Lego star wars lando

Обновлено: 28.04.2024

Take part in a fully immersive 360-degree experience as you build the battle and take part in a unique LEGO® adventure that is set in the same time and location of Star Wars “The Last Jedi”. Create vehicles from the movie and watch them do battle as both Resistance and First Order try to seize control.

LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga

The galaxy is yours with LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga! Play through all nine Star Wars saga films in a brand-new LEGO video game unlike any other. For the first time ever in a LEGO video game, explore the galaxy your way as you fly to some of the saga’s most legendary locales. Players will relive the epic story of all nine films in the Skywalker Saga, and it all starts with picking the trilogy of their choice to begin the journey. Experience fun-filled adventures, whimsical humor and the freedom to fully immerse yourself in the Star Wars universe like never before.With hundreds of characters and vehicles, players can dive into their favorite Star Wars moments in an all-new way, complete with the hilarious LEGO brand of fun that’s sure to delight players of all ages.Journey to a galaxy far, far away with LEGO® Star Wars™: The Skywalker Saga.

LEGO® Star Wars Battle Run

Follow BB-8™ as you roll your way through an intense battle on the planet of Crait™. You choose how the story will change and whether to help the Resistance or to join the First Order.

LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™

LEGO® Star Wars™: The Force Awakens™ marks the triumphant return of the No. 1 LEGO videogame franchise and immerses fans in the new Star Wars adventure like never before. Players can relive the epic action from the blockbuster film in a way that only LEGO can offer, featuring all of the storylines from Star Wars: The Force Awakens, retold through the clever and witty LEGO lens. The game will also feature exclusive playable content that takes players on adventures set between Star Wars: Return of the Jedi and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, providing additional insight into the new movie and its characters.

Lando Calrissian was a gambler and cardplayer. He lost the Millennium Falcon in a game of sabaac to his friend Han Solo. He lived in the Cloud City of Bespin and was forced by Darth Vader to trap Han Solo and his friends and put Han Solo in Carbonite. He later went to Jabba's Palace incognito with Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia to rescue Han Solo from the carbonite. Later, a battle on the Great Pit of Carkoon emerged, where he almost fell into the Sarlacc Pit. At the time of the Battle of Endor, Lando Calrissian served as a general of the Rebel Alliance.



Sometime after the Clone Wars, Lando Calrissian won the Cloud City, a small mining colony on the planet of Bespin, from the city's previous Baron Administrator. With Lobot, a cyborg connected directly to the city's central computer, Calrissian sought to create an idyllic mining community, becoming a responsible businessman in the process.

After the Rebel Alliance's crushing defeat on the ice planet of Hoth, Rebel general and smuggler Han Solo arrived on Bespin seeking to repair the hyperdrive of his ship, the Millennium Falcon, which he had won from Calrissian years earlier. Though Calrissian seemed hostile initially, the two friends seemed pleased to see each other again.

However, unbeknownst to Solo, bounty hunter Boba Fett, employed by the Empire to track down the Falcon and its passengers, had arrived just minutes earlier with a stormtrooper strike team, led by Darth Vader, ready to capture Solo.

After inviting them to a meal, Calrissian was forced to give Solo, as well as his Wookiee co-pilot Chewbacca and Rebel princess Leia Organa, up to the Dark Lord of the Sith.

Calrissian watched as Solo was frozen in carbonite and handed over to Fett. While Vader left a trap for Rebel hero and Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker, Calrissian secretly allowed Chewbacca and Leia to escape, joining them in their attempt to reclaim Solo from the bounty hunter. Their plight was in vain, however, and Fett escaped to Tatooine in order to deliver Solo to the vile gangster Jabba the Hutt.

The trio, along with Skywalker, fled Cloud City and regrouped with the Rebel fleet. There, they planned to rescue Solo from Jabba's clutches, and Calrissian travelled to Tatooine, becoming one of the Hutt's skiff guards.

After several failed attempts to rescue Solo from the crime lord's palace, the Rebels were sentenced to death, and Calrissian stood guard on one of the skiffs as they flew out across the Dune Sea. There, they were to be fed to the Sarlacc, a tentacled monster in the Great Pit of Carkoon. A firefight broke out, and Calrissian was able to escape on the skiff, along with his rebel companions.

The group met up with the Rebel fleet, this time in orbit around Sullust, in order to plan the attack on the Second Death Star, a dreaded battle station constructed by the Empire. Calrissian was promoted to the rank of General and was appointed the leader of the Rebel offensive.

Calrissian and his fleet arrived above the forest moon of Endor to find the Death Star's shield generators still functional. Calling off the attack, he instead focused his power on the amasses Star Destroyers, taking down the dreaded Executor in the process.

In the meantime, Solo and his team on Endor had managed to deactivate the shield generator, allowing Calrissian to fly inside the superstructure in order to knock out the main reactor. He and fellow Rebel pilot Wedge Antilles achieved their objectives and escaped the battle station in time, watching as the Death Star was destroyed once and for all. Later on, Calrissian joined the rest of his Rebel friends in the celebrations on Endor.

Role in Lego ® Star Wars


Lando has appeared as a minifigure in three variations. In each h has a dark brown head with a black moustache. One variation has a blue top, another has the same top and a white cloak and his Skiff Guard disguise has a grey helmet.

Game character

In both Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (Console) and in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga Lando is a playable character, available from the level Betrayal over Bespin. He is armed with a blaster.

Lando Calrissian is a Star Wars minifigure. He has a custom polo and a cape. There are three variations of him, Cloud City, General, and Guard disguise. He is played by Billy Dee Williams in the films and in The LEGO Movie.



Lando Calrissian was a scoundrel and friend of Han Solo who was the baron-administrator of Cloud City when the rebels arrived. He also disguised himself as a Palace Guard to rescue Han Solo from Jabba the Hutt. Calrissian lead the attack against the second Death Star, using Han Solo's ship, the Millennium Falcon. He eventually succeeded, along with Wedge Antilles.

The LEGO Movie

Lando Calrissian appears in The LEGO Movie along with Han Solo, Chewbacca, and C-3PO when they are on their way to a party at Naboo and end up in the same universe as Emmet and his team. Lando tries to flirt with Wyldstyle, but she tells him she is already in a relationship with Batman. Batman then boards the Millennium Falcon to go to the party with them, but then returns to Metalbeard's ship with their hyperdrive. The Millennium Falcon is then eaten by an exogorth.


In 2003, the Cloud City appearance of Lando Calrissian appeared exclusively in the set 10123 Cloud City. He has a black hairpiece, and a brown face. His torso is bright blue with printing on it. His arms are also bright blue. His hands are brown as well. His legs are black. He also comes with a beige kind of colour cape.

In 2006, the Guard Disguise appearance of Lando appeared exclusively in the set 6210 Jabba's Sail Barge.

In 2009, the General appearance of Lando appeared in the set 7754 Home One Mon Calamari Star Cruiser.

In 2012, Lando reappeared in a new Guard Disguise in 9496 Skiff. He has a much more detailed helmet and a brown face. He has a dark orange torso with printing. The arms are black and his hands are brown, and the legs are tan.

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75212 1to1 MF Hermes A.jpg

Лэндо Калриссиан - минифигурка серии Star Wars, выпущенная в 2003 году.



Обычный костюм Лэндо состоит из синей рубашки, чёрных брюк и жёлтого и синего с разных сторон плаща. Генеральская форма - наоборот: жилет и рубашка - бежевые, а брюки и плащ - серо-синего цвета. Маскировка под охранника Джаббы содержит оранжевую основу с пластиной на ней, бежевые брюки и коричневый шлем с забралом. Генеральская форма Лэндо 2017 года имеет оранжевый жилет с бежевой рубашкой, голубой плащ и серые брюки.

Костюм молодого Лэндо состоит из жёлтой рубашки, шарфа, чёрных брюк и синего плаща с чёрным контуром и воротником. Лицо Лэндо обычно показывает легендарную улыбку, а молодой Лэндо скорее выражает настороженность и удивление; его волосы объёмнее предыдущих, а к усам добавились бакенбарды и частичная борода.

Один из самых успешных контрабандистов галактики, капитан Лэндо Калриссиан, на редкость ловок и смышлён. Он готов уйти из контрабандного бизнеса и вместо этого стать профессиональным игроком в азартные игры или «спортсменом», как он это называет, чтобы играть в карты по всей галактике.

Времена Лэндо Калриссиана — лихого контрабандиста, игрока и барона-администратора Облачного города — давно прошли. После битвы против Империи он стал лихим генералом Альянса повстанцев! Пока друзья Лэндо выполняют секретное задание на планете Эндор, он вместе с флотом повстанцев должен уничтожить вторую «Звезду Смерти» высоко в небе.


Лэндо Калриссиан был блестящим контрабандистом и шулером в эпоху Галактической империи, известным за свои навыки игры в карточную игру сабакк. Лэндо был капитаном своего личного модифицированного корабля "Сокол Тысячелетия", которым управлял с дроидом-пилотом L3-37. Однажды с Лэндо пересеклась команда из Хана Соло, Чубакки, Дарта Вейдера Хан был заморожен в карбоните и передан Бобе Фетту, но Лэндо смог спасти Лею Органу и Чубакку. С ними Лэндо отправился спасать Хана из лап Джаббы Хатта на Татуин, где он проник во дворец под видом охранника, что позволило ему сопровождать Люка, Хана и Чуи на казнь и сразиться против солдат Джаббы. Вернувшись с Татуина, Калриссиан был возведён в ранг генерала Альянса повстанцев и участвовал в нападении истребителей на вторую Звезду смерти, вновь управляя Соколом Тысячелетия, на котором пролетел через недостроенные конструкции боевой станции и взорвал основной реактор, уничтожая Звезду смерти.

Альтернативные истории

Лэндо появляется в ЛЕГО Фильме с Ханом, Чубаккой и C-3PO на борту Сокола Тысячелетия, направляющегося на Набу и случайно встретившегося с командой Великих мастеров на корабле Железной бороды. Лэндо пытается завести разговор с Дикаркой, но та быстро прерывает его, а Бэтмен крадёт гиперпривод улетающего Сокола.

В мультсериале Йодой и Мейсом Винду на планете Дагоба, отозвавшись на сигнал бедствия. Лэндо прибыл с отцом Вариации

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This page was last updated: 22-Jun 05:30. Number of bids and bid amounts may be slightly out of date. See each listing for international shipping options and costs.

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