Лего рельсы на 3д принтере

Обновлено: 27.04.2024

Pour mes circuits de train Lego, ces rampes (montante et descendante) me permettent des croisements sans risque de collision..Les fichiers “rampe” permettent une légère inclinaison des rails, le fichier “bridge” est celui de la partie horizontale du.

Swivel rail for lego

New realistic and extended rail for lego trains, turn

Rail train Lego croisement de voies compact avec aiguillage

Ce croisement de voies avec aiguillages est conçu pour un encombrement réduit.Il nécessite 2 aiguillages courts D et 2 G (en gris clair sur la photo), Un croisement à 67°5 compact et 2 rails entretoises de 39mm (en orange sur la photo).La courbe.

Rail train Lego passage à niveau rectiligne

Passage à niveau multi-pièces.
Pour emboiter la rampe sur les bandes  (queue d'aronde) je place l'ensemble dans un étau.
Bonne impression

Rails for lego particle accelerator

Custom lego rails for small train.

Replicator lego rail

Replace the one on the left with the lego rail. Put back together, and enjoy! Works on replicator 1 and 2. Custom Section A problem occured when uploading the photos, and they multiplied. I tried to correct this, but couldn't at the time of.

Here is a small quick print part that allows you to repair the lego rail track tilting without having to model everything. The print made in 10 minutes, is very practical in case of a crying crisis of children after the breakage you can look like a.

M-Lok style attachment with lego studs. . Has not been test printed yet

Want to add legos to your gun ? Try this :) Like my stuff ? Follow me ! . COMMERCIAL LICENSE AVAILABLE - CONTACT ME FOR MORE INFO

Lego Duplo simple rails

Simple rails for Lego Duplo. . They are printed without support, they maintain the passage of the bicycle. Suitable for installation of sensors. Update. Improved Lego_Duplo_Track_Kurved file, new version 2 uploaded.

Lego rails uphill

Lightweight rail for strong and smooth sliding of LEGO mechanisms. . It requires at least two small LEGO wheel shown in the photo.

Small lego city rail

I have the Monoprice Select Mini and wanted to print out lego city track but it wouldn't fit on the bed so i made it smaller

The track is compatible with LEGO Wheel Rim Wide Ø11 x 12, check the figures before printing. Each track has an option to be combined with LEGO wide double brick, up to 2x4 size. . Print Settings Printer: Prusa i3 .

To be able to extend my son's lego train circuit I created these rails which are compatible. . To enlarge the lego train circuit of my son i create those tracks Lego compatible.

Lego Duplo Rail Half Track

a half rail part for lego duplo Dimensions: 88,8 x 63,6 x 13,6

a buffer stop for Lego Duplo, an end for a rail Dimensions: 76,2 x 63,6 x 32,2 mm

Lego Compatible Rail Track (Curve)

Lego Compatible Rail Track (Straight)

. board, but this is still possible to print. Fits nicely on a Prusa board which is 250mmx200 mm. Expect 3H30/4H print time. Part was made using grey PLA, infill 15 %. This will nicely enhance your Lego Duplo trains sets which are a must for kids.

I needed some rails for a rotary dump and thought I might as well print them. This design works very well; I don't have any photos due to them snapping (this was because I printed them with cheap filament). . Enjoy your tracks:)

Lego compatible rail track up and down 10%

Theses two compatible lego rail tracks will allow you to start and end a 10% slope (5.7°) I modelized it to print with 0.2mm height layers with no printing support (mandatory support are modelized) You definitely want to print the test file.

Lego compatible rail track up and down 10%

Theses two compatible lego rail tracks will allow you to start and end a 10% slope (5.7°) I modelized it to print with 0.2mm height layers with no printing support (mandatory support are modelized) You definitely want to print the test file.

We have LEGO worm gears but does not exist a part that can contain it: this is that part; it can perfectly contain the worm gear and make it slide on it, allowing to build interesting constructions with long worm gears rails.

Snaps into Ender 3 rails.

Curved track rail from Lego City Train set Print instructionsThis print requires supports

Easy to print, tought and compact construction. . Without supports. Not compatibile with classic lego blocks: bottom is flat. . Printed with horizontal compensation: -0.15mm (without this setting it also suit, but very tight).

LEGO Duplo train track: straight (half size)

. construction. . Without supports. Not compatibile with classic lego blocks: bottom is flat. Printed with horizontal compensation: -0.15mm (without this setting it also suit, but very tight). This track is useful with 90° crossing. . See picture.

Easy to print, tought and compact construction. . Without supports. Not compatibile with classic lego blocks: bottom is flat. . Printed with horizontal compensation: -0.15mm (without this setting it also suit, but very tight).

. tought and compact construction. . Unfortunately - it needs supports. But easy to remove. Not compatibile with classic lego blocks: bottom is flat. . Printed with horizontal compensation: -0.15mm (without this setting it also suit, but very tight).

Easy to print, tought and compact construction. . Without supports. Not compatibile with classic lego blocks: bottom is flat. . Printed with horizontal compensation: -0.15mm (without this setting it also suit, but very tight).

LEGO Duplo train track: straight (full size)

Easy to print, tought and compact construction. . Without supports. Not compatibile with classic lego blocks: bottom is flat. . Printed with horizontal compensation: -0.15mm (without this setting it also suit, but very tight).

Not compatibile with classic lego blocks: bottom is flat. Printed with horizontal compensation: -0.15mm (without this setting it also suit, but very tight). . You may also need straight half size tract to fully use this crossing (see picture; you.

Works still fine as there is no need for the "flying" hook as long you dont "click" the track on top of other DUPLO parts: The DUPLO Tracks are cut out down to bottom and some new original DUPLO Tracks are designed the same. Awesome design.

Not fully compatibile with classic lego blocks: bottom is flat except ends - there are holes to connect tract to standatd block. It allows to make long bridges (see photo). Printed with horizontal compensation: -0.15mm. . (without this setting it not.

As Im not satisfied with other designs, i had to create my own

This is a remix. . 25CM tall, and it can holds 20 tracks on each side, 40 tracks total. . added a base, so it is stable

Lego Duplo Train 35. Degree Track

I wanted to put more directions for my Sons lego Duplo Track. So i made it go up. . If Something isn´t right, PM me, and i can adapt it.


The duplo and lego interfaces on these parts are not exactly to specification due to some dimensional differences when printed. I found these value experimentally, but they may not be ideal if you're using a different printer. Some assembly.

Lego Duplo track crossing with wooden train. Compatible with Brio. Lego Duplo Zugschienenkreuzung mit Holzzugschienen. Kompatibel mit Brio. No support required for printing. . This is a remix of "LEGO DUPLO track straight supportless (long.

. manufactured and fully tested in-house. . They snap perfectly both to each other and to original Lego DUPLO tracks. . The ones I found on Thingiverse seemed to be made in haste - so I took the time to create a crossing that looks and works better.

Noticed that the Car for Magic tracks also runs on the Lego Duplo Train Tracks, so wanted to combine those. . And it works.

A cross track compatible with Lego Duplo train tracks. Designed for easy printing without supports. I have also attached my SketchUp file with both designs if someone wants to remix. If you print one, please share your make. Thanks! Two version.

До меня только сейчас дошло, что на 3d-принтерах можно напечатать фигурки Lego! Была ведь статья про пластмассы для принтеров. По стоимости получается, что напечатать наборчик самому - гораздо дешевле, чем покупать 30 деталек за сумасшедшие деньги. Плюс всегда можно надоевший набор переплавить в нить и сделать новый. :)
И интересно, будет ли считаться пиратством, распространять 3d-модельки дорогостоящих наборов через интернет? :з
Не знаю как вы, а я серьёзно задумался о покупке 3d-принтера :D

Иллюстрация к комментарию

Оставайтесь на месте, за вами уже выехали

Иллюстрация к комментарию

Обычные кубили для лего стоят 2000к килограмм, пласик для печати около 1700, и печатать будет страшненько + электричество, время и прочее.

Овчинка выделки не стоит : )

Поработав с таким принтером скажу
3д принтеры печатают послойно, каждую детальку потом шлифовать и красить, чтобы был цвет помимо синего (например) и чтобы дырочки были не в пластиковой паутине. Каждую деталь надо будет отрывать отрывать от пластиковой подложки, ибо она нужна для печати. Плюс сами детальки чем мельче, тем неказистей будут выглядеть. А оригинальное лего - прочное, гладкое, яркое, прошедшее не одну стадию обработки. А на принтере всего лишь за 150 тысяч такого не напечатаешь.

Как выше написали - точность у оригинала намного выше будет. Самопал крепиться будет намного хуже. Инструкции опять же. Можно напечатать пару блоков, если не хватает если проебал. А целый набор как делать будешь? Уверен, что фантазии хватит продумать всю конструкцию до мелочей и потом ее печатать?

Lego начала борьбу с 3d печатниками⁠ ⁠

Аватар сообщества

Аватар сообщества

Аватар сообщества

Аватар сообщества

Аватар сообщества

Аватар сообщества

Аватар сообщества

Аватар сообщества

Аватар сообщества

Аватар сообщества


Корпус на 3D принтере для экрана OLED 128x23 0.91" для LEGO и Troyka-модуля⁠ ⁠

Купил в Китае на Али еще давно до короновируса такой маленький симпатичный экранчик OLED 128x23 0.91".

Корпус на 3D принтере для экрана OLED 128x23 0.91

И вот что получилось

Корпус на 3D принтере для экрана OLED 128x23 0.91

Экранчик вставляется в корпус без проблем и его не надо там закреплять. Распечатал корпус белым PLA:

Корпус на 3D принтере для экрана OLED 128x23 0.91

Вот как выглядит на LEGO

Корпус на 3D принтере для экрана OLED 128x23 0.91

И на макетке Troyka уже установленной в Troyka Slot Shield.

Корпус на 3D принтере для экрана OLED 128x23 0.91

Экран и корпус висят на жестких одножильных проводках. Как закрепить буду еще думать. Можно на ушках и мелкими винтами прикрутить к макете, но это уже не для LEGO будет.

Шрифт большой, можно и мелкий накатить. Будет четыре строки.

Lego начала борьбу с 3d печатниками⁠ ⁠

Lego начала борьбу с 3d печатниками LEGO, 3D принтер, 3D печать, 3D моделирование, Печаль

Починил⁠ ⁠

Починил Гифка, 3D принтер, Лестница, LEGO

Все лучшие скидки у вас под рукой (даже когда цены растут!)⁠ ⁠

Чтобы не пропустить выгодные предложения, подпишитесь на полезный телеграм-канал Пикабу. Там мы оперативно выкладываем горячие скидки, чтобы вы успели ими воспользоваться.

Постим про всё: от доставки еды и одежды до бытовой техники и электроники.

4 удивительных 3D-принтера из Lego⁠ ⁠

5Buss создал видео-подборку, в которой продемонстрировал работу нескольких самых сложных механизмов для 3D-печати, созданных на основе деталей конструктора. Первый осуществляет классическую печать при помощи наслаивания друг на друга слоев горячего пластика, формируя сложную структуру поэтапно. Два других идут по более простому, но не менее эффективному пути, вырезая из заготовки трехмерную скульптуру посредством режущего элемента и дрели. Наконец последний, самый скромный прибор, занимается тем, что воспроизводит предоставленный эскиз, самостоятельно собирая заготовку из наборов цветных деталей от Lego (другими словами, он профессионально играет в конструктор за вас).

🧱 Best STL files of Lego to make with a 3D printer

Find here a selection of the best 3D models of 3D printable Lego

Download free Lego STL files

The LEGO brick is the most perfect toy for all the Makers, it allows to recreate all the universes you want. If you also add 3D printing to LEGO, there are no more limits! You are missing a brick, you want a new color or a new Minifig, no problem, just print it in 3D! Discover all kind of Lego: Lego City, Lego Minjago, Lego Technic, Lego Starwars, Lego Friends.

Giant Lego Skeleton

Giant Darth Vader Lego Holder Paper toilet

Modular Hexagonal Dovetail display box compatible with LEGO® minifigures

IMG_8156.JPG Free STL file Lego - Batman Plane・3D printer model to download, KimiR3D

Lego - Batman Plane

f616beec7e8a47835c5818d543182f81_display_large.jpg STL file Small switch crossing・3D printable design to download, Byctrldesign

Small switch crossing

brick system Marble Run

cb4ebfd1598494b253e0ed13e49a7013_display_large.jpg STL file Double switch・3D printing model to download, Byctrldesign

Double switch

SnakeTail2.jpg Free SCAD file Lego Minifig Compatible Snake Tail・3D print design to download, Miserere

Lego Minifig Compatible Snake Tail

F2R7MT8I4O23O5W.LARGE.jpg 3D file Diesel-01 locomotive model that fits popular tracks・3D print model to download, euroreprap_eu

Diesel-01 locomotive model that fits popular tracks

8fe977d14fde51411c80b530df00ddf3_display_large.jpg STL file traintrack bow and straight・3D print design to download, Byctrldesign

traintrack bow and straight

8b1f729889995c1d2337b4d0b038d394_preview_featured.jpg Free STL file Crop Circle Baseplates Interlocking Brick System Compatible・Model to download and 3D print, baschz

Crop Circle Baseplates Interlocking Brick System Compatible

Repeater rifle

Brick Head Lamp with Audio

1B28E091-8AEB-4872-9EC9-8BEE9530F526.jpg Free STL file Lego Minifig Stadium Modular・3D printable model to download, Kahnindustries

Lego Minifig Stadium Modular

IMG_20190926_185933.jpg Free STL file Spear 1・3D printer design to download, TedGhast

Spear 1

2f653e67ad7cd0eddee12624a68e8561_display_large.jpg STL file Small switches left and right・3D printer model to download, Byctrldesign

Small switches left and right

Hammer two handed 1

IMG_20190926_185903.jpg Free STL file Rifle・3D printing design to download, TedGhast


IMG_20190926_190344.jpg Free STL file Pistol・Model to download and 3D print, TedGhast


Rude miniature figure megahand

IMG_20190926_190117.jpg Free STL file Armour - Battle Nun 1・Design to download and 3D print, TedGhast

Armour - Battle Nun 1

Axe 1

IMG_20190926_191039.jpg Free STL file Ogre hammer・3D printer model to download, TedGhast

Ogre hammer

IMG_20190926_185933.jpg Free STL file Imperial Sheilds・3D print object to download, TedGhast

Imperial Sheilds

IMG_20190926_190202.jpg Free STL file Sword・3D print object to download, TedGhast


Zweihander 1

Holy Hammer

IMG_20190926_185956.jpg Free STL file Armour - Imperial armour・Object to download and to 3D print, TedGhast

Armour - Imperial armour

IMG_20190926_185845.jpg Free STL file Zweihander 2・3D printer model to download, TedGhast

Zweihander 2

Axe two handed

IMG_20190926_190059.jpg Free STL file Armour - Preist・3D printable object to download, TedGhast

Armour - Preist


IMG_20190926_185644.jpg Free STL file Dagger・Template to download and 3D print, TedGhast


IMG_20190926_190042.jpg Free STL file Blunderbuss・Design to download and 3D print, TedGhast


2.jpg Free STL file Lantern・3D printing template to download, TedGhast


IMG_20190926_185730.jpg Free STL file Scrolls・3D printing design to download, TedGhast


IMG_20190926_190304.jpg Free STL file Armour - Dark armour・3D printable design to download, TedGhast

Armour - Dark armour

IMG_20190926_190117.jpg Free STL file Armour - Battle Nun Sheild・3D printing model to download, TedGhast

Armour - Battle Nun Sheild

IMG_20190926_190236.jpg Free STL file Armour - Gambeson・3D printer model to download, TedGhast

Armour - Gambeson

IMG_20190926_185730.jpg Free STL file Axe 2・3D printer design to download, TedGhast

Axe 2

IMG_20190926_190145.jpg Free STL file Hammer two handed 2・Template to download and 3D print, TedGhast

Hammer two handed 2

Spear 2

IMG_20190926_190145.jpg Free STL file Armour - Battle Nun 2・3D print design to download, TedGhast

Armour - Battle Nun 2

IMG_20190926_190202.jpg Free STL file Witch hunter hat・3D printable model to download, TedGhast

Witch hunter hat

IMG_20190926_190042.jpg Free STL file Armour - Milita armour・Design to download and 3D print, TedGhast

Armour - Milita armour

Flagellant helmet

IMG_20190926_190835.jpg Free STL file Club・3D printable object to download, TedGhast

Here is our selection of the best LEGO STL files, all these beautiful creations are from the 3D file library Cults and are perfectly 3D printable.

This collection includes many free 3D files that will allow you to 3D print ** at home all kinds of LEGO: **Lego City, Lego Minjago, Lego Technic, Lego Starwars, Lego Friends.

This small brick became quite naturally the favorite toy of the makers. Of course we buy it with instructions, but we very quickly let ourselves go to pure creativity. Many bricks are selected to recreate different universes. It allows you to give free rein to your imagination, without limits or borders.

This selection of Lego 3D models will allow you to transform certain bricks, build things impossible with traditional bricks, but also 3D print your Lego Minifig.

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