The lego company was very keen on the that andrew johnson

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Test on Module 3. V. Use the correct form of the words in

IV Use the correct preposition.

for (2); at; on; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully ….. his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always pick ….. him.

3. Read the poem and pick …… all the adjectives.

4. Mother picks her child …… whenever he cries.

V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll be an …. . ( ART)

2. ….. from different countries will take part in the concert. ( MUSIC)

3. The ….. advised me to read this book. ( LIBRARY)

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think …… . ( DEPEND)

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I ( to wait) here until Jane comes.

3. By the end of the month, he ( to work) for the company for ten years.

4. In twenty -four hours I (to relax) on my yacht.

5. Next week her granny ( to be) 90 years old.

7. I hope one day I ( to return) to my native town.

8. They ( to finish) their project by June.

9. The match ( to start) at 7 p.m.

10. They ‘ (to move) house as soon as they buy new furniture.

VII. Put the adjectives into the correct form.

2. Children these days seem to become ( rude) and ( rude).

3. Which of these houses is (expensive)?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much ( slim) than his wife.

5. To get promotion you must work ( hard) and be (responsible).

7. It’s ( interesting ) film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

8. John is by far (sociable) person in his school.

9. (Much) you stay at home, ( bad) you ‘ll feel in the street.



IV. Use the correct preposition

for (2); at; in; on; with; out; up;

1. The boy picked sorrowfully at his porridge.

2. He doesn’t like his classmates because they always pick on him.

3. Read the poem and pick out all the adjectives .

4. Mother picks her child up whenever he cries.

5. He used to work for Smith & Co in his youth.

6. Who is in charge of the investigation?

7. Don’t worry! We’ll deal with the problem properly.

8. Everyone should be responsible for their decisions.

V. Use the correct form of the words in brackets.

1. She is keen on drawing and painting. I think she’ll be an ARTIST .

2. MUSICIANS from different countries will take part in the concert.

3. The LIBRARIAN advised me to read this book.

4. A good teacher motivates pupils to think INDEPENDENTLY.

VI. Put the verbs into the correct future form: Future Simple, Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Future Perfect Continuous, Present Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to.

1. I am going to wait here until Jane comes.

2. I am going to miss the flight because of this terrible traffic jam!

3. By the end of the month, he will have been working for the company for ten years.

4. In twenty -four hours I will be relaxing on my yacht.

5. Next week her granny will be 90 years old .

6. When are you leaving for London? - Tomorrow at 10 a.m.

7. I hope one day I will return to my native town.

8. They will have finished their project by June.

9. The match starts at 7 p.m.

10. They’ll move house as soon as they buy new furniture.

11. What are you going to do at the weekend?

12. By the time you get back she will have got married.

VII. Put the adjective into the correct form.

1. Things are as bad as they can be.

2. Children these days seem to become ruder and ruder.

3. Which of these houses is the most expensive?

4. He had to admit that Mary was much slimmer than his wife.

5. To get the promotion you must work harder and be more responsible.

6. He lives a bit farther than his parents.

7. It’s the least interesting film I’ve ever seen. I didn’t like it at all.

8. John is by far the most sociable person in his school.

9. The more you stay at home, the worse you’ll feel in the street.

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 10 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 8a.

A. Video mobile phone
B. Laptop computer
C. MP3 player

Ann: It’s great. I can store/carry up to 5.000 songs on it and listen to them anywhere and anytime I like. Because it’s so small, I can have/carry it around in my pocket. I don’t know what I’d do without it!

Eva: I can use it to talk to friends, play/send them messages, play/take photos and even videos.

Duncan: I always send/have it with me wherever I go. It’s my mobile office and all the documents and information I need for my business are carried/stored on it. I don’t just use it for work though, I use it to save/play games, too.

Ann: It’s great. I can store up to 5.000 songs on it and listen to them anywhere and anytime I like. Because it’s so small, I can carry it around in my pocket. I don’t know what I’d do without it! (MP3 player) – Этот гаджет замечательный. Я могу хранить на нем до 5 тысяч песен и слушать их где угодно и когда угодно. Поскольку он маленький, я могу носить его в кармане. Я не знаю, что бы я делала без него! (MP3 проигрыватель)

Duncan: I always have it with me wherever I go. It’s my mobile office and all the documents and information I need for my business are stored on it. I don’t just use it for work though, I use it to play games, too. (Laptop computer) – У меня всегда со мной этот гаджет, куда бы я ни пошел. Это мой мобильный офис, на нем хранятся все мои документы и информация, которая мне нужна для бизнеса. Хотя я не только использую этот гаджет для работы, я также пользуюсь им, чтобы играть. (лэптоп)

Exercise 2. Match the words. Then, use the phrases to complete the sentences.
Упражнение 2. Соотнесите слова и полученные сочетания испoльзуйте в предложениях.

1) digital
2) home
3) social
4) techno
5) university
6) music
7) voice

a. freak
b. life
с. recorder
d. movies
e. collection
f. camera
g. lecture

1) I think that most actors have a very busy __ .
2) In the __ the professor discussed how computer technology affects us.
3) My mobile phone has a built in __ .
4) I have my whole __ on my iPod.
5) My dad used to hate technology, but he loves the __ I bought him for his birthday.
6) My younger brother loves new gadgets and computers. He’s a real __ .
7) John invited his friends around to his house to look at some __ of his holiday.

1) digital camera – цифровая камера
2) home movies – домашнее видео
3) social life – социальная (общественная) жизнь
4) techno freak – техно-фрик (помешанный на технологиях)
5) university lecture – лекция в университете
6) music collection – музыкальная коллекция
7) voice recorder – диктофон

1) I think that most actors have a very busy social life. – Я думаю, что у большинства актеров очень напряженная социальная жизнь.
2) In the university lecture the professor discussed how computer technology affects us. – На лекции в университете профессор обсуждал, как компьютерные технологии влияют на нас.
3) My mobile phone has a built in voice recorder. – Мой мобильный телефон имеет встроенный диктофон.
4) I have my whole music collection on my iPod. – У меня вся коллекция музыки на моем iPod.
5) My dad used to hate technology, but he loves the digital camera I bought him for his birthday. – Мой папа обычно не любил технологии, но он полюбил цифровую камеру, которую я купил ему на день рождения.
6) My younger brother loves new gadgets and computers. He’s a real techno freak. – Мой младший брат любит новые гаджеты и компьютеры. Он настоящий техно-фрик (помешанный на технологиях).
7) John invited his friends around to his house to look at some home movies of his holiday. – Джон пригласил друзей к себе домой, чтобы посмотреть домашнее видео с его каникул.

1) My best friend David is __ a career in computing.
2) She’s been using a personal organiser for two years now to __ a record of her appointments.
3) I wanted some pop music for the party, so John __ some songs onto a CD for me.
4) His computer is really old so he can’t use it to __ his home movies.
5) He __ to having stolen her mobile phone.
6) You can __ all sorts of information on a laptop.
7) __ a mobile phone isn’t easy because there are so many to choose from.

1) My best friend David is considering a career in computing. – Мой лучший друг Дэвид раздумывает над карьерой в компьютерной сфере.
2) She’s been using a personal organiser for two years now to keep a record of her appointments. – Она использует личный органайзер уже два года, чтобы вести запись своих встреч.
3) I wanted some pop music for the party, so John burnt some songs onto a CD for me. – Я хотел кое-какую поп-музыку для вечеринки, поэтому Джон записал несколько песен на компакт-диск.
4) His computer is really old so he can’t use it to edit his home movies. – Его компьютер на самом деле старый, поэтому он не может им пoльзоваться, чтобы редактировать домашнее видео.
5) He admitted to having stolen her mobile phone. – Он признался в краже ее мобильного телефона.
6) You can store all sorts of information on a laptop. – Вы можете хранить все виды информации на лэптопе.
7) Choosing a mobile phone isn’t easy because there are so many to choose from. – Выбор мобильного телефона – это нелегкое дело, потому что имеется очень большой выбор.

1) I’m not very keen on/at modern technology. A lot of it is too confusing for me.
2) He’s hooked with/on computer games. He stays up all night playing them.
3) Shhh! I’m trying to listen at/to the radio!
4) Sarah is doing research of/on computer technology at university.
5) I was so bored with/on the journey. I wish I’d had my MP3 player.
6) Is that the digital camera that you won in/on the competition?
7) Jane has a very important job with a computer company and is always on/from the move.

1) I’m not very keen on modern technology. A lot of it is too confusing for me. – Я не очень интересуюсь современными технологиями. Многие из них меня смущают.

2) He’s hooked on computer games. He stays up all night playing them. – Он зациклен на компьютерных играх. Он ночами не спит, играя в них.

3) Shhh! I’m trying to listen to the radio! – Тихо! Я пытаюсь послушать радио.

4) Sarah is doing research on computer technology at university. – Сара в университете делает исследование по компьютерным технологиями.

5) I was so bored on the journey. I wish I’d had my MP3 player. – Мне было скучно в поездке. Жаль, что у меня не было MP3-проигрывателя.

6) Is that the digital camera that you won in the competition? – Ты выиграл в конкурсе цифровую камеру?

7) Jane has a very important job with a computer company and is always on the move. – У Джейн очень важная работа в компьютерной компании, и она всегда в разъездах.

Do you have a 1)__ for new technology? Are you looking for a 2)__ DVD player? Or a 3)__ video camera? If so, Cahill Electric have all the newest 4)__ .

Do you have a passion for new technology? Are you looking for a portable DVD player? Or a handy video camera? If so, Cahill Electric have all the newest gadgets. – У вас страсть к новым технологиям? Вы ищете переносной DVD-проигрыватель? Или удобную видео камеру? Если да, то в компании Cahill Electric есть все новейшие гаджеты.

На данной странице находятся упражнения с ответами по английскому языку из рабочей тетради (Workbook) 10 класса УМК Spotlight. Упражнения из 8c.

1) “I bought a new camcorder yesterday,” he said.
2) “My headphones are missing,” she said.
3) “The strap is broken,” he said.
4) “The signal is very poor today,” she said.
5) “I think the batteries are flat,” he said.
6) “It’s not under guarantee,” he said.
7) “Don’t touch the wire!’ John said.

1) “I bought a new camcorder yesterday,” he said. – “Вчера я купил новую записывающую камеру”, – сказал он.
He said (that) he had bought a new camcorder the day before. – Он сказал, что купил новую записывающую камеру вчера.

2) “My headphones are missing,” she said. – “Мои наушники отсутствуют”, – сказала она.
She said (that) her headphones were missing. – Она сказала, что у нее отсутствуют наушники.

3) “The strap is broken,” he said. – “Ремень сломан”, – сказал он.
He said (that) the strap was broken. – Он сказал, что ремень сломан.

4) “The signal is very poor today,” she said. – “Сигнал очень слабый сегодня”, – сказала она.
She said (that) the signal was very poor that day. – Она сказала, что сегодня очень слабый сигнал.

5) “I think the batteries are flat,” he said. – “Я думаю, что сели батареи”, – сказал он.
He said (that) he thought the batteries were flat. – Он сказал, что думал, что батареи разрядились.

6) “It’s not under guarantee,” he said. – “Он не на гарантии”, – сказал он.
He said (that) it was not under guarantee. – Он сказал, что это не было на гарантии.

7) “Don’t touch the wire!’ John said. – “Не прикасайся к шнуру!” – сказал Джон.
John said not to touch the wire. – Джон сказал не прикасаться к шнуру.

“The Compaq Portable Computer is a ‘laptop’, which means you can carry it around with you.” (Technology Today, 1983)

“The main advantage of the Macintosh 128K is that it’s very easy to learn and use.”
(Los Angeles Times, 1984)

“Windows 95 will appeal to the experienced user and complete beginner.”
(IT Pro, 1995)

“Users who frequently play music or watch movies on their laptops will find Toshiba’s A105-S4014 the best for entertainment.”
(Laptop Weekly, 2006)

“The Compaq Portable Computer is a ‘laptop’, which means you can carry it around with you.” (Technology Today, 1983) – Компактный портативный компьютер – это “лэптоп”, что означает, что вы можете носить его с собой.

-> In 1983, Technology Today reported (that) the Compaq Portable Computer was a ‘laptop’ which meant you could carry it around with you. – В 1983 году журнал Technology Today сообщил, что компактный портативный компьютер – это “лэптоп”, что означает, что вы можете носить его с собой.

“The main advantage of the Macintosh 128K is that it’s very easy to learn and use.”
(Los Angeles Times, 1984) – Главное преимущество Макинтош 128К заключается в том, что его очень легко освоить и испoльзовать.

-> In 1984, The LA Times reported (that) the main advantage of the Macintosh 128K was that it was very easy to learn and use. – В 1984 году газета Лос-Анжелес Таймз сообщила, что главным преимуществом Макинтош 128К заключается в том, что его очень легко освоить и испoльзовать.

“Windows 95 will appeal to the experienced user and complete beginner.” (IT Pro, 1995) – Виндоус 95 понравится опытному пользователю и абсолютному новичку.

-> In 1995, IT Pro reported (that) Windows 95 would appeal to the experienced user and complete beginner. – В 1995 году журнал IT Pro сообщил, что Виндоус 95 понравится опытному пользователю и абсолютному новичку.

“Users who frequently play music or watch movies on their laptops will find Toshiba’s A105-S4014 the best for entertainment.” (Laptop Weekly, 2006) – Пользователи, которые часто проигрывают музыку или смотрят фильмы на своих лэптопах обнаружат, что Тошиба A105-S4014 будет самым лучшим для развлекательных целей.

-> In 2006, Laptop Weekly reported (that) users who frequently played music or watched movies on their laptops would find Toshiba’s A105-S4014 the best for entertainment. – В 2006 году журнал Laptop Weekly сообщил, что пользователи, которые часто проигрывают музыку или смотрят фильмы на своих лэптопах обнаружат, что Тошиба A105-S4014 будет самым лучшим для развлекательных целей.

Exercise 3. Newspaper journalist Phil Brown interviewed a technology expert last week. Turn his questions into reported speech.
Упражнение 3. Журналист Фил Браун взял интервью у специалиста по технологиям. Передайте его вопросы в косвенной речи. Первое предложение дано как образец.

1) “When did you buy your first computer?”
► Phil asked him when he bought his first computer.

2) “What did you think of it?”
3) Why are you so keen on technology?
4) “Have you got a laptop?”
5) “What is your favourite gadget?”
6) “What kind of technology will we have in the future?”
7) “Is this a new PC?”
8) “What gadget will you buy next?”

1) “When did you buy your first computer?” – Когда вы купили свой первый компьютер?
► Phil asked him when he bought his first computer. – Фил спросил, когда он купил свой первый компьютер.

2) “What did you think of it?” – Что вы об этом думаете?
► Phil asked him what he thought of it. – Фил спросил, что он думает об этом.

3) Why are you so keen on technology? – Почему вы так увлечены технологиями?
► Phil asked him why he was so keen on technology. – Фил спросил, почему он так увлечен технологиями.

4) “Have you got a laptop?” – Есть у вас лэптоп?
► Phil asked him if/whether he had a laptop. – Фил спросил, есть ли у него лэптоп.

5) “What is your favourite gadget?” – Какой у вас любимый гаджет?
► Phil asked him what his favourite gadget was. – Фил спросил, какой у него любимый гаджет.

6) “What kind of technology will we have in the future?” – Какого вида технологии у нас будут в будущем?
► Phil asked him what kind of technology we would have in the future. – Фил спросил, какого вида технологии у нас будут в будущем.

7) “Is this a new PC?” – Это новый компьютер?
► Phil asked him if/whether that was a new PC. – Фил спросил, является ли компьютер новым.

8) “What gadget will you buy next?” – Какой гаджет вы купите следующим?
► Phil asked him what gadget he would buy next. – Фил спросил, какой гаджет он купит следующим.

1) “Don’t buy that computer,” Bob said to me.
2) “Show me your MP3 player,” he said to me.
3) “Switch off your mobile phones,” the teacher said to us.
4) “Press the ‘on’ button,” Dad said to me.
5) “Send me a text message,” he said to me.
6) “Get a replacement,” Alan said to her.
7) “Send it back to the manufacturer,” Anne said to him.
8) “Help him repair the printer,” he said to me.

1) “Don’t buy that computer,” Bob said to me. – “Не покупай тот компьютер”, – сказал Боб.
Bob told me not to buy that computer. – Боб сказал мне не покупать тот компьютер.

2) “Show me your MP3 player,” he said to me. – “Покажи мне свой MP3-проигрыватель”, – сказал он мне.
He told me to show him my MP3 player. – Он попросил показать ему свой MP3-проигрыватель.

3) “Switch off your mobile phones,” the teacher said to us. – “Отключите свои мобильные телефоны”, – сказал нам учитель.
The teacher told us to switch off our mobile phones. – Учитель сказал нам выключить свои мобильные телефоны.

4) “Press the ‘on’ button,” Dad said to me. – “Нажми кнопку включения”, – сказал мне папа.
Dad told me to press the ‘on’ button. — Папа сказал мне нажать кнопку включения.

6) “Get a replacement,” Alan said to her. – “Получи замену”, – Алан сказал ей.
Alan told her to get a replacement. – Алан сказал ей получить замену.

8) “Help him repair the printer,” he said to me. – “Помоги ему отремонтировать принтер”, – он сказал мне.
He told me to help him repair the printer. – Он сказал мне помочь ему отремонтировать принтер.

Exercise 5. Fill in the gaps with the correct relative pronoun or adverb.
Упражнение 5. Вставьте правильное относительное местоимение или наречие.

1) The viewfinder, __ is little bit old, is cracked.
2) 2005 was the year __ I bought my first mobile phone.
3) That’s the shop __ I got a cheap MP3 player.
4) Toshiba, __ is Japanese, is one of the largest computer companies in the world.
5) Bob __ is my neighbour, sells laptops.
6) The digital camera, __ I got for my birthday, is still under guarantee.
7) That’s the girl __ brother is a computer programmer.
8) The iPod __ is on the table is Eileen’s.
9) I was so happy __ I won a camera in a competition last year.
10) Tim, __ is a businessman, loves photography.

1) The viewfinder, which is little bit old, is cracked. – Видоискатель, который немного староват, треснул.

2) 2005 was the year that (или when) I bought my first mobile phone. – 2005 был годом, в который (когда) я купил свой первый мобильный телефон.

3) That’s the shop where I got a cheap MP3 player. – Это магазин, где я приобрел дешевый MP3-проигрыватель.

4) Toshiba, which is Japanese, is one of the largest computer companies in the world. – Тошиба, которая является японской, представляет собой одну из самых больших компьютерных компаний в мире.

5) Bob who is my neighbour, sells laptops. – Боб, который является моим соседом, продает лэптопы.

6) The digital camera, which (или that) I got for my birthday, is still under guarantee. – Цифровая камера, которую я получил на свой день рождения, все еще на гарантии.

7) That’s the girl whose brother is a computer programmer. – Это девочка, чей брат является компьютерным программистом.

8) The iPod that (или which) is on the table is Eileen’s. – iPod, который находится на столе, принадлежит Айлин.

9) I was so happy when I won a camera in a competition last year. – Я был настолько счастлив, когда выиграл камеру в конкурсе в прошлом году.

10) Tim, who is a businessman, loves photography. – Тим, который является бизнесменом, любит фотографию.

Exercise 6. Join the sentences below using relative pronouns/adverbs.
Упражнение 6. Соедините предложения, используя относительные местоимения/наречия.

1) This is the video camera. I bought it yesterday.
2) They love their house. They bought it last year.
3) A man lives next door. He’s a photographer.
4) I know a woman. Her sister is an actress.
5) This is the camera. It belongs to my mother.
6) She wrote a book. It was a bestseller.

1) This is the video camera. I bought it yesterday.
This is the video camera that/which I bought yesterday. – Это видеокамера, которую я купил вчера.

2) They love their house. They bought it last year.
They love their house, which they bought last year. – Они любят свой дом, который они купили в прошлом году.

3) A man lives next door. He’s a photographer.
The man who lives next door is a photographer. – Человек, который живет по соседству, фотограф.

4) I know a woman. Her sister is an actress.
I know a woman whose sister is an actress. – Я знаю женщину, чья сестра – актриса.

5) This is the camera. It belongs to my mother.
This is the camera that/which belongs to my mother. – Эта камера, которая принадлежит моей матери.

6) She wrote a book. It was a bestseller.
She wrote a book that/which was a best-seller. – Она написала книгу, которая была бестселлером.

Recent developments as well as new gadgets have brought about huge changes for photographers. High-tech scanners and new computers (able) photographers to (digital) their photo collections. In this way they can save thousands of standard photos in digital form on their computers. This (tight) the security of any collection, and also (sure) that the images will last forever. Computer technology also (broad) the range of options available to photographers when it comes to editing images.

Recent developments as well as new gadgets have brought about huge changes for photographers. High-tech scanners and new computers enable photographers to digitise their photo collections. In this way they can save thousands of standard photos in digital form on their computers. This tightens the security of any collection, and also ensures that the images will last forever. Computer technology also broadens the range of options available to photographers when it comes to editing images.

Недавний прогресс и новые гаджеты произвели огромные изменения в работе фотографов. Высокотехнологичные сканеры и новые компьютеры позволяют фотографам переводить в цифровой формат их фото-коллекции. Таким образом они могут хранить тысячи фотографий в цифровом формате на своем компьютере. Это усиливает безопасность коллекции, а также гарантирует то, что изображения сохранятся навечно. Компьютерная технология также расширяет возможности, доступные фотографам, когда речь идет о редактировании фотографий.

1) We were brought up/on in Manchester, England.
2) My new computer has brought on/about big changes in how I work.
3) The stress from his job brought back/on a heart attack.
4) I’ve been waiting for weeks for Ellen to bring up/back the DVD I lent her.

1) We were brought up in Manchester, England. – Мы выросли (дословно: мы были взращены) в Манчестере, в Англии.
2) My new computer has brought about big changes in how I work. – Мой новый компьютер внес изменения в способ моей работы.
3) The stress from his job brought on a heart attack. – Стресс от работы вызвал сердечный приступ.
4) I’ve been waiting for weeks for Ellen to bring back the DVD I lent her. – Я уже несколько недель жду, чтобы Эллен вернула DVD-диск, который я одолжил ей.

Exercise 9. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first. Use the words in bold. Use two to five words.
Упражнение 9. Дополните второе предложение двумя-пятью словами так, чтобы оно означало то же самое, что и первое предложение. Обязательно испoльзуйте слово из скобок.

1) “Be quiet!” the teacher said to the class. (told)
The teacher __ quiet.

2) Sony is a huge company that makes $68 billion a year. (which)
Sony, __ a year, is a huge company.

3) “Are you buying your computer from this shop?” he asked. (if)
He asked __ my computer from that shop.

4) “I can’t afford a new PC,” John said to me. (told)
John __ afford a new PC.

5) Last night’s power cut brought about my computer problem. (which)
The power cut, __, brought about my computer problem.

6) Connor goes to university, he is hooked on gadgets. (who)
Connor, __ , goes to university.

1) “Be quiet!” the teacher said to the class. – “Тихо!”, – учитель сказал классу.
The teacher told the class to be quiet. – Учитель сказал классу быть тихими.

2) Sony is a huge company that makes $68 billion a year. – Сони – это огромная компания, которая зарабатывает 68 миллиардов в год.
Sony, which makes $68 billion a year, is a huge company. – Сони, которая зарабатывает 68 миллиардов в год, является огромной компанией.

3) “Are you buying your computer from this shop?” he asked. – “Ты покупаешь свой компьютер в этом магазине?” – спросил он.
He asked if I was buying my computer from that shop. – Он спросил, покупаю ли я свой компьютер в этом магазине.

4) “I can’t afford a new PC,” John said to me. – “Я не могу позволить себе новый компьютер”, – Джон сказал мне.
John told me (that) he couldn’t afford a new PC. – Джон сказал мне, что не можете позволить себе новый компьютер.

5) Last night’s power cut brought about my computer problem. – Отключение электричества прошлым вечером вызвало проблему с моим компьютером.
The power cut, which happened last night, brought about my computer problem. – Отключение электричества, которое произошло прошлым вечером, вызвало проблему с моим компьютером.

6) Connor goes to university, he is hooked on gadgets. – Коннор ходит в университет, он помешан на гаджетах.
Connor, who is hooked on gadgets, goes to university. – Коннор, который помешан на гаджетах, ходит в университет.

1. Complete the collocations in the sentences. Use the words below.

an advertisement an application the day a degree

a job a job the job a team

1 My brother has left school and is looking for ……………………… . He’s like to work in a hotel.

2 I noticed ……………………… for an interesting job in the newspaper.

3 I sent in ……………………… for a holiday job at a fast-food restaurant.

4 They offered my mum ……………………… in a department store, but she decided not to take it.

5 My sister joined ……………………… of programmers who work on video games.

6 My brother has ……………………… in engineering from Cambridge University.

7 During the summer holidays I worked at a theme park and had ……………………… of selling ice cream.

8 Joe took ……………………… off work so that he could visit his mum, who is ill.


1 a job 2 an advertisement 3 an application

4 a job 5 a team 6 a degree 7 the job 8 the day

2. Look quickly at texts A-C. Match each text with the correct photo (1-3).



Jeff Haslam spends a lot of his time underground. He works in London’s sewers – the tunnels under the roads that carry away waste water … and other, much dirtier things! His job is to keep the sewers clear. ‘We work in teams of six,’ says Jeff. ‘It’s very dirty work. And of course we work in the dark.’ He has to wear special clothes, a mask and a helmet with a light. ‘The most difficult thing is clearing the fat and oil from the sewers under the Chinese and Indian restaurants,’ he says. ‘Last month we removed 1,000 tonnes of fat!’


Many people like to work outdoors, but few would like Charlie Radley’s job. Charlie lives in Alaska and works on a fishing boat. Each fishing trip lasts about a week. ‘It’s extremely cold and often stormy,’ says Charlie, ‘so we wear warm, waterproof clothes.’ Charlie can earn a lot of money if they catch a lot of fish, but if they don’t, he earns very little. ‘I’ll do this job for a year or two more,’ says Charlie, ‘then I’m going to look for another job – something warmer and drier!’


Sandy Smith is a lumberjack – somebody who cuts down trees. Sandy noticed an advertisement for lumberjacks on the internet. Lumberjacks work long hours and are not very well paid, but as Sandy likes to work outdoors, she decided to apply for the job. ‘It’s a very dangerous job,’ says Sandy. ‘We work with big, dangerous machines, and we’re always a long way from the nearest hospital – so I’m always very careful!’

Task: Open the brackets, using the correct form in the Passive Voice.
Задание: Открыть скобки используя корректную форму в пассивном залоге (сейчас в активе, нужно в пассив).

1. Dictionaries may not (use) at the examination.
2. This copy (not read). The pages (not cut).
3. Why the car (not lock) or (put) into the garage?
4. I`m not wearing my black shoes today. They (mend).
5. This room (use) only on special occasions.
6. Bicycles must not (leave) in the hall
7. He was taken to hospital this afternoon, and (operate on) tomorrow morning.
8. The damaged buildings (reconstruct) now, the reconstruction (finish) by the end of the year.
9. The paintings (exhibit) till the end of the month.
10. She heard footsteps, she thought she (follow).
11. Normally this street (sweep) every day, but in (not sweep) yesterday.
12. She is very selfish, she (spoil) by her parents.
13. This purse (leave) in a classroom yesterday, it (find) by the cleaner.
14. Thousands of new houses (build) every year.
15. Why don`t yo use your car - It (repair) now, I had a bad accident a week ago. - Anybody (hurt)?
16. The children are very excited this morning. They (take) to the circus this afternoon.
17. My keys (return) to me yesterday; they (pick up) in the street.

Сделайте правильно хотя бы парочку, и за это огромное спасибо!

Dictionaries may not be used at the examination.
2. This copy is not read). The pages are not cut.
3. Why the car is not locked or put) into the garage?
4. I`m not wearing my black shoes today. They are being mended).
5. This room is used only on special occasions.
6. Bicycles must not be left in the hall
7. He was taken to hospital this afternoon, and will be operated on tomorrow morning.
8. The damaged buildings are being reconstructed now, the reconstruction will have been finished) by the end of the year.
9. The paintings will be exhibited till the end of the month. 10. She heard footsteps, she thought she was followed).
11. Normally this street are swept) every day, but they were not swept yesterday.
12. She is very selfish, she is spoilt) by her parents.
13. This purse was left in a classroom yesterday, it was found by the cleaner.
14. Thousands of new houses are built every year.
15. Why don`t yo use your car - It is being repaired now, I had a bad accident a week ago. - Anybody was hurt)?
16. The children are very excited this morning. They were taken to the circus this afternoon.
17. My keys were returned) to me yesterday; they were picked up in the street.

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