Мультсериал лего monkey kid

Обновлено: 04.05.2024

После одной ночи во время Фестиваля Середины осени Сунь Укун узнает, что он носит дитя Макаки, ​​врага. Он решает сохранить это в секрете, пока не решит, что он собирается делать. Однако ему также ещё предстоит столкнуться со злыми планами Леди Костяного Демона и других врагов, таких как Паучья Королева. Которые пойдут на все, чтобы уничтожить его. И к счастью, он не один. История не сильно привязана к каноническим событиям, это смесь всех трёх сезонов.

Поймай и отпусти

Автор: _лиси гласки_ Фэндом: ЛЕГО Манки Кид Пэйринг и персонажи: Шестиухая макака/Сунь У-кун, Тэнг, Пигси, Мэй, Демон Царь Быков, Королева Пауков, Леди Костяной Демон, МК Размер: планируется Миди, написана 71 страница, 32 части Дата обновления: 27.06.2022

Макак вспоминает о прошлом, планируя свой следующий шаг. Он не полностью доверяет своим союзникам, но он сделает все, что сможет. Чего бы это ни стоило, чтобы вернуть Вуконга.


А что если однажды в спокойный, будний день ты заметишь какую-то искру? В человеке например? А что если это будет не искра, а буря..

Реакция персонажей на Т/И

. а Ред Сан очень любит МК.

Автор: Косоглазый хлеб Фэндом: ЛЕГО Манки Кид Пэйринг и персонажи: Ред Сан/МК Размер: 1 страница, 1 часть Дата завершения: 25.06.2022

МК очень любит Ред Сана.

Автор: Косоглазый хлеб Фэндом: ЛЕГО Манки Кид Пэйринг и персонажи: Ред Сан/МК Размер: 1 страница, 1 часть Дата завершения: 25.06.2022

Все будет хорошо

Автор: Косоглазый хлеб Фэндом: ЛЕГО Манки Кид Пэйринг и персонажи: Шестиухая макака/МК, Сунь У-кун, МК, Шестиухая макака Размер: 3 страницы, 1 часть Дата завершения: 24.06.2022

Парень не успевает и шевельнуться, как Укун уже рядом. Его пальцы быстро проходятся по глазам МК, стирая слезы, после поправляют его одежду. Сам Кид цепляется за плечи Царя Обезьян, подрагивая от всего произошедшего.

Серебро её во��ос

Автор: UltraMagnusLove Фэндом: ЛЕГО Манки Кид Размер: 11 страниц, 2 части Дата завершения: 23.06.2022

Он сидел на крыше дома и печально глядел на небо, вспоминая ту, ради которой испытал столько боли. Чёрный обезьян виновато поджимал губы и с тихим свистом втягивал ноздрями ночной воздух, стискивая зубы. Если бы он был быстрее, он бы смог. Втянув воздух через ноздри, Макак глубоко вздохнул, слегка приоткрыв рот, и поднял взгляд на серебристо-белый диск луны. Хватит. Её не вернуть. Та стерва на его глазах испепелила её. Серебряный Феникс не сможет возродиться из пепла. Или же сможет?

420 лет и 1 год

Автор: Evil Rex Фэндом: ЛЕГО Манки Кид Пэйринг и персонажи: Ред Сан/МК/Мэй Размер: 2 страницы, 1 часть Дата завершения: 23.06.2022

Lego monkie kid reaction to y/n

Автор: Liza_ktoto_orig Фэндом: ЛЕГО Манки Кид Размер: планируется Миди, написано 30 страниц, 24 части Дата обновления: 23.06.2022

Потухшая спичка

Автор: Ангел С Огненными Крыльями Фэндом: ЛЕГО Манки Кид Пэйринг и персонажи: Демон Царь Быков, МК, Мэй, Принцесса Железный Веер, Ред Сан Размер: планируется Миди, написано 44 страницы, 6 частей Дата обновления: 22.06.2022

Рэд Сан готов был на многое ради своего отца. С самого освобождения ДЦБ он буквально из кожи вон лез, пытаясь доказать свою полезность и важность. Но этого всегда было недостаточно. Каждый раз его планы рушились, стоило только МК и его друзьям появится на горизонте, и каждый раз побеждённому Рэд Сану оставалось лишь возвратиться к отцу, поджав хвост, с пустыми руками и тяжёлым сердцем. Быть любимым - так непросто. Или: мне не хватает стекла, поэтому я сделаю его сам.

Герои мультфильма "Monkie Kid" .

Правила группы:
1.Предупреждение 1 ( за спам, мат) - бан на день.
Показать полностью.
2.Предупреждение 2 (за спам, мат) - бан на неделю.
3. Предупреждение 3 (за спам, мат) - бан на месяц.
4.После того как предупреждения выйдут баним на пожизненно.
5.За любые оскорбления на бан пожизненно.
6 За неуважение администрации и споры бан на пожизненно.


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Lego Monkie Kid [И легенды о царе обезьян]

Lego Monkie Kid [И легенды о царе обезьян] запись закреплена

Lego Monkie Kid [И легенды о царе обезьян]

Lego Monkie Kid [И легенды о царе обезьян] запись закреплена


Здравствуйте дорогие подписчики! Если вы увлеклись легендами про короля обезьян, то советую вам посмотреть мульфильм 2015 года где,вы узнаете о нём многое.Удачного просмотра!

Lego Monkie Kid [И легенды о царе обезьян]

Lego Monkie Kid [И легенды о царе обезьян] запись закреплена
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Цapь oбезьян: Новые лeгенды (2020) Вce cеpии, 16+
Жанр: фэнтези, комедия, приключения

Kогдa-то людей зaщищaли бoги, oни жe сдepживaли демонов. Царь Oбезьян был oдним из стрaжeй мирa, a потом исчeз. Тeперь злые силы рaзгулялиcь и пoдчинили себе все вокрyг. Heкотopыe вoины мeчтают о возвpaщении стаpыx пopядкoв. Oни ищyт избpанныx, споcoбныx c пoмощью aртефактов пpизвать Цаpя oбeзьян. Юнaя гeроиня пoмогает оpганизoвaть oднy тaкyю вcтрeчу зaгoвopщиков, нo демoн yбивaeт всех приcyтcтвующиx. Онa же вынужденa cтaть избрaнной и пpинять имя Tpипитака, чтобы пpодолжить миccию пoгибших товapищeй.

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Monkie Kid is a 2020 LEGO TV show based off of the world-famous Chinese folk tale Journey to the West. It was produced by Flying Bark Productions (Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Glitch Techs) to coincide with the release of the theme's Lego sets.

Monkie Kid, or MK as his friends call him, is your average kid, but his world is completely changed when a noodle delivery turns into him discovering the resurrection of the great Demon Bull King the fabled ultimate enemy of MK's hero, The Monkey King.

The series premiered in Malaysia with a 45-minute TV special (A Hero Is Born) in June 13, 2020. Season one then premiered on September 13 of that year in Malaysia, with 10 episodes, and Season Two's TV special (Revenge of the Spider Queen) would then premiere on March 27, 2021, with the rest of the season beginning its premiere in May 1, 2021 in Australia. Season 3 would begin premiering in China on April 17, 2022, and its season finale special Embrace Your Destiny would air in the UK from June 1, 2022 to June 2, 2022.

After more than a year since the series began, the series will be made officially available on Amazon Kids+ on September 9, 2021 in several other countries (The United States particularly, along with the United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, and Japan), with the second season being set to officially release later in 2022.

Monkie Kid provides examples of:

  • Actor Allusion: This isn't the first time that Sean Schemmel voices a character that's based off Sun Wukong.
  • Adaptation Deviation: The show acts as a spin off to the original Journey to the West tale but isn’t a direct 1:1 representation, changing up the story and its characters in significant ways that essentially creates a new version of JTTW for the series.
  • Brought Down to Badass: In the first episode "Bad Weather", in order to help MK learn to control his powers better, Monkey King reduces MK's power and removes his invincibility in order to do so.
  • This show's portrayal of Sun Wukong is voiced by Sean Schemmel, the English voice of Son Goku from Dragon Ball, another series based on Journey to the West. In addition, Goku was also based on Sun Wukong.
  • An allusion to Jack De Sena's largest role is made in Minor Scale when MK makes the Staff tiny and spins it with the same pose and expression as Aang when he did his lame marble trick in Avatar: The Last Airbender.
  • Red Son's Inferno Truck consists of a trike attached to a monster truck. The cockpit can move from the trike to a second driver seat on the truck, allowing the trike to eject and both vehicles drive on their own.
  • The Bone Demon mech consists of several smaller mechs and structures. The scorpion forms the legs and lower torso. The temple forms the chest and ribcage. The spiders form the Shouders Of Doom. Finally, parts of the shrine form the head.
  • MK's first 'fight' with the Lady Bone Demon largely consists of her leaving him writhing in agony via straight up Mind Rape, physically overpowering him, and him unable to even get close enough to try attacking her. The Spider Queen attacking is the only reason he escapes, and Lady Bone Demon promptly one shots the Demon before her clumsy attack hits her.
  • The second encounter in the Season 2 finale This is The End! does NOT end well either, with Lady Bone Demon performing a Batman Gambit in order to force MK to use up all his power in order to complete her weapon. All of MK's attempts to stop her are completely cut short before he's completely drained, nearly being Taken for Granite as a result before Monkey King returned just in time to save his life and retreat to safety with him, but with the staff lost to lady Bone Demon.
  • During the flashback to the battle with the Demon Bull King, the Monkey King's appearance is heralded by a snippet of the theme song of the much-beloved 1980's TV series adaptation of Journey to the West.
  • The Monkey King's final battle involving him sealing Demon Bull King under a mountain was a Bookends to how his journey originally began: with him being sealed under a mountain by the Buddha.
  • In "A Hero is Born", MK and Mei, after encouraging Sandy to help them, Mei's expression is frozen until MK literally turns her head around, referencing the reversible face prints common to LEGO Minifigures.
  • When chasing MK with a motorcycle launched from his monster truck, Red Son, when talking about his vehicle's transformation feature, pulls out a booklet, said booklet being a LEGO instruction manual showcasing his truck's play feature.
  • Once or twice Red Son is called "Red Boy", his name in the tale.
  • In "Revenge Of The Spider Queen", Red Son teams up with the heroes to save his father from Spider Queen — from which Mei pieces together that he’s actually much better at being a hero than he is at being a villain, something he’s vehemently opposed to. He finally embraces it in the ''Embrace Your Destiny’’ Season 3 special.
  • In “72 Transformations”, MK offers for Spider Queen to work together with him and his friends to stop Lady Bone Demon, for which she attempts to kill him just for suggesting.
  • In Season 3, While Macaque is the Arc Villain working for Lady Bone Demon, both MK and Tang try to offer for him to join them in stopping her, both understanding that the only reason he’s helping her is to get away from her destruction — but he cynically scoffs at both these proposals. However, MK finally convinces him otherwise in “Time To Be Warriors”, and he helps the heroes in the final battle.

Pigsy: What could’ve been so important that you’d leave MK alone to face that that thing?! YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO BE HIS MENTOR!

The Lotus Maiden от Mereeples

"Shhhh, little blossom, I won't hurt you~" Y/N is MK's older sister. She was used to being on the sidelines, not being the whole 'running into the fray' type l.

2.5K 109 11

Hii :] So I have never written things outside of school work so is prob gonna be bad. but i don't care >:0 This is happening like after spider queen is defeated a.

A Son Of Two Dad's от Connor345

110K 4K 85

MK was orphaned at a young age. He doesn't know why he's never felt normal, doesn't know why he's never fit in and he certainly doesn't know that his actual parents are.

SweetTooth (LMK Redson x Gender Neutral reader) от Psycho_Bacon31

3.9K 291 17

You own a little bakery shop and everyday was the same. Wake up, go to work, bake, and then back to sleep. You were actually ok with these repeating events. Might as wel.

Change The Fate Of The World от Dreamlight_18

9.1K 339 20

Izumi Midoriya, Twin sister of Izuku Midoriya. Second Successor of All Might. She and Izuku were fighting againts One For All before Izumi pushed Izuku out of the way an.

The Magician (Red son x Reader от homicidalgrape

119 5 3

Just a self indulgent Red son x Reader Reader is mostly androgynous with hint of masc here and there (Brought over from Ao3)

Anomaly [Monkie kid fanfic] от Zion204

22.2K 579 40

Red eyes and white Locks that even the Jade Emperor of the Celestial realm fears her. She was only Young back then and the Jade Emperor wants nothing but to Exterminate.

The Peach Garden от ForeveranEnigma

53.1K 2.1K 90

The same dream visits me each night, the sounds of arguing as thunder crackles in the background and rain soaks my skin. What are they saying? Why are they arguing? Are.

Heart of a Warrior от ShiraFangirl

10.9K 571 16

There is a story about Fa Mulan, who's the hero and the warrior, died tragically from the battle against the Lady Bone Demon that her and her friends manage to defeat. B.

𝙲𝚊𝚗 𝚒𝚝 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎? |Monkey king x Reader| от simpin_aint_pimpin

11.4K 467 14

Y/n loved Wukong and he loved her, but it happend, it lead to Y/n's imprisonment for a thousand years. Of course they love each other but can they recover? Can they ever.

A Loud Dance | Macaque ×Reader от MistressLimerence

20.4K 830 15

//This IS a Macaque×Reader. It also contain's Sun Wukong×Reader. Not a Sun Wukong×Macaque//. --------------------------- How did every story go for everyone? Perhaps gro.

Small and aggressive Filipina[Avatar x Lego Monkie Kid crossover fanfiction] от Dreamlight_18

10.4K 305 21

Delila, a 4'6 ft. 26 year old female from the country of Philippines, Move in to Chine and stay over 22 years. Meet Mk and Mei when she bump towards to them at the arcad.

3.4K 192 11

Most group of friends have trios, like two boys and one girl. So what if Wukong and Macaque had another friend. Another that just wanted to break the chains from her res.

One bowl of Spicy Noodles от RoxyRay28

42K 1.2K 16

It's a fluffy SpicyNoodleshipping fic! Yes, it's Red Son x MK. I'll be posting it to AO3 so more people can enjoy it soon! Cover made by colesmonkies on instagram at. ht.

A Weird World (LMK Sun Wukong x Reader x Macaque) от Outraged-writer

70.6K 3K 34

tbh has turned into a sun wukong x reader x macaque What you expected when you laid down with your eyes closed on your bed, snug under the sheet covers, you were expecti.

War For Your Heart (Red Son x Reader) от tea_beehive

32.8K 1.2K 32

Y/N is a close friend of MK, and decides one night to go hang out with him and Mei. What they didn't expect, was to find out that a potential enemy. maybe even friend.

Hey! (LMK various x reader) от UntitledUnderscore_

6.3K 254 16

im bored im tired and ive got lotsa time on my hands btw this is my first story and im hella nervous GN!reader, who isn't human but not quite a demon either? They're mo.

<Changing Fate></p>
<p>Lego Monkie Kid: Various x Female! Reader от WUW_Demon_Slayer

34.7K 1.2K 42

Your name is Y/N and, you're just a normal girl. You just were finishing up your work until you saw a child watching TV show called, 'Lego Monkie Kid'. When you went bac.

A Guy That I'd Never Be Into (Red Son X MK) от SpaghettiForShrek

31.1K 868 24

When Red Son's mother, Princess Iron Fan, humiliates him in front of the entire Monkie Gang, he decides he's had enough and goes ballistic on her. Once he's realised wha.

Red Son x (Mk's sister) Reader от Snow_Wolf9

62K 1.6K 62

Mk has a sister!? This is the story of when Mk finds Monkey King's staff with his sister. What if a certain demon gets feelings for Y/n? What if Y/n finds an unknown mag.

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