The lego dimensions starter pack

Обновлено: 25.04.2024

Starter Pack: Набор для начинающих для PS4

Fun Pack: Плохой полицейский

Fun Pack: Краггер

Team Pack: Гремлины

Fun Pack: Леголас

Starter Pack: Набор для начинающих для XBOX 360

Fun Pack: Инопланетянин

Level Pack - Балбесы

Story Pack: Фантастические твари и где они обитают

Fun Pack: Тина Голдштейн

71340 Супергёрл Dimensions

Fun Pack Охотники за привидениями: Зуул и Зефирный человечек

Fun Pack: Бэйн

Team Pack: Ниндзяго

Team Pack: Мир Юрского периода

Fun Pack: Старфайер

Level Pack: Гомер Симпсон

Fun Pack: Гимли

Fun Pack: Бенни

Team Pack: Джокер и Харли Куин

Fun Pack: Ниндзяго - Ния

Fun Pack: Эрис

Fun Pack: Ниндзяго - Сенсей Ву

Fun Pack: Зейн - Титановый ниндзя

Fun Pack: Лавал

Fun Pack: Красти

Fun Pack: Гермиона Грейнджер

Fun Pack: Барт Симпсон

Fun Pack: Доктор Кто - Кибермен

Team Pack: Суперкрошки

Level Pack: Время приключений

Fun Pack: Команда А - сержант Баракус

Fun Pack: Супермен

Level Pack: Доктор Кто

Fun Pack: Лего Фильм Бэтмен и меч короля Артура

Fun Pack - Чейз Маккейн

Starter Pack: Набор для начинающих для XBOX ONE

Team Pack - Время приключений

Level Pack: Соник

Level Pack: Охотники за привидениями

Team Pack: Скуби Ду

Level Pack: Миссия невыполнима

Fun Pack: Чудо-женщина

Fun Pack: Пестик

Fun Pack: Эммет

Fun Pack: Аквамен

Team Pack: Гарри Поттер и Волан-де-Морт

Fun Pack: Лего: Фильм - Кисонька

Fun Pack: Марселин - Королева вампиров

Story Pack: Охотницы за привидениями

Fun Pack: Рыцарь дорог

Fun Pack: Золотой ниндзя

Fun Pack: Битлджус

Fun Pack: Киборг

Fun Pack: Джей

Team Pack: Юные титаны, вперёд!

Story Pack: Лего Фильм Бэтмен

Fun Pack: Волшебник Изумрудного города - Злая Ведьма

Fun Pack: Охотники за привидениями - Лизун

Level Pack: Midway Arcade

Обзор стартовой упаковки LEGO Dimensions и раздача подарков

Когда загружаемый контент впервые стал чем-то особенным, казалось, что мы все перейдем на цифровую модель, и покупки физических игр исчезнут. Вместо этого мы покупаем загружаемый контент с пластиковыми игрушками.

Теперь, LEGO вступает в соединение с введением LEGO Dimensions . TT Games — та же команда, которая отвечает за другие хорошо зарекомендовавшие себя франшизы LEGO, такие как Star Wars и Batman, — также у руля этой. Там есть родословная для полноценного геймплея, так что, войдя в него, вы, по крайней мере, можете быть уверены, что в его основе будет приятный опыт.

Но это все еще новое предприятие для LEGO. И это конкурентоспособная игра с такими играми, как Disney Infinity и Skylanders, уже несколько релизов в своих жизненных циклах. Disney Infinity 3.0 только что выпущен ( наш обзор Обзор ), и хотя стартовый пакет LEGO продается по цене 99 долларов, предложение Disney составляет всего 64,99 доллара. Новинки Activision, Skylanders Superchargers, продаются по той же цене, что и LEGO Dimensions .

Учитывая, что игры LEGO поставляются с приличным количеством реальных кубиков для сборки, понятно, что они будут находиться на более высоком уровне ценового спектра. Но, конечно, сама игра должна обеспечивать качественный опыт, так как простого создания набора LEGO недостаточно для его прохождения.

В конце этого обзора мы раздаем стартовый набор LEGO Dimensions на платформе по вашему выбору. Обязательно посмотрите видео целиком для получения бонусов!

LEGO Dimensions Начальные впечатления

Когда вы взламываете коробку в первый раз, вы быстро понимаете, что брендинг LEGO довольно серьезен, поскольку Starter Pack поставляется с тремя пакетами пластиковых кирпичей, которые вы будете использовать для создания портала, который ваши персонажи используют в игре.

В этом не так много, как в автономном наборе LEGO, но дизайн достаточно продуман, чтобы LEGO явно не экономил, и команда разработала нечто, что на самом деле выглядело бы круто, сидя перед консолью любого геймера.

Конечно, помимо чехла, в комплект также входят персонажи. В этом случае вы получаете Бэтмена, Гэндальфа и Уайлдстайля (главный женский персонаж из фильма LEGO, если вам интересно). В отличие от других игрушек для живых игр, персонажи не собраны, поэтому у вас тоже будет небольшое здание.


Важно отметить, что создание LEGO в реальном мире не является обязательным, но если вы этого не сделаете, вы упускаете некоторые забавы. Что касается персонажей, синие диски, на которых они стоят, являются единственной частью, которая фактически сообщает игре, что они есть, и база прекрасно работает без сложного портала, так что если вы вернетесь домой с Starter Pack и просто захотите поиграть в игру Вы, конечно, можете (хотя на экране инструкции предложат вам построить портал и Batmobile, вы можете спокойно проигнорировать оба).

Руководство по физической сборке также включено с инструкциями о том, как построить каждого из персонажей (безболезненный процесс) и как сделать портал (немного более сложным, и немного болезненным для того, кто не играл с Лего через 15 лет наверное). Инструкции для Бэтмобиля, тем не менее, доступны только внутри игры.


В целом, LEGO Dimensions производит сильное первое впечатление. На самом деле, прямо из коробки это выглядит гораздо более впечатляюще, чем в любой другой игре этого жанра. На самом деле загрязнение рук в реальном мире даёт повод для существования бессмысленных кусочков пластика, и если вы играете с детьми (в конце концов, это игра, явно предназначенная для семей), это хороший шанс для них сделать что-то за пределами мира видеоигр на некоторое время.

Игровой процесс

Если оставить в стороне игрушки, которые являются огромной частью упаковки, в LEGO Dimensions есть настоящая видеоигра. С точки зрения стиля, игровой процесс очень похож на предыдущие игры LEGO. Это означает, что это битва, где нужно решить множество экологических головоломок.

Хотя игры LEGO по своей сути предназначены для детей, они достаточно глубоки, чтобы развлекать взрослых, пока они играют со своими детьми. Как человек без детей, я обнаружил, что игровой процесс стал утомительным уже через несколько часов. Головоломки по большей части увлекательны, но бой является базовым.


Игрушки входят в игру по-разному. Персонажи на базе — это те, кого вы будете использовать в мире. Вы можете включить всех стартовых персонажей одновременно (есть место для более чем этих трех, а также для Бэтмобиля), и вы можете переключаться между ними одним нажатием кнопки в игре.

Разные персонажи имеют разные способности, и будут времена, когда вам придется использовать определенные, чтобы выполнять задачи и решать головоломки.

Использование персонажей идет еще дальше, поскольку LEGO Dimensions фактически включает основу в игровой процесс. В некоторых головоломках игрок будет перемещать персонажей с одной из подушек на базе, чтобы вырвать их из ловушки. Например, во время ранней битвы с боссом с Wicked Witch из The Wizard of Oz, она свяжет некоторых из ваших персонажей, в результате чего их панель на портале станет красной. Вам нужно переместить их на другую площадку в базе реального мира, чтобы освободить их в игре.


Я ценю эти загадки за то, что они на самом деле дают игрушкам повод для существования (за исключением того, чтобы издатели приносили кучу денег). Это делает игру более тактильной, поскольку то, что вы делаете в реальном мире, действительно имеет значение. Некоторые из головоломок утомительны и требуют частого перемещения персонажей на базе, но другие невероятно привлекательны. Для первой игры, которая действительно попробует использовать свои фигуры таким образом, LEGO проделывает довольно хорошую работу.

Тем не менее, если вы сидите по всей комнате, это может означать, что вам придется вставать и ходить на базу каждый раз, когда возникает одна из этих головоломок (и они довольно часты). Если вы находитесь в зоне действия проводной базы, у вас не возникнет проблем, но в зависимости от конфигурации вашей комнаты это нужно учитывать. Конечно, молодые, играющие в игру, вероятно, не будут возражать против того, чтобы встать и бежать на базу, чтобы заняться этими головоломками, но среди нас ленивее.


Вы можете пройти весь сюжетный режим, не тратя доллара на дополнительных персонажей, но это не мешает игре напоминать вам, что другие персонажи существуют, когда у них появляется такая возможность.

В обычной игре LEGO есть локации, в которые могут попасть только определенные персонажи, и эта механика существует здесь. Однако в старых играх вы бы купили этих персонажей за игровые деньги. Здесь, если область требует, например, суперсилы, вам нужно сбежать в магазин и сбросить свои с трудом заработанные деньги на персонажа, который обладает способностью.

Для взрослых это будет достаточно легко проигнорировать, но легко увидеть, как дети сразу же хотят получить дополнительных персонажей, чтобы добраться до этих других областей, и это может быстро дорого обойтись.

Настоящая радость в LEGO Dimensions заключается в объединении всех этих любимых франшиз. Есть обоснование истории о том, почему вы прыгаете через порталы в миры Волшебника страны Оз, Портала, Симпсонов, Фильма LEGO, Ниндзяго и других. По сути, злой лорд Вортек пытается уничтожить все различные измерения LEGO и объединить их в одно.

Это не глубокая история, но она дает всему, что происходит, причину. Когда вы преодолеваете уровень, вы никогда не знаете, где вы окажетесь в следующий раз, и это действительно захватывающе.


Единственная проблема со всеми локациями в том, что некоторые из них лучше понимают, чем другие. Кажется, что команда в ТТ очень старалась создать тонны деталей в некоторых, а другие чувствуют себя немного более невнятными. Тем не менее, диапазон франшиз, которые затрагиваются, впечатляет, и есть вещи, которые могут понравиться как старшим, так и молодым фанатам одновременно.

В некоторых местах нет официальных саундтреков, а скорее они основаны на песнях, которые похожи друг на друга. Например, когда вступление к Симпсонам начинает играть без культовой песни, оно кажется неправильным. Предположительно, это как-то связано с лицензированием, но это все же разочаровывает.


В этих типах игр ценностное предложение совершенно иное, чем в обычной. Такая игра, как недавно выпущенный Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, стоит 60 долларов и является просто игрой. Вы можете посмотреть, как долго это будет, и насколько хорош геймплей, если вы сделаете умную покупку.

Вам не нужно думать о долгосрочной перспективе, за исключением случайного фрагмента загружаемого контента. С такими играми, как LEGO Dimensions, все по-другому. Начальные инвестиции на 40 долларов больше, чем в стандартной видеоигре, и есть много дополнительных вещей, которые можно купить, чтобы завершить процесс.


В традиционной игре большая часть DLC выпускается после первоначального опыта, но в этом случае наборы уровней и персонажи стоимостью в сотни долларов были доступны со дня выпуска. Было бы невозможно потратить более 200 долларов на дополнительные услуги.

Родителям, которые хотят получить это для своих детей, определенно нужно знать, к чему они клонят, потому что это довольно безопасное предположение, что дети захотят, чтобы в игру попало больше наборов LEGO.


Все это, как говорится, вы можете играть в игру без каких-либо дополнительных расходов. Вы можете исследовать открытые миры каждого из трех персонажей, которые входят в стартовый пакет, и вы можете пройти через весь сюжетный режим, который может занять от 10 до 12 часов. Добавьте несколько часов, чтобы выполнить побочные квесты и прочее в открытых мирах, и вы можете смело предполагать, что вы получите здесь не менее 20 часов игры.

Наряду с традиционной игрой (например, я потратил 70 часов на Metal Gear V), это не лучшее предложение. Тем не менее, вы получаете некоторые интересные вещи, чтобы положить на полку, и вы тратите некоторое время на строительство.

Стоит ли покупать LEGO Dimensions?

В конце концов, LEGO Dimensions — это надежная видеоигра для семей. Он обладает всеми прелестями, которые мы привыкли ожидать от предыдущих игр LEGO, разработанных TT, но добавляет изюминку фигур и игровых наборов.

Конечно, это означает, что он также имеет гораздо более высокую стоимость, как вне ворот, так и в течение длительного времени. Это также создает ситуацию, когда контент больше не генерируется внутриигровыми деньгами, а скорее реальными деньгами.

Хотя ему не хватает глубины Disney Infinity с точки зрения обширных инструментов создания, она выделяется тем, что использует базу и фигуры в игре в качестве техники решения головоломок. Как пакет, который стоит приобрести, если вы ищете что-нибудь, чтобы поиграть со своими детьми, но имейте в виду потенциальные финансовые ловушки, которые сопровождают эти физические игры на основе игрушек.

Наш вердикт стартового пакета LEGO Dimensions :
Это забавная игра, в которую можно играть со своими детьми, но помните о потенциальной денежной яме, в которую вы попадаете. 8 10

Help navigate your kids into the world of Lego Dimensions with our quick-fire guide!

Buying the right games for your children can be hard enough at the best of times, but with the world of toys-to-life there's much more to consider than there is with a regular title. The genre made popular initially by Activision with Skylanders has branched out in recent years, and Lego is now one of the biggest names in the space.

So the kid's begging for you to get them Lego Dimensions, but you want to know what exactly it is before you agree to fork over your cash. Here's what you need to know.

What is Lego Dimensions?

Lego Dimensions is a toys-to-life game available on Xbox One and Xbox 360, as well as PS4, PS3 and Wii U. Only the initial game you buy is unique to one console, from there on out you can buy add-ons that are compatible with all.

Essentially it's a unique experience within the Lego universe, and the characters you play as within it are actual Lego minifigures that you construct and then beam into the game via the portal. The minifigures have an NFC tag in the base which is recognized by the portal which then activates the character in the game. Simple, but pretty amazing to the young ones!

There are a lot of things to purchase, though, in experiencing Lego Dimensions, a run-down of which you'll see below.

Starter pack

Without this, you're going nowhere! For the completely new Lego Dimensions player, the starter pack is the only place to begin. It contains everything you need to get up and running and dive into the game world. Inside the box you'll find:

  • The Lego Dimensions portal
  • Gandalf mini-figure
  • Batman mini-figure
  • Wyldstyle mini-figure
  • Game disc

And as this is Lego, everything needs assembling, even the portal! But then, that's half the fun and a lot of the attraction. It's not just a Lego video game, you get the physical objects to collect as well!

The starter pack is still the same as it ever was, but it's more likely you'll find deals on it now than when it first launched. The regular price is $80, and it's available from lots of video game retailers.

Story packs

While there's a main game to Lego Dimensions, a lot of the fun comes in adding new characters and new experiences to play within it. Story packs are the largest expansions to the main experience, with a new Lego construction inside for the portal along with new characters and levels to play.

Currently, you can pick up story packs for:

  • Fantastic Beasts
  • Lego Batman Movie
  • Ghostbusters

Each of these allows you to play through the entirety of each movie, and there are even a few novelty surprises within. For example, in the Fantastic Beasts pack, there's a level to play designed around legendary British comedy show Red Dwarf.

Price wise, the story packs aren't far off the starter pack at around $50, but there's a lot more Lego inside and a much longer game experience to play than some of the packs mentioned below.

Level packs

Level packs are similar to story packs in that they bring new content to play through, but they're much less expensive and smaller additions to the game. They just add levels, rather than an entire story, but inside each you still get three new mini-figures to play the game with.

There are a wide range of franchises covered by level packs, with some of our favorites including Back to the Future, Doctor Who and The Simpsons. They're around $25 each, and are a great way to extend the Dimensions experience without the need for a full story pack.

Fun packs and team packs

Fun packs and team packs are essentially the same thing, but fun packs only give you two mini-figures compared to the four you get in team-packs. These don't give new level experiences to play within the game, but they do allow you to bring some of your favorite characters into the main Dimensions multiverse experience.

These are a great way to get started with expanding the base experience, because it doesn't require starting any new levels, but you get unique abilities and new ways to play through the initial game. They're also the most affordable Dimensions add-on packs, so they make a great gift, too!

Internet connectivity

After buying the physical parts of Lego Dimensions, one of the biggest things to remember is that you'll need internet connectivity to download a lot of the additional content. In particular, more recent releases like the Fantastic Beasts story pack came with the Year 2 Update, which you'll need to have installed before you can think about playing.

If an online connection is required it'll tell you on the box, so if you generally keep your kids console offline you'll know when you need to connect. Only the initial content shipped on the game disc, the rest has been delivered since as free updates.

Hopefully that helps you get started, but if you've got any tips, tricks or favorite Dimensions packs to share jump into the comments below!

Richard Devine is an Editor at Windows Central. A former Project Manager and long-term tech addict, he joined Mobile Nations in 2011 and has been found on Android Central and iMore as well as Windows Central. Currently you'll find him covering all manner of PC hardware and gaming, and you can follow him on Twitter and Instagram.

Here's some additional tips to everyone who wants to play the game: - If you're an achievement hunter, you'll need to buy all the level packs and story packs. Yes, it will cost you but then again this is LEGO. - Every single franchise within Lego Dimensions has its own "World" and you'll need a character from that World to access it. So for example to enter the Wizard of Oz world you need to buy the Wicked Witch fun pack since it's the only one that will unlock that world. Same for ET, Portal2, A-Team etc. - The Harry Potter World is not unlocked with the Fantastic Beasts pack. You'll need the Harry Potter Team Pack. - You don't actually have to buy a ton of the characters. There's a "hiring" system within the game that allows you to hire a character you don't own for a few thousand studs each time, for 30 seconds. So you can complete the 1st wave game without needing to make your wallet bleed. You'll just take much longer. - Xbox users should be made aware that in Wave 2 Lego has introduced the character of Supergirl. Which is exclusive to the PS4 starter pack.
AND you can't "hire" her within the game. In other words, you'll be able to finish for example the Fantastic Beasts story pack but not complete it. The PS4 exclusivity lasts until March 2017. After that they said they'd make her "hirable" within the game for everyone. But you won't be able to buy the minifigure.
Of course you can always buy it on eBay or Bricklink but because LEGO is also a business to some of us, you'll have to pay a lot for it (on Amazon there are people selling it for upwards of 40€). - Finally, remember this is LEGO. Which means all these minifigures, within 10 years, will be worth twice or thrice the value they cost you now. So if the prices of the packs discourage you, remember that LEGO is one of the few toys (if not the only one) that actually values up as time goes by ;)

i bought it solely for the midway arcade pack, which actually lets you play the actual arcade ports. If you're an adult, you can do this: ================================== - Buy the starter kit used on ebay, or amazon, there's no point in paying full price. - You don't have to build anything, you can just use the tokens on the pad - You can just skip to the parts needed to play the games in the arcade pack, but there are spots where you have to follow the story. Have fun, and be prepared to spend some time in it. later -1

The gameplay in LEGO Dimensions will be very familiar to anyone who has played the popular LEGO Video Games by publisher TT, a Warner Brothers subsidary. (Such as the successful LEGO Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter games. My wife and I have played most of these games. We like that they are casual games which are easy to pick up and play for a short time, with a great co-operative mode, and the games have lots of little inside jokes for people familiar with the source material.

LEGO Games by TT / Warner Brothers.

LEGO Games by TT / Warner Brothers.

LEGO Dimensions is basically the same format as any other LEGO game by TT, except instead of switching between available characters using the gamepad buttons, you put the LEGO character or vehicle you want use on the portal, and it appears in the game. The starter pack includes three characters (Wildstyle, Batman, and Gandalf) and a single vehicle (Batmobile).

During the game, you are asked to construct the portal, modify the portal by manipulating LEGO elements, build vehicles/accessories, and modify them. The instructions will appear on your TV screen and are easy to follow. That said, there is literally no reason for you to build the models besides the joy of building LEGO! The sensor can only read the round disk – it can’t tell if you built the LEGO model correctly or not! These LEGO building moments are kind of fun when the game is played solo, but are pretty disruptive when playing the game with your spouse, since they needs to wait 10 minutes for you to build a LEGO model. (If you want to play this as a two-player game, I strongly recommend that one person builds the portal using the printed instructions before turning the game on. The smaller models like the Batmobile only take a minute or two.)

One surprise for me was that you need to keep the portal within reach at all times, since the game will ask you to put specific characters in specific locations from time to time. The portal has three sensors: one sensor in the middle which can hold only one model, and a sensor on each side that can hold up to three models each. Having to put your character in a specific spot to activate a special power feels gimmicky in a world where my controller already has about 10 buttons, but those puzzles where you need to move your characters between the three positions to complete a puzzle inside the game were pretty clever.

As you play the game, you will encounter obstacles which can only be completed using characters or vehicles with special abilities. The game tells you exactly which character you need to buy when encountering an obstacle. If these in-game advertisements don’t bother you, LEGO Dimensions seems to be an enjoyable game with lots of levels to complete and worlds to explore. (If you find this annoying, I would recommend some of the other excellent LEGO games such as the relatively new LEGO Jurassic World game which is a lot of fun.)

LEGO Dimensions can be expanded by purchasing Level packs, Team packs, and Fun packs.

LEGO Dimensions can be expanded by purchasing Level packs, Team packs, and Fun packs.

Additional characters / vehicles are sold in “packs” that cost between 14.99$ and 29.99$. Some characters allow you to access an additional game level or free play “adventure world”, while others simply allow you to unlock puzzles which require specific abilities. The rest of this guide will help you make good choices about which expansion packs will open up the most additional content.

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The Starter Pack is 99.99, but often available for 79.99$ or less at Amazon and other stores. I haven’t completed the game yet, but I have been assured that there are about 40-60 hours of gameplay in the base game alone. That’s a lot of gameplay for a fair price, assuming that you can ignore the constant upsell moments. (I find it a bit annoying, but my wife finds them extremely disruptive.)

Since the LEGO bricks included in the base game and expansions can be used to build anything you like after completing the game, some people will want to consider what I call the “LEGO Brick Discount” for the basic game and expansions. Since the cost for each piece in most new LEGO sets is around 10 cents, we can be generous by subtracting the value of the LEGO bricks from the price for the video game experiences.

Adjusted “Price” for LEGO Dimensions game and expansion packs

Name MSRP Number of LEGO parts Value of LEGO Parts Adjusted MSRP
Starter Kit 99.99$ 269 26.90$ 73.09$
Level Packs 29.99$ around 100 10.00$ 19.99$
Team Packs 24.99$ around 100 10.00$ 14.99$
Fun Packs 14.99$ around 50 5.00$ 9.99$

I have proposed four practical levels of investment in LEGO Dimensions:

  1. 100$ – Starter Pack Only – Just buy the Starter Pack and play through the main game and three adventure worlds.
  2. 315$ – All Levels and Adventure Worlds – By purchasing the right sets, you can unlock the entire game. You will still miss some puzzles which require a specific character.
  3. 390$ – All Levels, Adventure Worlds, and Character/Vehicle Abilities – A carefully selected set of Fun Packs will give you every in-game ability.
  4. 565$ – Everything – If you want every character, vehicle and Accessory, it’s going to cost a premium!

100$ Starter Pack only

You can play all of the levels in the basic game, plus three adventure worlds using just the starter pack. This is probably the best value, as you get a ton of content for a relatively small initial investment.

Starter Pack

The Starter Pack comes with Gandalf, Wildstyle, and Batman. Those three characters give you the following 12 abilities:

This leaves nearly 40 in-game abilities which require additional purchases.

315$ – Every Level and Adventure World

In summary, you can enjoy all of the current content by purchasing the following Level packs, Team packs, and Fun Packs:

Name MSRP Additional Gameplay
Starter Pack 100$ Main game, three characters, three adventure worlds (LEGO Movie, Lord of the Rings, DC Comics)
Portal Level Pack 30$ Portal Level & Adventure World
Back to the Future Level Pack 30$ Back to the Future Level & Adventure World
Simpsons Level Pack 30$ Simpsons Level & Adventure World
Dr Who Level Pack 30$ Dr Who Level & Adventure World
Scooby Doo Team Pack 25$ Scooby Doo Level & Adventure World
Jurassic World Team Pack 25$ Jurassic World Adventure World
Wicked Witch of the West Fun Pack 15$ Wizard of Oz Adventure World
Any Chima (Cragger, Eris, or Laval.) 15$+ Chima Adventure World
Any Ninjago (Team Pack, Jay, Nya, or Zane who also has rare “Ice Breath” ability.) 15$+ Ninjago Adventure World
total 315$

The characters and vehicles included in the 10 packs listed above will give you the following additional abilities:

  1. Ball Switch: Gyrosphere from Jurassic World Team Pack
  2. Big Transformation: Homer from Simpsons Level Pack
  3. Chi: (Any Chima Character)
  4. Dig: Scooby from Scooby Doo Team Pack
  5. Dive: Scooby from Scooby Doo Team Pack
  6. Electrify: Delorean from Back to the Future Level Pack, or ACU from Jurassic World Team Pack
  7. Fix it: The Doctor from Dr Who Level Pack
  8. Flying: Delorean from Back to the Future Level Pack, and others…
  9. Flight Hook / Cargo Dock: Level 3 Delorean from Back to the Future Level Pack, and others…
  10. Growth of plants: Level 3 Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo Team Pack
  11. Hacking: The Doctor from Dr Who Level Pack
  12. Hazard Cleanup: Level 3 Mystery Machine from Scooby Doo Team Pack
  13. Laser: Level 2 or 3 Sentry Turret from Portal Level Pack, and others…
  14. Laser Deflection: Level 2 Companion Cube from Portal Level Pack
  15. Mind Control: Wicked Witch from Wicked Witch of the West Fun Pack
  16. Portal Gun: Chell from Portal Level Pack
  17. Silver Destruction: Taunt-O-Vision from Simpsons Level Pack
  18. Speed: Gyrosphere from Jurassic World Team Pack
  19. Spinjitzu: (any Ninjago character)
  20. Super Strength: Homer from Simpsons Level Pack, and others…
  21. Target: Owen Grady from Jurassic World Team Pack
  22. Technology: The Doctor from Dr Who Level Pack
  23. Time Traveler Switches: Delorean from Back to the Future Level Pack
  24. Tracking: Owen Grady from Jurassic World Team Pack, and others…
  25. Vine Cutting: Owen Grady or Velociraptor from Jurassic World Team Pack
  26. Weight Switch: Companion Cube from Portal Level Pack

Even with those 10 packs, you still won’t have the following abilities:

  1. Drill: Emmett from Emmett Fun Pack, or ‘Drill Driver’ from Bane Fun Pack (May 31, 2016.)
  2. Ice Breath: Ninjacopter from Zane Fun Pack, or Superman from Superman Fun Pack (March 31, 2016.)
  3. Invulnerability: Wonder Woman from Wonder Woman Fun Pack, Superman from Superman Fun Pack (March 31, 2016), or Gamer Kid from Midway Arcade Level Pack (March 31, 2016)
  4. Mini Access: Bart Simpson from Bart Simpson Fun Pack, Gimli from Gimli Fun Pack, Gollum from Gollum Fun Pack, or Slimer from Slimer Fun Pack (May 31, 2016)
  5. Pole Vault: Legolas from Legolas Fun Pack, or Sensei Wu from Sensei Wu Fun pack (Jan 19, 2016)
  6. Rainbow Bricks: Unikitty from Unikitty Fun Pack.

You also won’t have the following abilities which are coming soon:

  1. Atlantis: Aquaman from Aquaman Fun Pack (March 31, 2016.)
  2. Drone: Doc Brown from Doc Brown Fun Pack (Jan 19, 2016), or Cyberman from Cyberman Fun Pack (Jan 19, 2016.)
  3. Suspend Ghosts: Peter Venkman from Ghostbusters Level Pack (Jan 19, 2016)
  4. Trap Ghosts: Ghost Trap from Ghostbusters Level Pack (Jan 19, 2016)
  5. Xray Vision: Cyberman from Cyberman Fun Pack (Jan 19, 2016.), or Superman from Superman Fun Pack (March 31, 2016)

390$ – Every Level, Adventure World, and Ability

As of December 2015, you can access every level, Adventure World, and will have every ability for 390$. That’s a savings of 175$ compared to buying every set released so far!

If you want every ability, the cheapest way is to buy all of the sets from the previous list (making sure that Zane is your Ninjago Fun Pack for the ‘Ice Breath’ ability), plus the following Fun Packs:

Name MSRP Ability / Availability
Emmett Fun Pack 15$ Drill.
Wonder Woman Fun Pack 15$ Invulnerability, and Xray Vision.
Legolas Fun Pack 15$ Pole Vault.
Unikitty Fun Pack 15$ Rainbow Bricks.
total 60$

You also need to pick one of these characters for the “Mini Access” ability:

Name MSRP Availability
Bart Simpson Fun Pack 15$ now
Gimli Fun Pack 15$ now
Gollum Fun Pack 15$ now
pick one 15$

565$ – Every Level Pack, Team Pack, and Fun Pack

As of December 2015: There is the Starter Pack (100$), 4 Level Packs (4×30$ = 120$), 3 Team Packs (3×25$ = 75$), and 18 Fun Packs (18×15$ = 270$). That’s a total of 565$.

As I noted earlier, some of the Team Packs and Fun Packs serve no purpose in terms of opening up new gameplay. That said, many readers will want to buy some or all of them, as you will be missing out on a lot of really fun characters, including my favorite option: Benny from The LEGO Movie.

  • An October 25 update to LEGO Dimensions allows you to pay gold coins (the in-game currency) in order to use a character you don’t own for 30 seconds. This costs 50,000 coins, which is about 1/6 of the coins you receive in a typical level. This should allow you to access 100% of the basic game without buying any additional minifigures, but it will take a lot more time since you need to spend a lot of your gold coins to do this. In practical terms, this allows you to skip purchasing a couple “fun packs”, and you can still access all areas of the game and it’s expansion content. (You will still need the Wicked Witch, a Ninjago character, and a Chima character to access all of the Adventure Worlds.
  • Right now, Zane is your best bet for a Ninjago fun pack because his Ninjacopter has ice breath.
  • If you can wait, you might be able to save a few bucks… For example, in March you can skip Zane (Ninjago & ice breath), Wonderwoman (Invulnerability), and Legolas (pole vault) by getting Superman (Invulnerability & ice breath) , Sensei Wu (pole vault & ninjago).

There are several additional packs which have been announced, and LEGO has indicated that the LEGO Dimensions products will remain compatible for three years. So far they have released a new Level pack and/or Adventure pack, and three new Fun packs every other month. If you only want to open every Level and Adventure world and don’t need to find every secret, you will probably want to set aside 40$ every other month to keep up with the latest new content.

I’m fairly certain that the existing gameplay levels and adventure worlds can be completed using only those characters which have been released so far, but I would expect that future new Levels and Adventure Worlds will require that you keep up with the latest characters to access all of the secret areas. If you are a completeist, you might end up spending around 100$ with each new wave.

I am very confident that the team at LEGO went out of their way to ensure that players need to spend a lot of money to access every area of the LEGO dimensions game. My best guess is that LEGO Dimensions contains twice as much gameplay as a typical AAA title, but it will cost you 315$ or more to unlock all of it. Even if you write off 33% of that cost as free LEGO bricks, we are talking about 200$ or more for the equivalent of two 50$ games worth of content.

As such, my strong recommendation after doing all of this analysis is that the best value is to stick with the Starter Pack, and only buy those additional packs which you are really excited to play. Be careful, these “Toys to life” products are carefully designed to be addictive!

Did I make any errors in my analysis? Do you have other tips to save money while enjoying LEGO Dimensions?
Help me improve this article by leaving a comment below!

  • December 15, 2015 I added some basic info about “Hire a Hero” to the tips and tricks section.

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2 Responses

If you are in Australia, you can get them really cheaply by buying them in bulk off of Gumtree or eBay.

Just found a few different legs dimensions pieces for $5 at five and below. Several Chima and wizard of oz characters there. Great deal!

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LEGO Dimensions (Xbox One)

Lego Dimensions

Lifewire / Thomas Hindmarch

A funny, friendly tour through multiple TV shows, games, and movie

An astonishingly great cast of voice actors.

Unique moments during gameplay

LEGO Pad seems like a gimmick

Strange puzzle logic

Sketchy collision detection

LEGO Dimensions has a lot of potential, and it’s fun enough, but the LEGO Pad add-on detracts from gameplay.

LEGO Dimensions (Xbox One)

Lego Dimensions

Lifewire / Thomas Hindmarch

We purchased the LEGO Dimensions so our expert reviewer could thoroughly test and assess it. Keep reading for our full product review.

LEGO Dimensions is a big, worlds-spanning team-up between many of the characters from the various LEGO universes so far, and quite a few more besides. At least half of the game’s considerable appeal is watching a disparate army of characters meet and interact.

However, LEGO Dimensions is also the foundation of a collectible toy bonanza. It ships with a couple of LEGO projects that you can assemble, and then use in real life to affect the action on-screen. It’s a cool idea, and it’s neat to build a LEGO Batmobile in order to make it appear in-game so Batman can drive it, but it’s a bigger headache than it needs to be.

Lego Dimensions

Setup Process: Install it, then build it, then update it…

Playing LEGO Dimensions on an Xbox One, we were hit with a surprisingly hefty 19 GB patch right out the gate when we went to install the game. It took about 25 minutes to install, then update it.

The base Dimensions pack comes with a few LEGO projects in the same box. You absolutely must build the Batman, Gandalf, and Wyldstyle Minifigures, as well as the Batmobile accessory, in order to progress. The Minifigures won’t take more than a few minutes, but the Batmobile is a short, intricate project, and the instructions are only found in-game. Expect that to take 10 to 20 additional minutes.

Plot: Doing donuts in the Batmobile on the Yellow Brick Road

Thanks to the machinations of the villainous Lord Vortech, strange portals appear on several LEGO Worlds, sent there in order to steal items of great power. In the process, he accidentally abducts Batman’s sidekick Robin, Frodo Baggins, and MetalBeard the LEGO Pirate. Their friends—Batman, Gandalf, and Wildstyle—give chase, jumping through an unstable portal and ending up in an abandoned facility on the planet of Vorton.

After they rebuild the gadget that created the portal, the trio search for a series of Keystones that are missing from the machine, finding them in various worlds throughout the LEGO Multiverse. Along the way, they meet and assist characters that range from Homer Simpson to Scooby-Doo to the Doctor, eventually recruiting an interdimensional army with which to oppose Vortech.

Gameplay: The LEGO formula gets a physical upgrade

All the LEGO games tend to use the same basic formula: there’s a little fighting, but most of the game is built around exploration and what amount to intricate puzzles, where you build new gadgets or use your characters’ unique abilities to get past whatever problems you encounter.

The LEGO Pad doesn’t work quite right in a lot of circumstances.

You also smash every little thing in your path, in order to break it down for useful LEGO studs, which serve as both an in-game currency and a way to keep score. In co-op play, a little kid can contribute to the action, even if only by running around breaking everything they can reach.

With LEGO Dimensions, in particular, the game has an additional mechanic in the form of the LEGO Pad, a physical device that comes with the starter pack and plugs into your Xbox One via USB. You can build LEGO Minifigures of your party, as well as a LEGO Batmobile for them to ride, and place them on the LEGO Pad so the game recognizes their presence. As you progress through the game, many puzzles and bosses involve special mechanics that you use via the LEGO Pad, such as moving the Minifigures from one area on the Pad to another as it lights up in sequence.

In practice, this is an interesting new challenge, as the game frequently requires you to use the Pad when you reach new areas and new chapters in the story. However, you end up juggling your controller and the LEGO Pad in a lot of hectic situations, which makes it easy to accidentally get your characters exploded while you’re messing with their arrangement on the Pad. You also need to make sure that the LEGO Pad is somewhere you can reach it while you play. Fortunately, it does come with a surprisingly long cord, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

You end up juggling your controller and the LEGO Pad in a lot of hectic situations, which makes it easy to accidentally get your characters exploded.

The LEGO Pad doesn’t work quite right in a lot of circumstances, especially the color-matching puzzles that come to the forefront in the LEGO Ninjago stage. Many of them seemed to solve themselves without much input from us, and a couple just refused to work themselves out. It unavoidably broke the gameplay’s flow, because we found ourselves consistently having to put our controller down and reach across our desk to move a couple of Minifigures around. It made it difficult to get into any sort of groove, which was part of the fun of the other LEGO games.

Lego Dimensions

Graphics: LEGO action on a bigger stage than usual

With this many characters, from this many different franchises, LEGO is probably the only medium that could hope to stick them all together in a cohesive visual style. You go from high fantasy to modern cities to idyllic countryside to platforms off in the middle of outer space in LEGO Dimensions, and the visual style works without much of a hitch. With the notable exception of the Simpsons, the LEGO models make it seem like all of these very different characters actually could be from the same universe.

That said, a few shortcuts have been taken. There aren’t as many unique animations as there are in other LEGO games, like the idle background jokes or incidental facial expressions that are a highlight of games like LEGO Jurassic World, but all in all, it’s a surprisingly wide-ranging accomplishment.

Price: Potentially the start of an expensive new hobby

The LEGO Dimensions starter pack for Xbox One is listed as US $57.99 on Amazon and $44.97 on Gamestop where it’s not in stock. It’s been discontinued, so it’s only going to get harder to find an unopened box. Since the starter pack comes with actual LEGOs inside it that are a crucial part of its gameplay, buying it digitally isn’t an option.

You can also buy a variety of add-on packs for LEGO Dimensions, which add additional characters, levels, worlds, and vehicles to the base game. While no more of the packs are being produced as of September of 2017, there are 43 packs, which all seem to retail for between $20 and $45. Fortunately, most of the packs only supply a few hours of new adventures. They’re expansions, and not necessarily collectibles, meaning you can skip them if you prefer.

Competition: There isn’t much like it at all

The other LEGO games are arguably a stronger series, because while a few of them do have a lot of downloadable content packs—such as LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2—they’re all complete products without any out-of-game toys to use or buy. Dimensions feels like an introduction to other series. If you haven’t already played the DC Comics, Lord of the Rings, or LEGO Movie games, you might want to follow the central three characters back to their previous LEGO Adventures.

Most of the franchises involved with LEGO Dimensions do have their own video games. Back to the Future has a popular episodic adventure game from Telltale, for example, and the Simpsons have about a thousand of them going back almost 30 years.

The Portal games are a little fond of black comedy for many young kids, but both of them are very old by this point, which means they’re cheap (both of them are $9.99 on Steam) and will run on almost any modern computer. They’re arguably modern classics, and it’s worth visiting them with a kid who’s interested in puzzles.

A not-entirely-successful adventure

LEGO Dimensions has its fans, and had a couple of good years, but the LEGO Pad is more of a hindrance than a help. There’s a lot of dizzying crossover fun here, but the mechanics by which you get to it are often a pain in the neck, particularly the color-matching puzzles.

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