Lego statue of liberty

Обновлено: 06.05.2024

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Постройте из кубиков конструктора Лего модель одного из самых известных в мире национальных памятников — «Статую Свободы» (21042) от LEGO Architecture. Статуя Свободы, расположенная в порту Нью-Йорка, возвышается над Островом свободы на высоту 93 метра, приветствуя морских путешественников со всего мира. Эта статуя является символом свободы. Она была передана народу Соединенных Штатов в качестве подарка от французского народа; официальная церемония передачи состоялась 28 октября 1886 года на глазах у многотысячной толпы. Детализированная модель отражает гармоничное сочетание архитектуры и скульптуры статуи, отличается проработанным пьедесталом со щитом, тщательной детализацией и балконами на колоннах. Статуя свободы облачена в развевающуюся робу, разбитые оковы и 7-лучевую корону. В левой руке она держит скрижаль, а в правой — золотой факел. Эта элегантная модель LEGO Architecture выполнена в аутентичной светло-зелёной с бежевым цветовой гамме и украшена декоративной пластиной.

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Постройте из кубиков конструктора Лего модель одного из самых известных в мире национальных памятников — «Статую Свободы» (21042) от LEGO Architecture. Статуя Свободы, расположенная в порту Нью-Йорка, возвышается над Островом свободы на высоту 93 метра, приветствуя морских путешественников со всего мира. Эта статуя является символом свободы. Она была передана народу Соединенных Штатов в качестве подарка от французского народа; официальная церемония передачи состоялась 28 октября 1886 года на глазах у многотысячной толпы. Детализированная модель отражает гармоничное сочетание архитектуры и скульптуры статуи, отличается проработанным пьедесталом со щитом, тщательной детализацией и балконами на колоннах. Статуя свободы облачена в развевающуюся робу, разбитые оковы и 7-лучевую корону. В левой руке она держит скрижаль, а в правой — золотой факел. Эта элегантная модель LEGO Architecture выполнена в аутентичной светло-зелёной с бежевым цветовой гамме и украшена декоративной пластиной.

🧐 Этим конструктором интересовались: 247 чел.

👉 А вы знали? Что самый большой конструктор Лего это модель корабля Титаник 10294 LEGO Creator Expert, который состоит из 9 090 деталей. Корабль разделяется на три части, позволяя осмотреть детально проработанный интерьер. Эта колоссальная модель корабля «Титаник» — предмет для коллекции, который войдет в историю.


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The Statue of Liberty is perhaps the most recognizable American icon and has been rendered in LEGO bricks many times. From a massive version towering over the original LEGOLAND Billund to a much-sought-after collectible minifigure variant, Lady Liberty is a longstanding favorite of LEGO designers. The newest addition to the LEGO Architecture line 21042 Statue of Liberty is arguably the most complex, accurate and satisfying renditions, containing 1,685 pieces and available now for $119.99 USD.

The box

As with other LEGO Architecture sets, 21042 Statue of Liberty comes in a premium storage box with a decent heft to it, but oriented vertically and towering over any other box from the Architecture line so far. While the series has typically been targeted at a building age of 12+, the Statue of Liberty indicated a building suggestion of 16+, already suggesting that it will be a more complex build.

Opening the box reveals ten numbered bags full of tan, sand green, and some red white and blue elements as well as three loose red Technic axle links. Architecture sets haven’t typically had numbered bags, so their inclusion is a welcome change to avoid spending the majority of your building time looking for that one part. A perfect-bound 183-page instruction booklet rounds out the box contents, which includes a brief history about the statue as well as some glamor shots, though interestingly the text is only in English rather than repeated in several different languages like former booklets have done.

The build

The actual build process starts simply with a square base and four walls built from tan masonry profile bricks (or “brick bricks’). From there, red, white and blue elements (a dose of internal patriotism) are used to create a structure to attach what essentially is an outward facing façade of tan details. Several previous LEGO versions have opted to exclude the pedestal, likely for height considerations. However, that’s where the simplicity of the set ends.

I would almost describe the process of building this set as creating numerous “puzzle pieces,” then assembling those sub-builds to reveal the completed model. Though somewhat repetitive in creating nearly four identical copies of each segment for each of the four sides of the statue, the segments themselves are incredibly detailed. Boat studs are used to represent the circular panels wrapped around the base of the pedestal, and several more “puzzle pieces” are created, adding texture and patterns to flush out the first half of the base.

With another round of red, white and blue structural work on the inside and tan detailed segments on the outside, the pedestal is completed. The top viewing platform is constructed with exposed studs on the railing, a technique also not used often in Architecture models, but giving it a distinct LEGO-look.

The central core of the pedestal is hollow, allowing for several flexible Technic 16L axle links to essentially anchor the upcoming top portion of the build. These links act as tension cables that allow for the completed model to be lifted without worrying that the statue will fall off the pedestal. (Following several tests, I would declare that this Statue of Liberty is quite swooshable.)

The onslaught of sand green begins, as the base of the statue portion is tiled and a central column of SNOT bricks is erected. The color-coordinated columns of similar elements is crucial to helping you not go cross-eyed while building the repeated levels.

Speaking of sand green, there are numerous new elements that appear in the color for the first time, including 35 pairs of the angled “baby wedge bows” (technically named 2×1 curved slope with no studs and a stud notch, hence the nickname). The set is certainly a fantastic parts pack for sand green if you are looking for curves and corner SNOT bricks. There are no entirely new elements in the model, though that is part of the charm of Architecture sets, seeing what is possible to create using the parts that already exist.

The rest of the build feels even more like a puzzle as subassemblies are created to wrap around the exterior of the central column and reveal Lady Liberty. Each of the sub-builds are fairly easy, though since everything is sand green it is easy to accidentally use the wrong part. (As an aside, I consider myself to be a fairly decent LEGO builder, and I still made three mistakes confusing the different baby wedge bows which I had to search for and then correct when I ran out of the elements later on. Quite humbling!)

Lady Liberty’s right arm is connected using an incredibly simple, yet satisfying technique that I won’t spoil here, but rest assured it takes advantage of the geometry of a few pieces to perfectly secure the upright arm in place. The torch’s flame is a recolored version of Salazar’s black windswept hairpiece from last year’s 71042 Silent Mary. Molded in pearl gold, it catches the light and works remarkably well to represent the flame capping off the Statue of Liberty.

Finally, the statue’s crown and face are created out of all new elements in sand green. The pentagonal Nexo Knight shield is used as the face of Lady Liberty. This gives the her an extremely abstract and flat-looking face from close up, though in the proper shape. The model is certainly meant to be viewed from a distance for the right effect. I talked to set designer Rok Žgalin Kobe in Billund about the choice, and he said that they tried many different prints and brick-built renditions, but that the simplest version ended up being the most effective, short of creating a molded face.

The finished model

Altogether, the puzzle that is 21042 Statue of Liberty is a particularly challenging build with a stunning result. At slightly more than seven cents a piece, it is also priced reasonably considering it is the second-largest LEGO Architecture set by piece count, following the massive 2,276-piece 21010 Robie House.

Nearly a year has elapsed since the last non-skyline LEGO Architecture set came out, 21036 Arc de Triomphe, and 21042 Statue of Liberty is a worthy successor. Measuring nearly a foot and a half tall (44 cm), Lady Liberty is the tallest set in the line, easily beating out the former tallest set 21031 Burj Khalifa (which is ironically the tallest building in the world at the moment).

In comparison to LEGO’s previous sand green, nearly 3,000 piece 3450 Statue of Liberty from 18 years ago, the current Architecture version is sleek and feels more complete with the pedestal included. In terms of size, the earlier version dwarfs her sand green sisters, but the use of curved elements makes the pleats in the robes on the statue more identifiable.

New York City is a favorite of LEGO designers, with 21042 Statue of Liberty becoming the ninth building/monument to be depicted in the Architecture series. This set is actually the second Statue of Liberty to be included in the line, the first being a sand green nano-figure from the 21028 New York City skyline set.

Having lived in New York City for a fair number of years, I have often gazed at the Statue of Liberty across the water from downtown. Whenever friends or family would visit, we would venture out to Liberty Island to climb to the crown inside the statue and back down. Being so close to the base of Lady Liberty, we would look up at the symbol of freedom and collectively feel like we were part of something bigger than ourselves. Building this LEGO version, even with its complexities, brought back a hint of those feelings, which is remarkable for a toy made of plastic bricks.

The LEGO Group sent The Brothers Brick a copy of this set for review. Providing TBB with products for review guarantees neither coverage nor positive reviews. A special thank you to Bricks and Wheels for letting us borrow 3450 Statue of Liberty so we could compare the two sets.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous landmarks in the world and LEGO has released several iterations of the structure throughout the years and the latest one is the summer 2018 LEGO Architecture 21042 set. It has 1,685 pieces and retails for $119.99 and will be available starting on June 1.


As with other LEGO Architecture sets, the box is higher quality than with other sets and it opens up using flaps. The box is also larger and bulkier than other Architecture sets. The front is pretty standard showing off the set while the back shows the proportions of it along with a side-to-side comparison to its real-life counterpart.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

The contents of the box include ten numbered bags from 1-5 and a 184 page instruction booklet. I like this method of part organization as I don’t have to go searching for the parts when the bags are unnumbered.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

Like with other Architecture sets, the booklet has some background information about the Statue of Liberty as well as some facts of the monument.


The first three sets of bags are used to build the granite pedestal. The base of it uses some masonry bricks which are surrounded black tiles, one of which with printed Statue of Liberty wording in the front.

Further up a little, there are six 2×2 round slide shoe pieces used for each side of the building however there are supposed to be ten on each side. I’m sure that LEGO did this to reduce the scale of the set just a little bit.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

Above that are four short columns on the corners that uses some of the new 1×1 pyramid tiles. The parts are also used around the perimeter as well. Up to this point, it’s been a pretty redundant building process since all four sides have been the same.

Further up, we’re now at the center part of the pedestal and we also start the second set of bags. The corners uses some corner plates along with some 1×1 round plates that are alternated with some 1×1 square plates. If you have OCD, this part of the build gets a bit repetitive to put on lined up straight.

The middle columns, again, are the same on all four sides and they use some headlight bricks along with some 1×2 grills to achieve the look. The corners, like before, use the same 1×1 round and square plates with the corner plates.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

The top part of the pedestal where the viewing area is at is straight-forward with the 1×1 bricks along with the wall elements.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

In the middle of the pedestal are a few red Technic rods to hold the whole statue together. The bottom two rods are connected to a Technic beam at the base of the pedestal.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

Now that the tan bricks are done, the last two sets of bags are mostly for the sand green parts which fans will surely enjoy. First you build the middle column that everything builds out from. It mainly uses some 1×1 bricks on two sides and headlight bricks that builds up on the exposed Technic rod.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

The dress consists of a lot of sloped pieces as well as bow plates, most of which are new in the sand green color. These parts are used nicely to show the folds of the dress. I will say that I found myself putting the wrong piece on a few times due to me going too fast and putting on the wrong bow plates.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

The crown is very recognizable however the face only uses a shield piece, all of which are brand new pieces in sand green. The back of the head, however, looks a bit ugly. One other notable thing is the torch where a gold hairpiece is used to represent the flame. Finally, the tabula ansata that she holds is attached on a hinge brick so it can be at a slight angle.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)


The Statue of Liberty (21042) is the the largest LEGO Architecture set that I’ve built and it’s probably one of best ones I’ve built as well. The model is very accurate to its real-life counterpart and it’s also a great set to sit down and put together. There are a lot of new pieces in sand green that builders will want to pick over for their own purposes. The only downside is probably the higher price but it’s still well under the golden ratio of $0.10/piece, especially with what you get. I highly recommend this set as it makes a great display piece as long as you have space for it.

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty (21042)

Thank you to LEGO for sending in this set for me to review. The content above represents my own opinion and not the company. Review sets sent in does not guarantee a positive review.

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LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty

While the actual statue stands 305 feet high above Liberty Island in New York Harbor, and the replica at the New York-New York Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas is 1/2 the size, the LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty stands 17″ tall. Small compared to the real thing, but large and impressively detailed for a LEGO model.

The build is designed to be pleasantly challenging, with the remarkable results a satisfying reward. Intricately detailed and lined with shields, the pedestal features columned balconies and complex brick layouts. Lady Liberty features a 7-ray crown, broken shackles, iconic tablet, flowing robe, and an upraised arm holding a golden torch.

Celebrate a monumental blend of architecture and sculpture with this LEGO® Architecture 21042 The Statue of Liberty set. America’s iconic symbol of freedom stands more than 305 feet above Liberty Island in New York harbor, welcoming seafarers from around the globe. This impressive LEGO interpretation faithfully reproduces the monument’s harmonious blend of sculpture and architecture with its intricately detailed shield-lined pedestal, brick detailing and columned balconies. The beautifully crafted Lady Liberty statue features a flowing robe, broken shackles, 7-ray crown, iconic tablet and an upraised arm bearing a golden torch. Finished with an authentic sand-green and beige color scheme, and a decorative nameplate, this model delivers a highly satisfying building experience to all with an interest in architecture, travel, history and design, and makes a truly symbolic centerpiece for the home or office.

LEGO Statue of Liberty

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty 21042

LEGO Architecture 21042 Statue of Liberty

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty Schematic

LEGO Architecture Statue of Liberty is available for $119.99 at LEGO Shop.

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