

To train Team 7, Kakashi makes them climb trees. without using their hands!

Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura

The Final Round

Team 7 battles Zabuza once more, along with his apprentice Haku! Who will survive?

Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi

Bosses: Zabuza, Haku

The Chunin Exams

The Written Test

In the first round of the chunin exams, Team 7 must. take a written test?

Characters: Naruto, Sasuke


In the Forest of Death, Team 7 encounters Orochimaru, who has a strange obsession with Sasuke!

Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura

Konoha vs. Sound

Team Dosu of Otogakure ambushes the worn-out Team 7! Can Rock Lee and Team 10 stopp them?

Characters: Sakura, Rock Lee, Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi, Ino Yamanaka

Boss: Dosu Kinuta

The Preliminaries

Team 7 has passed through the Forest of Death, but now they face the final round: one-on-one battles! Sasuke takes on Yoroi Akado, Naruto takes on Kiba, Sakura takes on Ino, Hinata takes on Neji, and Lee takes on Gaara! Meanwhile, Kakashi discovers Kabuto's treachery

Characters: Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata Hyuga, Rock Lee, Kakashi

Bosses: Yoroi Akado, Kiba, Ino, Neji, Gaara, Kabuto

The Exam Concludes

Only 8 players are left in the chunin exams. Naruto takes on Neji, Shikamaru takes on Temari, and Sasuke takes on Gaara, more fearsome than ever. Meanwhile, Kiba and Hinata sense something suspicious in the arena.

Characters: Naruto, Shikamaru, Sasuke, Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata

Bosses: Neji, Temari, Gaara

Operation: Destroy Konoha!

Orochimaru unleashes his dastardly plan! It's up to the Third Hokage to stop him and Naruto and his fellow genin to stop a mutating Gaara!

Characters: Hiruzen Sarutobi, Naruto, Shikamaru, Sakura, Pakkun, Sasuke, Shino Aburame

Bosses: Orochimaru, Kankuro, Gaara

Search for Tsunade

Itachi's Return!

Itachi Uchiha, the destroyer of the Uchiha clan, returns to Konoha, but for what reason?

Characters: Kakashi, Asuma Sarutobi, Kurenai Yuhi, Might Guy

Bosses: Itachi Uchiha, Kisame Hoshigaki

Enter the Akatsuki

Itachi and his organization want the Nine-Tails in Naruto! Will Naruto escape them? And when Sasuke runs into Itachi, an obsession is revealed.

Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Jiraiya

Tanzaku Town

Naruto and Jiraiya go to Tanzaku Town to look for Tsunade, to see if she wants to become the Fifth Hokage

Characters: Naruto, Jiraiya

Chasing Tsunade

When they find Tsunade, she refuses to become Hokage. And there's something suspicious about her.

Characters: Naruto, Jiraiya

The Sannin Reunited

Orochimaru made a deal with Tsunade to regain the use of his arms! Can Tsunade and Jiraiya stop their old friend?

Characters: Naruto, Jiraiya, Tsunade, Shizune

Bosses; Orochimaru, Kabuto

The Fifth Hokage

Naruto, Jiraiya, and Tsunade return to Konoha. Naruto wants to fight Tsunade again,and Konohamaru locks himself in his room.

Characters: Naruto, Jiraiya, Tsunade

Pursuit of Sasuke

The Sound Four

Sasuke, feeling weak from his encounter with Itachi, is met by the Sound Four, who offer him great power.

Characters: Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke, Kakashi

Bosses: Sasuke, Sound Four


Sasuke has left the village! It's up to Shikamaru and his team to bring them back!

Characters: Shikamaru, Naruto, Neji Hyuga, Choji, Kiba

Neji vs. Kidomaru

Neji takes on Kidomaru, who may be more powerful than even him. Meanwhile, the remainder of Shikamaru's team continues to hunt Sasuke.

Characters: Neji, Naruto, Shikamaru, Kiba

Help from Sand

Shikamaru and Kiba get some much needed help from Kankuro and Temari!

Characters: Shikamaru, temari, Kiba, Kankuro

Bosses: Tayuya, Sakon


Naruto battles Kimimaro, long-lost Sound Five member, and gets help from Lee and Gaara!

Characters: Naruto, Lee, Gaara

Valley of the End

Naruto finally finds Sasuke, who wants to kill him! Meanwhile, Kakashi and Tsunade rush to the scene? Can Naruto beat Sasuke in Version 2 state?

Characters: Naruto, Kakashi, Tsunade

Bonus Level: Kakashi Gaiden

We go back in time, when a young Kakashi and his friend Obito fight in the Shinobi World War

Characters: Kakashi (Young), Obito Uchiha, Rin Nohara

Special Abilities/Items

  • Ninja Centerfold-Distracts guards
  • Shadow Doppelgangers: Can destroy large lego piles
  • Grappling Shuriken: Can grapple on grappling rings
  • Sharingan: Can find hidden objects
  • Fire Release; People with this technique can overheat gold objects
  • Water Release: People with this can fill put out fires and grow plants
  • Wind Release
  • Lightning Release: People with this can carry currents on metal lego objects
  • Earth Release: People with this can raise platforms to reach new areas
  • Ice Release: Haku can freeze water with this technique
  • Byakugan: Hyuga clan members can see through certain lego walls to manipulate things behind them, like Superman's xray vision
  • Super Strength: Akimichi clan members, Version 2 Cursed Seal possessors, and Naruto in Nine-Tails state can pull on orange handles
  • Rasengan: Can destroy silver objects
  • Letter Bombs: Can also destroy silver objects
  • Mind Transfer: Yamnaka clan members can control people in order to access other rooms
  • Shadow Possession
  • Tracking: Kiba and Ninja Hounds have the ability to track scents
  • Chutes: Small characters and animals can crawl through these chutes
  • Art of Summoning: Certain characters can summon animals which can accomplish certain tasks
  • Large Objects: Gamabunta and Expanded Akimichi clan members can throw large lego objects
  • Super Punch: People skilled in taijutsu like Rock Lee can break cracked lego panels
  • Beetles: Aburame clan members can strip growth off overgrown lego objects
  • Genjutsu: Scares away large crowds
  • Amaterasu: Can burn black lego objects


Abilities: Ninja centerfold, Shadow Doppelgangers, Gamabunta, Rasengan, Nine-Tails

Naruto returns to the village after 3 years! Meanwhile, the Akatsuki makes its move when it kidnaps Gaara, host of Shukaku!

Characters: Naruto, Sakura, Gaara, Kankuro, Temari

Bosses: Deidara, Sasori

Meeting Itachi Again

Naruto and crew race to save Gaara, but Itachi and Kisame won't let them!

Characters: Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi, Guy, Lee, Neji, Tenten

Bosses: Itachi, Kisame


Team 7 finally reaches the Akatsuki's hideout! While Naruto and Kakashi confront Deidara, Sakura and Chiyo battle Sasori, who is Chiyo's grandson!

Characters: Sakura, Chiyo

Deidara Chase

Naruto and Kakashi chase Deidara so they can save Gaara. To even the playing field, Kakashi unleashes his new move!

Characters: Naruto, Kakashi

Naruto Goes Berserk

Naruto and team finally attempt to get to Sasuke. But when they meet Orochimaru, Naruto is taken over by Nine-Tails!

Characters: Naruto, Sakura, Sai, Yamato

Sasuke Reunion

After breaking into orochimaru's hideout, Naruto and crew find Sasuke, who's more powerful than ever.

Characters: Naruto, Sakura, Yamato, Sai

The Atatsuki Attacks

Hidan and Kakuzu

Naruto attempts to master wind release, and Kakashi and Yamto have to make sure he doesn't go berserk. meanwhile, Hidan and Kakuzu of the Akatsuki attack Yugito Nii, host of the Two-Tails!

Characters: Kakashi, Yamato, Yugito Nii

Bosses: Hidan, Kakuzu

Cell 10

Asuma and Cell 10 ambush Hidan and Kakuzu, with deadly consequences

Characters: Asuma, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino

Revenge Match

Kakshi and Cell Number 10 once again go after Hidan and Kakuzu. And the tide changes when Naruto joins the field with his new move!

Characters: Kakashi (beaten), skiamaru, Choji, Ino, Naruto

Bosses; Hidan, Kakuzu

On the Move

Sasuke has had enough with Orochimaru and seals him away. He then assembles his own cell to take down Itachi

Characters: Sasuke, Suigetsu, Karin, Jugo

The Ultimate Art

Deidara goes after Sasuke! Is Sasuke powerful enough to beat a member of the Akatsuki? This is his ultimate test!

Characters: Sasuke, Suigetsu, Jugo, Karin

Closing in on Itachi

Sasuke survives his battle with Deidara and moves closer to Itachi

Characters: Sasuke, Suigetsu, Jugo, Karin

Boss: Fake Itachi

Pain's Invasion

The Six Paths

Jiraiya finds information that may help him pinpoint the Akatsuki leader, but what he finds is more shocking than he ever imagined

Characters: Jiraiya, Pa, Ma


The long-awaited battle is here at last. Is Sasuke strong enough to finally kill Itachi and acheive his revenge? Meanwhile, Naruto fights Tobi, who wants to keep him away from Sasuke.

Characters: Sasuke, Naruto, Kakashi, Hinata, Shino, Kiba, Yamato

Bosses: Itachi, Tobi

The Secret of Pain

Naruto is shocked to learn that Jiraiya is dead. Now, he must figure out what it is that Jiraiya wrote about Pain.

Characters: Naruto, Kakashi

Killer B

After killing his brother, Sasuke learns the terrible truth about his clan's massacre. He joins the Akatsuki and is tasked with capturing Killer B, the Eight-Tails

Characters: Sasuke, Suigetsu, Jugo, Karin


Pain finally makes his move as he sweeps into Konoha, causing massive damage

Characters: Kakashi, Choji, Choza

True Peace

Naruto returns after learning senjutsu from the toads. Is he powerful enough to overcome the Six Paths of Pain?

Characters: Naruto, Hinata, Konohamaru, Ebisu

Bosses: All Six Paths of Pain

Dawn of a War

Gokage Summit Raid

In the aftermath of B's capture and Pain's invasion, a Kage summit is called. But Sasuke, who is going after Dazo, attacks it!

Characters: Sasuke, Suigetsu, Jugo, Karin

Bosses: Raikage, Mei Terumi

Water Prison Death Match

After Sasuke's failure to capture Killer B, Kisame is sent to go after B instead!

Characters: Killer B, Enka

Sasuke vs. Danzo!

Sasuke finally catches up to Danzo! Can Sasuke defeat him, even though he uses the Uchiha's ultimate technique?

Characters: Sasuke, Karin, Tobi

Bosses: Danzo, Fu, Torune

Cell Seven Reunion

After Sasuke is declared a criminal, Naruto realizes he has to kill his former friend. When Team 7 meets again, who will prevail?

Characters: Naruto, Sakura, Kakashi

Taming Nine-Tails

Naruto attempts to learn how to control his biju, and in the process learns more about his past.

Characters: Naruto, Kushina, Minato

Bosses: Nine-Tails (twice), Tobi

Intel Leak

Kisame and Kabuto raid Turtle Island! Meanwhile, Tobi attempts to get Nagato's rinnegan.

Characters: Naruto, Killer B, Guy, Yamato, Onoki, Konan

Bosses: Kisame, Kabuto, Deidara, Tobi

Great Shinobi World War

Commando Face-Off

The Fourth Shinobi World War begins when the commando units from both sides face off! Meanwhile, Kakashi's squadron faces off against the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist

Characters: Kankuro, Sai, Kakashi, Guy

Bosses: Deidara, Sasori, Zabuza, Haku

Team Asuma Reunion

At the coastline, Darui's squadron encounters the Gold & Silver brothers, plus Master Asuma! Meanwhile, Mifune's squadron faces off against Hanzo.

Characters: Darui, Samui, Shikamaru, Choji, Ino, Mifune

Bosses: Ginkaku, Kinkaku, Asuma, Hanzo

Naruto Joins the Battle

Naruto and Killer B break out of Turtle Island to join the battle. But they run into some powerful enemies, like Itachi, Nagato, and the previous Kage!

Characters: Naruto, Killer B, Itachi, Gaara, Onoki

The Real Madara

Kabuto summons his trump card: Madara! Is anyone strong enough to face him?

Characters: Naruto, Gaara, Onoki, Tsunade, A, Mei Terumi

Clash of Jinchuriki

Naruto and Killer B confront Tobi, intent on finding out who he is. But first, they have to stop his Six Paths of Pain, who are the former jinchuriki!

Characters: Naruto, Killer B, Kakashi, Guy

Bosses: Tobi, all jinchuriki

Uchiha Brothers Reunion

Sasuke runs into the resurrected Itachi, who is trying to stop the Edotensei. Can the brothers put aside their differences and fight Kabuto as a team?

Characters: Sasuke, Itachi

Ten-Tails, Revived

Tobi's True Face

Tobi moves on with the Eye of the Moon Plan, but Naruto is still intent on finding out who he is. But when his true identity is revealed, Kakashi gets a major shock!

Characters: Naruto, Killer B, Kakashi, Guy

Bosses: Tobi, Madara

The Ten-Tails

The remainder of the Allied Shinobi Forces converge to stop the Ten-Tails, but nothing sem


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