Меч титана из лего

Обновлено: 04.05.2024

У механического титана Зейна из Лего 71738 есть все, чтобы противостоять врагам: золотой клинок, большая дисковая пила и два пружинных шуттера. Задействуй все имеющееся оружие, дай отпор грозным противникам!

Битва с роботом Зейна

Сюжет набора Лего Ниндзяго 71738 возвращает фанатов в события пятого сезона популярнейшего мультсериала «Лего Ниндзяго», в котором команда отважных ниндзя противостоит огромной Призрачной армии во главе с коварным Морро.

Из деталей конструктора Lego Ninjago 71738 собирается огромный механический робот Зейна. Модель титана, выполненная из деталей белого, серого и серо-голубого цвета, имеет грозный вид и способна лишь им одним повергнуть врагов в бегство. А если враг не дрогнет и решится вступить в бой, в арсенале механического робота Зейна имеется острый золотой клинок, вращающийся диск циркулярной пилы с острыми зубьями и пара пружинных шуттеров, стреляющих мощными зарядами.

В верхней части механического титана расположена кабина управления, в которой размещается одна минифигурка. Чтобы попасть в кабину, голову робота нужно откинуть назад, для этого в ее основании установлено шарнирное соединение. Шарниры используются и в конечностях робота. С их помощью руки и ноги титана Зейна из lego 71738 легко устанавливаются и фиксируются в нужном положении, что очень важно для установки модели в эпичные позы для демонстрации на полке и во время увлекательной игры.

В комплектацию конструктора включена эксклюзивная минифигурка золотого Джея, выпущенная ограниченным тиражом. Она встречается только в этом наборе. Выпуск минифигурки приурочен десятилетнему юбилею серии Lego Ninjago. Золотой Джей поставляется в комплекте с основанием, на котором изображен логотип серии.

В состав конструктора Lego 71738 входят:

  • Минифигурки: Зейн, эксклюзивный золотой Джей, два воина Призрачной армии — Гултар и Лучник душ.
  • Оружие: луки со стрелами, катаны ниндзя, боевая коса с двумя лезвиями.
  • Аксессуары: прическа Зейна, разделитель деталей.

Модель механического робота Зейна в собранном виде имеет следующие размеры: 26х15х9 см в высоту, длину и ширину .

Get set for the ultimate Mech Battle as Zane’s Titan Mech takes on Blade Master Bansha’s Ghost mech – Mech-enstein! Place Zane in the cockpit and adjust the arms and legs and rotating torso for awesome battle poses. Fire the stud shooters and dodge the massive swords of the 4-armed Mech-enstein. Then take the action to the air with the rocket-booster backpack! Give Zane support with Jay and Nya, firing the spring-loaded hook shooter to try and topple the Ghost mech. Use all the cool Ninja weapons to stop Scythe Master Ghoultar getting into the Samurai X Cave and stealing the Aeroblade! Includes 5 minifigures with assorted weapon and accessory elements: Zane, Jay, Nya, Scythe Master Ghoultar and Blade Master Bansha.

  • Includes 5 minifigures with assorted weapon and accessory elements: Zane, Jay, Nya, Scythe Master Ghoultar and Blade Master Bansha
  • Zane’s Titan Mech features an opening cockpit, posable arms with titanium-style swords, posable legs and feet, rotating torso, rotating shoulder blades, rocket-booster backpack and 2 stud shooters
  • Mech-enstein features an opening head/cockpit, adjustable shoulder armor, adjustable Ghost bones to hold a minifigure, 4 posable arms with huge Ghost swords, rotatingtorso, posable legs and feet, dual jet booster pack and translucent details
  • Samurai X Cave features a spring-loaded hook shooter with a hook on a string and assorted elements: the Aeroblade, tools, computer and a storage barrel
  • Also includes a Skreemer (attachable to minifigures) with 2 Ghost Katana weapon elements
  • Weapon elements include Zane’s 2 golden shurikens and Aeroblade, Jay’s Deepstone Nunchuk, Nya’s 2 Katanas, Wrayth’s Scythe Ghost Master Blade and Bansha’s Ghost Master Blade
  • Accessory elements include Deepstone armor for Zane and Jay and Nya’s Samurai X outfit
  • Bansha minifigure features transparent ghost legs and ghost armor
  • Fire the Titan Mech’s stud shooters
  • Evade the massive swords of 4-armed Mech-enstein!
  • Topple Mech-enstein with the spring-loaded hook shooter!
  • Defend the Aeroblade in Nya’s cave
  • Recreate your favorite scenes from the NINJAGO™: Masters of Spinjitzu TV show
  • Zane’s Titan Mech measures over 7” (20cm) high, 3” (10cm) long and 6” (16cm) wide
  • Mech-enstein measures over 8” (22cm) high, 4” (12cm) long and 9” (25cm) wide
  • Nya’s Cave measures over 3” (8cm) high, 3” (10cm) wide and under 1” (1cm) deep
  • Hook shooter measures over 1” (5cm) high, 2” (7cm) wide and 1” (5cm) deep

Titan Mech Battle

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Lego Zanes Titan Mech Battle 71738

Zanes Titan Mech Battle 71738

Производитель: Lego Модель: Zanes Titan Mech Battle 71738 - Назначение: для мальчиков, 9+ - Тип конструктора: фантастика - Детали: 840 шт, персонажей 4 шт

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Конструкторы Lego – это один из лучших способов развить у ребенка логическое мышление и фантазию. Одноименная компания была основана в 1932 году в Дании. Конструкторы Lego изготавливаются из экологически безопасных материалов. Твердые пластиковые детали очень легкие и устойчивы к механическому повреждению – их практически невозможно сломать. В ассортименте Lego представлены конструкторы для детей всех возрастов. Это надежный бренд, проверенный временем и несколькими поколениями маленьких инженеров, которые получили море положительных эмоций, воплощая в жизнь плоды детской фантазии!

Unlike other set reviews, I’ll be focusing more on the parts selection and if the set is worth it to be used for LEGO mecha building (specifically in the style I build in). I won’t be focusing too much on the minifigs, the overall build, poseability, stability, play features, etc.

I've always really liked the Ninjago line of LEGO for the mechs and the dragons. This Zane mech is actually a redesign of an older set (70737) that featured a mech battle but this version focuses purely on Zane's mech.

Disclaimer: I have never watched an episode of Ninjago for the same reasons as any other LEGO tv series. I do enjoy the sets very much though.

When I first saw this announced, I knew right away that this was a great set to get for LEGO mech lovers. The one thing that blew everyone’s minds was that it had bendable knees, a rare thing for official mech sets to have. I’m pretty sure there was a detailed and well commented post over at our Brick Mecha Division FB group about the knees.

I’m also a huge fan of the set designer for this. I’ve actually met Niek in Japan back in 2019 for Japan Brickfest when he did a signing session for the Voltron IDEAS set. He’s a great guy with a great love for Gurren Lagaan with both a cosplay of Simon and a LEGO mech of the Gurren.

This review makes it the 2nd writeup I’ve done of a set designed by Niek. 😁

Main considerations for getting this set (in my opinion)
  • You need the joints for mech building (this set comes with a good amount of different sized joints)
  • You’re building or have plans of building a white mech. Other colors are a bonus (gold for accents and a bit of sand blue)
  • You want the newer / rarer white shield tiles as well as the new white wedges (4×4 = 4 pieces, bigger 6×8 = 3 pieces)
  • You also want the ingot pieces in both pearl gold, white, and tan (seat of the cockpit)
  • Gold sword can be found on cheaper sets but comes as a nice bonus to have in this set

Table of Contents

Brickset Key Set Details

  • Designers: Niek van Slagmaat
  • Parts count: 840 (4 Minifigs)
  • Set SRP (on release): USD $59.99
  • Price Per Piece: 6.5p / 7.1c / 7.1c / 3.41 Php

Set Links

I. Set Overview

The Zane’s Titan Mech Battle set is divided into 6 bags and each bag corresponds to a build section or body part. Bag 3 and 4 makes one leg each. This set actually builds the body first, then legs, then shoulders, and last head, arms, and weapons.

II. Build Progression Per Bag

Pictures here show the progress at the end of each bag. I actually liked how the steps were separated and paced. As with the Demon Bull King set, bags correspond to each major section or body part, making the build quite easy to do and with less or little pressure to finish the entire thing in one go (I did anyway 😅).

Bag 1 - Torso internal structure with cockpit

Bag 2 - Torso outer plating

Bag 3 and 4 are actually one leg each with the exact same parts.

Bag 3 - front view

Bag 3 - rear view

Bag 3 - right leg installed

Bag 4 - both feet installed

Bag 5 - Shoulders and Shooters

Bag 6 (END) - Head, Hands

Bag 6 (END) - Rear View

Hands mirror issue?

Not sure if this was intended but the hands connecting the “fingers” to the thumb has a black 2×2 wedge plate but its different on each side. Looking at the underside of the hands, they’re oriented properly when mirroring the design. I actually ended up deviating from the instruction here and following the underside orientation.

III. Highlighted Mech Building Parts Per Bag

Bag 1 Highlighted Parts

Bag 2 Highlighted Parts

Bag 3 and 4 Highlighted Parts

Bag 5 Highlighted Parts

Bag 6 Highlighted Parts

There’s actually a nice amount of functional pieces in this set and in different sizes. It has small, medium, and large joint pieces to help you build your own mechs. There’s also quite a lot of brackets for SNOT connections.

Plating / Design pieces are mostly in white (a ton of those Nexo shield tiles in plain white yum!) but there’s a few ingots in pearl gold and white. There’s a few other clean surface (barely any studs or stud-less) pieces in sand blue but I didn’t include them in the pictures as they were relatively big pieces.

My highlight piece/s from this set

  • 14x White Tile, Modified 2 x 3 Pentagonal
  • 3x White Wedge 6 x 8 Pointed Cutout
  • 4x White Wedge 4 x 4 Pointed
  • 30x White Minifigure, Utensil Ingot / Bar
  • 22x Pearl Gold Minifigure, Utensil Ingot / Bar
  • 2x Tan Minifigure, Utensil Ingot / Bar
  • 4x Sand Blue Wedge, Plate 3 x 4 with Stud Notches
  • 4x Pearl Dark Gray Cone 2 x 2 x 1 2/3 with Stacked Rings (Beehive / Cotton Candy)

IV. Interesting Build Techniques

Chest Shaping

For an official set, I really think this chest design pushed what could be an angular and unique design. Most official sets tend to have rigid shaping in my opinion so this huge V shape on the chest was a refreshing sight. Not a fan of the gap it creates from the side view but you’ll barely see it if its on display on your shelf. Oh and did you notice how the chest actually looks like a face (skull?). Nice Gurren Lagann mech design there.

Thruster and Glow

This was a nice little detail that gave the color of the thrusters some more color pop. The 1×1 yellow green stud seen through the transparent light blue minifigure head gives off a nice glow look to it. Also, the way the minifig head fits in the beehive cone is just so perfect.

You can barely see this detail with the finished build, especially since these thrusters face downward but its still a nice detail to make the thrusters look realistic.

Bending Knees!
Will take some time to write about this play feature as you rarely see official sets with functional knees.

Great use of these 3 towball pieces in tandem to create that moving section for the hamstring assembly

Seeing where that hamstring support assembly will socket in to the back of the knees

Arrows showing where the hamstring assembly connects to

From my knowledge, the main reason why larger official LEGO mech sets (or even big creature sets like the Demon Bull King) have no working knees is due to them targeting a younger audience for the sets. Remember that the main target demographic for themes like Ninjago and Monkie Kid are kids. Having them play with a set with working, bending knees adds an extra layer of instability to the set when being played with.

Of course, being Adult Fans of LEGO who are experienced MOCing (making their own Creations) can easily modified fixed knees sets but it’ll take significantly more parts and steps to get right.

Basically, I’m just glad this set has knees. 😅 It won’t happen to every set at this scale. Maybe its all because Niek is a Japanese Mecha fan so he understands how important action poses are with moveable knees? 😁

Leg in neutral position

Max bend angle of the knee

Knee bend angle and analysis

One thing I realized after building the leg from Bag 3 was that the legs aren’t actually completely straight. The hip joint isn’t directly above the knee joint. I guess it was a compromise in order to get this bending knee and isn’t that big of a deal for the overall balance (I’m sure it does affect it though).

So when bending the knee, the hamstring assembly actually slides down. Note where the dots are in the pictures as they indicate where the joints are. Checking a protractor shows a bend of only 64° which is a little underwhelming but again, take the bending knee!

I actually removed the pieces that I thought was blocking the knee bend to test the max bend angle but this is actually the most it can bend due to how the 3 towball pieces in the calves move and react when the knee is bent.

V. Conclusions and Recommendations

Size comparison to the Demon Bull King

Size comparison to the Kriegsfront CAT

I really like the overall parts selection for this set. There’s an abundance of functional pieces both for articulation and inner framing using SNOT connections. There’s also a good mix of different sizes for these two types of functional pieces.

White as a majority color for the armor of this set is also very easy to work with and is one of my beginner friendly recommendations for color choices. The amount of shield tiles is also great for armor plating as it offers a more than your usual 2×2 tile. There’s also a few wedge plates and pieces to help make a more pointy white mech. While the bigger 6×8 wedge piece might be too big for the scale I work in, there’ll certainly be a use for it with certain designs.

One downside about this for me is the lack of more sand blue plating options. If you’ve been following my work for a while, you know that my Sailia is in mostly sand blue and I just love that color. Was hoping I’d find more here but its mostly common 2×4 tiles and the 4×4 piece. The wedge plates are nice to have though.

Parts wastage of this set is very low with not much big unusable pieces. I’d estimate around 90% of the parts of this set is usable for a medium mech build and that’s a really good rate.

Honestly I didn’t think this set would be as big as it is. At 200+ pieces less than the Demon Bull King, its clearly taller but narrower. Have I mentioned knee articulation?? Both front and rear views look so good and we even get armor skirting for the thighs! Oh and the fact that most joints on this set are hidden is such a plus for me. The shooters are quite small though and was hoping for a more “Oomph!” weapon but the ninja blade swivel sword was a nice touch.

One thing I dislike about this build is the way the shoulders feel a bit lacking compared to the leg build and detail. I can imagine having the shoulder 6×8 wedge piece angled differently would have given this an entirely different look (more aggressive). Lastly, I’m just not sold on how the head floats too high but I’m guessing they needed Zane to be visible in the cockpit without opening any flaps.

Ниндзя Зейн и Повелитель Клинков Банша построили механических роботов, чтобы сойтись в решающей битве. Каждый из получившихся гигантов имеет шарнирное строение конечностей и вращающийся торс, позволяющий принимать реалистичные боевые позы, наносить мощные удары и не терять равновесия.

Робот Зейна выполнен из бело-серых деталей с добавлением наклеек и прозрачных голубых элементов. Центральное место отведено кабине водителя, прикрытой непробиваемой пластиной. Над ней возвышается защитный шлем, напоминающий голову дрона со сканирующим глазом. По бокам от кабины установлены две самонаводящиеся пушки и вращающиеся титановые наплечники с острыми лезвиями. Руки робота трансформированы в активные манипуляторы с цепкими пальцами. На них закреплены длинные мечи и золотые сюрикены. Для сражений в воздухе к спине гиганта приделан ранец с ракетными ускорителями.

Размер роботы Зейна – 20х10х16 см.

Призрачный робот Банша по прозвищу Эйнштейн состоит из чёрных деталей, прикрытых синей бронёй. Кабина водителя, расположенная сверху, окружена изогнутыми костями и массивным шлемом с пауком. По бока от неё видны поднимающиеся решетчатые наплечники. На спине робота закреплён флаг и реактивный ранец для полётов. Отличительной особенностью Эйнштейна являются его две пары длинных рук, каждая из которых сжимает наточенный меч.

Размер Призрачного робота – 22х12х25 см.

Также в наборе Лего 70737 Вы найдёте пещеру Самурая Х, фигурку Скримера и 5 минифигурок с оружием: Зейн, Джей, Ния, Мастер Боевых Кос Гултар и Повелитель Клинков Банша.

Люблю порадовать сынишку чем-то интересным, а так как он любит мультик Ниндзя-го, решили купить Лего из этой серии. Отличный набор, можно играть с друзьями, ведь в наборе два робота, которые собираются легко и просто благодаря инструкции, а качество как всегда на высоте. Смело могу посоветовать!

Битва механических роботов - крутейшие роботы-гиганты и разнообразное вооружение дают полет фантазии и воображению.

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