Overlord lego ninjago wiki

Обновлено: 03.05.2024

Принадлежность: Каменная Армия, Армия Ниндроидов.

Стихия: Разрушение, Тёмная Энергия.

Первое появление: Сезон 2: Финальная Битва.

Оверлорд - главный злодей мира Ниндзяго, Повелитель Зла, мечтающий поработить Ниндзяго и завладеть силой Первого Мастера Кружитцу.

До событий мультсериала.

В незапамятные времена, Первый Мастер Кружитцу создал Ниндзяго, используя оружие четырёх стихий. Так был создан невероятно красивый и волшебный мир Ниндзяго. Но для того, чтобы был свет, должна быть тень, а в тени всегда живёт мрак, чёрная тьма, что существовала до начала начал, злой дух, который зовётся Оверлорд. Равновесие было под угрозой, и их битва могла продолжатся вечно. Каждая сторона была сильна и не одна не могла держать верх, пока Оверлорд не создал непобедимых воинов — Каменную Армию. Первый Мастер Кружитцу сделал всё, что мог, но он знал что его ждёт поражение, и чтобы не проиграть войну, он разделил Ниндзяго на две части. С тех пор никто не видел Оверлорда.

Всё меняется с прибытием Лорда Гармадона. У Лорда Гармадона есть практические возможности, которых не хватало Оверлорду. Он помогает Оверлорду поднять Остров тьмы из частичного заключения, запускает астрономические часы и создает Гарматрон, стреляющие в Ниндзяго чистым злом. Это смещает баланс между добром и злом, давая Оверлорду возможность завладевать телом Лорда Гармадона. Чуть позже, когда всё большая часть Ниндзяго подпадает под власть зла, он даже материализуется в собственном обличье: Тёмного Дракона. Казалось, что зло победило, но Ллойд, став золотым ниндзя, победил Оверлорда.

Оверлорда удалось победить, но не уничтожить. От него остался прах,и на том месте учёный Сайрус Борг строит свою башню. Оверлорд смог проникнуть в системы Сайруса Борга и стал цифровым Оверлордом, так называемым вирусом Оверлорд. Это большая угроза. Всё в Нью-Ниндзя-го автоматизировано и взаимосвязано, поэтому Цифровой Оверлорд теперь контролирует большую часть города. Но как же вирусу добраться до ниндзя? Оверлорд вобрал в себя достаточно золотой энергии Ллойда, чтобы вернуться к своей материальной форме, и змеиное пророчество о Проклятии Золотого Мастера, кажется, начало сбываться. Хотя Оверлорд пока слаб и не слишком страшен. Пайтору приходится носить его повсюду у себя в животе, чтобы Ниндроиды не теряли веру в Оверлорда. Пайтор и Оверлорд отправляют миссию на комету Арктур, где приземлилось Мегаоружие, когда покинуло землю. Если они смогут встроить золото в доспехи для Оверлорда, он получит силу, чтобы напасть на Ниндзяго.

Миссия удалась, Оверлорд получил свою золотую броню и, превратившись в Золотого Мастера, восстаёт и нападает. Его невозможно остановить. Ни один из ниндзя не может добраться до него. Сэнсэй Ву и Сэнсэй Гармадон пытаются уменьшить его с помощью таблетки, но план проваливается, когда таблетку съедает Пайтор. И тогда начинает действовать Зейн. Он захватывает золотую броню и поглощает мощную энергию всех четырёх видов Золотого Оружия. К сожалению, такая ноша слишком велика для него, и вскоре сердце Зейна достигает критического предела. И в этот момент Зейн использует свою энергию, чтобы поразить Оверлорда всей силой льда, которая у него есть. Оверлорд не может противостоять такой атаке.

“This is a prerecorded message, but I can tell you that a few weeks ago, we discovered a virus laying dormant in our system. The Overlord. You have to get the Techno Blades out of the city. Because once he knows you have them, he'll never let you leave.”

Digital Overlord




Homeworld/ Homeland


First appearance

Latest appearance


Voiced by

The Digital Overlord (also known as the Overlord virus) was the Overlord spirit's digital form. Following the final battle between him and Lloyd, the Overlord took on the form of a computer virus, residing at Borg Tower which was built upon where the Garmatron tower once stood. The Overlord corrupted Cyrus Borg into a robotic maniac, using him as a vessel to carry out his plans, including seizing control of Borg Industries' vehicles and deploying the Nindroid MechDragon after Lloyd.

A mysterious figure, later revealed to be Pythor, would take the Overlord to his secret underground lair. Pythor aided the Overlord in tracking down Lloyd, whose Golden Power they hoped to steal in order to transform the Overlord into the Golden Master. Pythor would eventually capture Lloyd and he would soon be drained of his element.

The Overlord confronted the ninja as they entered the Digiverse. Despite having the upper hand, the Overlord was overwhelmed as the ninja used the Golden Power and erased him from the Digiverse. Despite this, the Overlord's spirit would survive and he would go on to become the Golden Master.

The Digital Overlord later returned within Zane's system, attempting to return by corrupting the Ninja of Ice from the inside, but the ninja were able to defeat the virus once again.



Prior to Rebooted

Following his final battle with Lloyd, the Overlord was seemingly destroyed. However, the ultimate evil managed to endure or reform himself after his defeat, apparently lying dormant in the crater left by the destruction of the Garmatron fortress. When Borg Tower was built over the crater, the Overlord somehow converted himself into a digital form that infected the Borg Industries network.

The Surge

The Digital Overlord seized control of Cyrus shortly after he left the ninja with a moving statuette of himself. When the statuette was shattered, revealing the Techno Blades, the Digital Overlord took control of Borg Tower's security systems and attempted to claim the powerful weapons for himself.

The Art of the Silent Fist

Following the ninjas' escape from Borg Tower, the Digital Overlord tortures Cyrus Borg, transforming him into the "OverBorg." While P.I.X.A.L. was erasing the raw golden power from all of the technology built for the city, the Digital Overlord lamented the loss of his body before commanding P.I.X.A.L. to search for the Golden Ninja, dismissing her protests of being programmed for the Techno Blades. Following this, the Digital Overlord commanded Cyrus' new Nindroid army to scan throughout the city for the ninja, region by region.

When Master Wu refuses to reveal Lloyd's whereabouts, the OverBorg uses a laser to scan through the old Master's mind. The Digital Overlord was confident that Master Wu would crack, but was unnerved by his constant laughter. Later, the Digital Overlord deploys the MechDragon, to pursue and capture the Gold Ninja.

When Min-Droid accidentally destroyed the only power generator in New Ninjago City, the Digital Overlord was deactivated. However, the evil entity remained in a dormant state—only by hacking Borg Industries' mainframe with the Techno Blades would the ninja be able to destroy their foe once and for all.


The hard drive containing the Digital Overlord's main consciousness was stolen from Borg Tower by a mysterious hooded stranger. After being reactivated, the Digital Overlord allied with the stranger in order to complete his mission: finding Lloyd and taking his golden power for his own. He was pleased to discover that the Stranger could reactivate the Nindroids by using Electro-Cobrai as personal power sources. The villains also tracked Lloyd and his father to a forest and began preparing to capture them.

The Curse of the Golden Master

The Digital Overlord possessed one of his Nindroid minions to confront the ninja in the Serpentine's tomb. He was knocked back into stasis after his host's Electro-Cobrai was removed, but he later managed to take over the Nindroid MechDragon. With his new body, the Digital Overlord teamed up with the stranger—soon revealed to be Pythor—to capture Lloyd and knock Garmadon into the ocean.

Enter the Digiverse

After capturing Lloyd in the MechDragon, the Digital Overlord began absorbing his golden power, hoping to become the Golden Master and take over all of Ninjago. When he learned of the ninja's attempt to erase him through the Digiverse, he sent Pythor, the Nindroid Army, and Techno Wu in a full-scale attack on Borg Tower to attack the ninja's physical bodies—and to ensure their demise, he confronted them personally within the Digiverse. The Digital Overlord attempted to stop the ninjas' consciousnesses by turning the Digiverse upside down, trapping them in quicksand, and even summoning the Digital Kraken, [citation needed] but the heroes prevailed and seemingly destroyed the villain with their combined powers.

Codename: Arcturus

Unbeknownst to the ninja, the Digital Overlord endured his defeat, having drained enough of Lloyd's golden power to regain physical form. However, when his allies extracted him from the deactivated MechDragon, he was revealed to be a shapeless blob of dark matter (likely due to the power drain being interrupted). With Pythor concealing his new form to avoid disturbing the Nindroids, the Digital Overlord began scheming to launch the Arcturus rocket into space, in hopes of reclaiming the lost Golden Weapons.

Ninjago: Decoded

A remnant of the Overlord virus' code (trapped in a Memory Loop) was found in Zane and slowly began corrupting him in order to take control of his body and exact his revenge on the ninja. By using good memories, the ninja managed to erase the rest of the Overlord virus for good.

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Possessed Garmi.jpg



Имя: Оверлорд, "Золотой мастер", "Кристальный Король"

Уровень сил: Низкий 3-А ◄► Неопределённый ◄► 9 ◄► Низкий 3-А ◄► 7 ◄► 3-А

Пол: Бесполый, говорит о себе в мужском роде

Классификация: Источник тьмы и зла, часть баланса Тьмы и Света

Возраст: Как минимум, несколько тысячелетий

Слабые стороны: Невозможность регенерации захваченного тела; потребность в физической форме для битвы и возможности использовать Тьму; Невозможность покинуть мир Ниндзяго

Разрушительный потенциал: Вероятно, Вселенский уровень ◄► Неизвестно ◄► Уровень строения ◄► Вселенский уровень ◄► Неизвестно ◄► Уровень вселенной+

Диапазон: Вселенский уровень ◄► Неизвестно ◄► Десятки метров со способностями ◄► Вселенский уровень ◄► Зависит от расположения технологий ◄► Вселенский уровень+

Прочность/защита: Уровень Вселенной+ ◄► Уровень вселенной+, игнорирует энергетический и физический урон ◄► Уровень строения+ ◄► Вселенский уровень ◄► Зависит от захваченной технологии ◄► Вселенский уровень+

Скорость: Неизвестно ◄► Неизвестно ◄► Сверхчеловеческая ◄► Сверхчеловеческая ◄► Локальная вездесущность, зависит от технологий ◄► Неизвестно

Сила на подъём: Неизвестно ◄► Неизвестно ◄► Сотни килограмм, вероятно выше ◄► Несколько тонн ◄► Зависит от захваченной технологии ◄► Тысячи тонн, вероятно выше

Сила на удар: Неизвестно ◄► Неизвестно ◄► По крайней мере уровень стены+ ◄► Уровень большого здания ◄► Зависит от захваченной технологии ◄► Уровень города+

Выносливость: Бесконечная

Интеллект: Гениальный

Боевые навыки: Высокие, владеет кружитсу, сражался на равных с Первым Мастером Кружитсу

Золотая броня - выкованный в Борг Индастриз под руководством Оверлорда могущественный артефакт, состоящий из расплавленного Золотого оружия, который позволял Оверлорду поддерживать форму Золотого мастера и использовать Золотую силу. Из-за свойств Золотого оружия Золотая броня также получила возможность к сопротивлению временным манипуляциям.


Шлем теней - шлем, выкованный Оверлордом во времена битвы с Первым Мастером Кружитсу. Хранился в качестве ключа к Небесным Часам. Позволяет пользователю спокойно телепортироваться между островом Ниндзяго и Островом Тьмы.

Гарматрон - танк, созданный Оверлордом и Гармадоном для финальной битвы. Использует в качестве снарядов боеголовки с очищенной тёмной материей. Был использован Оверлордом для смещения баланса в сторону тьмы для того, чтобы захватить тело Гармадона и начать метаморфозу. В последствии был изменён Оверлордом в гигантскую крепость в центре Ниндзяго Сити, которую уничтожил Ллойд при финальной битве.

Золотой мех-триног - был создан Оверлордом при помощи расплавленного Золотого Оружия и Мегаоружия. Мех достигал размера зданий и имел на борту ракетницу.


Тьма Darkness — элементная сущность, является одной из двух самых мощных сил в Ниндзяго, а также противовес Золотой силе. Благодаря своей природе, тьма способна вредить не только материальным существам, но и нематериальным, по типу призраков. Оверлорд способен формировать из тьмы почти всё, что он захочет: начиная от лучей тёмной энергии, заканчивая созданием Тёмной материи. При помощи тьмы Оверлорд может создавать постоянно растущую сферу абсолютной тьмы, в которой он искажает пространство, что позволяет ему увеличивать свои размеры во столько раз, во сколько он только захочет. Неизвестны максимальные размеры сферы, но если судить по сериалу, то в теории она может занять размеры всего мира Ниндзяго, если физическое тело Оверлорда не будет уничтожено.

  • Тёмная материя — является сущностью Оверлорда. Всего лишь микроскопическая доля способна свести с ума человека, обладающего сильнейшей волей, заставив его подчиняться и служить Оверлорду в качестве марионетки. Оверлорд также способен формировать тёмную материю в конструкции на подобии того, как он создал Каменную армию и анти-золотые доспехи, чтобы противостоять Первому Мастеру Кружитсу и его силе. Вероятно, что присутствие Оверлорда на Острове Тьмы оказало губительное влияние на этот самый остров, т.к. все его недры были пропитаны тёмной материей. В своей Истинной Форме Оверлорд способен извергать из себя огромные сгустки тёмной материи.

Золотая сила Golden Power - элементная сущность, является сильнейшей силой в Ниндзяго, а также противовес Тьме. Является силой самого Первого Мастера Кружитсу, который создал Ниндзяго из ничего. Появилась Золотая сила вместе с ПМК, когда сила Они и сила Драконов (Разрушение и Созидание соответственно) схлестнулись в Первом Царстве, породив могущественное дитя, состоящие из обеих сил. Позволяет пользователю создавать и уничтожать целые миры. Так, например, Оверлорд хотел с использованием Золотой силы уничтожить мир Ниндзяго. Благодаря Золотой силе Оверлорд смог снять эффект анти-золотых доспехов, который был призван сдерживать Золотую силу. Золотая сила способна создавать конструкции, как правило энергетические, из ничего и формировать их. Как было продемонстрировано в финальной серии 10 сезона, когда ПМК призвал в свой мир душу погибшего Ллойда, а затем воскресил его, Оверлорд также способен манипулировать душами существ. При использовании Золотой силы Оверлорд получает все способности, элементные сущности, а также силы стихий, которыми владел Первый Мастер Кружитсу.

  • Разрушение- элементная сущность, одна из составляющих Золотой силы, противовес Созидания, а также сила Демонов Они. Способна уничтожать материю, а также ранить нематериальных существ по типу призраков. При разблокировке полного потенциала Разрушения открывается возможность к телекинезу и созданию существ, по типу Каменного Колосса. Благодаря тому, что Гармадон владеет Разрушением, то при его захвате Оверлорд получил сопротивляемость к разрушению его материального тела.
  • Созидание- элементная сущность, одна из составляющих Золотой силы, противовес Разрушению, а также сила Перворождённой из Первого Царства. Позволяет создавать и формировать материю в различные формы. Так, например, ниндзя использовали Торнадо Созидания, чтобы отремонтировать свой летающий корабль - Дар Судьбы.
  • Энергия - одна из элементных сущностей, которая используется Ллойдом. Довольно мощная сила, которая позволяет производить энергетические атаки, лучи и взрывные сферы.
  • Основные и второстепенные элементы - представляют собой всевозможные силы стихий, созданные Первым Мастером Кружитсу. Некоторые известные силы стихий в Ниндзяго: время, огонь, лёд, молнии, земля, вода, металл, природа, свет, дым и т.д.

Кружитсу - боевое искусство, созданное Первым Мастером Кружитсу. Позволяет формировать вокруг пользователя энергетический торнадо, обладающий довольно большой мощностью. При использовании кружитсу пользователь может наносить атаки с повышенным уроном. Кружитсу Оверлорда в форме Золотого мастера было гигантских размеров, что позволяло ему уничтожать технику Ниндзя, включая довольно большие внедорожники.

Бои и результаты боев

Отметка: Изначальная форма ◄► Нематериальная форма ◄► Захваченный Гармадон ◄► Истинная форма ◄► Форма цифрового вируса ◄► Золотой мастер

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  • Crystal King
  • Legacy (2019)
  • Golden Master
  • Digiverse Form
  • Digital Form
  • Dragon Form
  • Possessing Garmadon
  • Spirit Form

Crystal King

Legacy (2019)

Golden Master

Digiverse Form

Digital Form

Dragon Form

Possessing Garmadon

Spirit Form

Full Name


The Digital Overlord
The Golden Master
The Vengestone Buyer
The Crystal King



Leader of the Stone, Nindroid, and Vengestone Armies
Shadow leader of the Council of the Crystal King

Powers / Skills



Shift the balance of Light to Dark (abandoned).
Escape from his imprisonment.
Achieve a physical form and new powers.
Escape from the Digiverse to Ninjago.
Become the Golden Master (all succeeded).
Kill anyone who stands in his way (partially succeeded).
Corrupt and transform Ninjago into a realm of darkness to take and rule over.
Destroy the Ninja and the balance between Light and Dark (both ongoing).


Mass murder
Physical and psychological abuse
Attempted omnicide
Abuse of power
Organized crime
Mass destruction
Attempted populicide
Attempted world domination (Golden Master)
Enforced oppression
Mass brainwashing

Type of Villain

The Overlord, also known as the Golden Master and later the Crystal King, is the overarching antagonist of LEGO Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu.

He is a dark spirit and one of the earliest evils in Ninjago, acting as the ruler of the Stone, Nindroid, and Vengestone Armies who planned on conquering and rebuilding Ninjago into a realm of darkness. He is also the archenemy of both The First Spinjitzu Master and Lloyd Garmadon, as well as one of the Ninja's most dangerous enemies.

He was voiced by Scott McNeil, who also voiced Clouse and Nadakhan in the same series, Twin Masters in Hero: 108, and Tall Boy in Riverdale.



The Overlord serves as a mentioned character in Season 1: Rise of the Snakes, one of the two main antagonists (alongside Lord Garmadon) of Season 2: Legacy of the Green Ninja and the main antagonist of Season 3: Rebooted, the short miniseries Decoded, and Season 15: Crystalized.

He is also a flashback antagonist in Season 4: Tournament of Elements, the unseen overarching antagonist of Season 13: Master of the Mountain and an unseen antagonist for the rest of the series (specifically Season 14: Seabound). He also appears as a minor antagonist in the 2015 non-canon videogame LEGO Dimensions.


The Overlord was the manifestation of Darkness itself that challenged the First Spinjitzu Master for control over Ninjago. After a lengthy battle, which ended in a stalemate, the Overlord created the Stone army to tip the balance in his favor. This had then led to the First Spinjitzu Master splitting Ninjago and in doing so, he defeated the Stone Army and trapped the Overlord on the Dark Island.

Thousands of years later, the Overlord manipulated Lord Garmadon into joining forces with him. Garmadon assumed command of the Stone Army, which constructed an ultimate weapon, to conquer Ninjago. Eventually, the Overlord revealed he was using Garmadon and possessed his body, turning him into a giant dragon. The Overlord was eventually Defeated by Ninja (Kai, Jay, Zane, Cole, and Lloyd).

Some time later, the Overlord once again returned in the form of a digital virus. With the help of Pythor and an army robotic Ninjas, called Nindroids, the Overlord became the all-powerful Golden Master, a being that possessed the powers of The First Spinjitzu Master. In a final effort to defeat the Overlord, Zane sacrificed himself, destroying their physical forms.

Later on, the Overlord, now under the name of "the Crystal King" would begin to build his Vengestone Army, planning on destroying the balance between light and dark in order to destroy Ninjago. At some point, however, the Overlord would find and recruit Harumi, having her lead his council that would lead the Vengestone Army once his plan was ready.

With Harumi recruited, she would contact previous enemies of the Ninja (such as Pythor, Aspheera, Vangelis, and the Mechanic) and bring them to the Crystal King's temple, where the Overlord presumably awaited.


The Overlord has shown to be serious and cunning, though he is often heavily reliant on metaphysical concepts and prophesied events (destiny, the balance, the final battle, the prophecy of the golden master, etc.)

As is to be expected from the embodiment of darkness, the Overlord is very cruel and devoid of empathy and seems to enjoy inflicting pain and despair upon his enemies. In fact, he has been known to go out of his way to do so, taunting his victims in hopeless situations.

The Overlord has only ever shown respect for one person; that person being Pythor. That respect goes as far as to include Pythor as an ally during the attempted Golden Master apocalypse. However, once Pythor is shrunk after consuming Cyrus Borg's shrinking pill, the Overlord does not attempt to protect the now helpless Pythor, showing that his respect even for Pythor is limited, which indicates the Overlord's inherently evil nature.


During Misako's telling of Ninjago's origins (seen in "The Stone Army"), the Overlord was depicted as a towering mass of dark fire with a vaguely humanoid shape.

When Lord Garmadon arrived on the Island of Darkness, the Overlord appeared as an orb of purple energy with a pale yellow core. The orb pulsed as the Overlord spoke.

After possessing Lord Garmadon's body, the Overlord began his transformation to his original form, which started out as larger, more demonic version of Garmadon. Notable differences included longer limbs ending in clawed hands and feet, short spikes erupting from his shoulders and back, glowing purple eyes, and elongated reptilian jaws filled with long fangs. In "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master," the Overlord completed his transformation, which has a monstrous black dragon with four long feelers on its face, massive, tattered black wings instead of arms, and a broad, toothy mouth.

"Enter the Digiverse" saw the Overlord appear in two different forms. The first was that of a shadowy armored humanoid, as he was in the process of transforming into the legendary Golden Master. When confronting the ninja inside the Digiverse, he took a shadowy humanoid form of great size made out of purple ash that possessed a number of tentacles.

In "Codename: Arcturus," the Overlord had become a pulsing amorphous, pink, white, and red blob with glowing red eyes due to his interrupted transformation into the Golden Master.

In "The Void," the Overlord's being had stabilized into that of a completely blank, black armored humanoid with glowing red eyes with purple mist surrounding him as his body was nearly complete.

Lastly, in "The Titanium Ninja," the Overlord assumed his semi-golden master form as a black and purple humanoid figure with a face akin to the mid-metamorphosis form he assumed in Garmadon's body with a pair of glowing red eyes. Furthermore, he was adorned with golden skeletal armor and a black helmet with purple energy trailing behind him from his back that appeared similar to a cape. After completing his Golden Master form by fusing with his mech, he experienced a growth spurt of enormous proportions with his armor gaining a more ornate appearance, his torso and legs had completely disintegrated with vibrant purple, flickering flames taking their place with mechanical black and gold machinery attached to him to take the place of his legs, which Zane would ultimately use to hold himself in place when the master of ice presumably died.

The remnant of the Overlord's digital code from "Decoded" has visual traits from both forms of the virus' full version. Being purple and filling a screen, it has the general figure of the Overlord's eyes but they are smaller and can turn as if they were on a head. They also differ from both the original and the Kraken by appearing more yellow than red.

Powers and Abilities

  • Umbrakinesis - It grants the user to manipulate, control, and shape Darkness (also Shadow).
    • Umbrakinetic Flight - It allows the users elemental power to propel themselves up. As seen in "Return of the Overlord," the Overlord used this ability to combat against Lloyd Garmadon by using it as a advantage to quickly head back into the battle.
    • Darkness Materialization: the Overlord was able this ability to create his own Stone Army.
    • Absolute Darkness - It allows the user to create a field of absolute impenetrable darkness. As seen in "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master," the Overlord (in Dragon form) trapped Lloyd inside the sphere of darkness.
    • Darkness Breath - Only displayed by the Overlord, the user can breath darkness and shadow commonly to attack or corrupt people.
      • Corruption Inducement - Gives the user the ability to corrupt people and their environment (as displayed by the Garmatron and the Overlord's dark breath attack). Symptoms of corruption include destruction of morality, glowing purple eyes, and sickly pale gray skin.
      • Shadow Ball Projection - The user can generate balls of darkness, commonly to trap or attack an adversary.


      • The Overlord is the most powerful villain in his Golden Master form.
      • The Overlord's minifigure has sloped legs, instead of a cape as shown in the television series.
      • According to Tommy Andreasen on Twitter, the Overlord is the most powerful antagonist in the series.
      • Although he is extremely ancient, he is not the first evil to come into existence in the realms; the Oni are, though he is Ninjago's original evil and the First Spinjitzu Master's arch-enemy.
      • The Overlord is the only character in Ninjago who is believed to be immortal.
      • The Overlord views the environment with thermal vision in his "spirit" form.
      • In the show, the Ninja mistook his titles twice for characters they were already familiar with: Dark Lord (they thought it referred to Garmadon) and Golden Master (the Ninja mistook Lloyd for being the Golden Master).
      • The Overlord is the manifestation of darkness and evil, but he needs a body to use his powers. For instance, he was only able to use Darkness while he possessed Garmadon. When his transformation into his original form was complete he could use his full powers. In his Golden Master form, he had both Darkness and the Golden Power.
        • In the non-canon Ninjago book, Tomb of the Fangpyre, it was told that the Great Devourer started off as a harmless garden snake that was infected by darkness (possibly the essence of the Overlord himself) before she bit Garmadon that turned him evil. This may imply that the Overlord is responsible for creating the Great Devourer and turning Lord Garmadon evil in the first place; this theory was supported in the Season 2 finale "Rise of the Spinjitzu Master", when Garmadon was finally freed of the Devourer's venom following the Overlord's first defeat.

        External Links


        Goddess: The Great Devourer
        Pythor P. Chumsworth | Skales | Slithraa | Mezmo | Fangpyre Tribe : Fangtom | Constrictai Tribe : Skalidor | Bytar | Snike
        Venomari Tribe : Acidicus | Commander Raggmunk | Slackjaw | Buffmillion
        Pyro Vipers : Aspheera | Char | Mini-Snakes : Translucent Blue Vipers |

        Treehorn Queen

        Destiny's Bounty Pirates
        Leader: Captain Soto
        Members: First Mate | No-Eyed Pete |

        Ultra Violet 70640

        Ultra Violet is a thrill-seeking member of the Sons of Garmadon with all the personality of a viper and an even worse temperament. Nothing seems to faze her, and despite the fact that she is often heard giggling to herself, the only one who seems to “get the joke” is Ultra Violet.

        Wielding the elemental power of earth, Cole possesses immense physical strength that comes in handy in difficult situations. Cole may have quit the family trade of singing and dancing because he never felt that he could make his father proud, but he still has the moves. He may ooze confidence, but the Master of Earth is suitably grounded. He loves the simple life – the outdoors, rock-climbing, old-school tech and most importantly: cake.

        The Lightning Ninja is swift in every way. Fast-talking and quick-witted, the problem is that he speaks and acts first, only thinking later. This also means he has a tendency to panic and be overdramatic. While Jay thinks he’s a wise-cracking comedian, he’s often unintentionally funny and too easy to tease, but this naivety makes him lovable. He’s also a genius when it comes to turning scrap into machines, just like his foster parents, Ed and Edna.

        Samurai X

        Use Jay’s golden nunchuks and activate his special abilities to take on enemies in true ninja style! Build and place Jay on the LEGO® Toy Pad to bring him to life in the game, and add him to an exciting mash-up multiverse of your favorite characters! Use his golden nunchuks and activate his special abilities including Spinjitzu, Fix-it, Acrobat, Stealth and Electricity to solve puzzles and take on enemies in true ninja style! When it’s time to take the battle to the sky, launch the Storm Fighter and rebuild it into a Lightning Jet and Electro-Shooter for upgraded in-game powers!

        Stone Army Scout

        Stone Army Warrior

        Once the White Ninja, Zane is an intelligent and powerful Nindroid (ninja robot) that fills the role of the computer intelligence in the group. He was created by the Tinkerer, Dr. Julien, to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Dedicated to the qualities of peace, freedom and courage, this rational ninja is brave, caring and has a big heart … even though he doesn’t have one!

        Princess Harumi Jade

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        Kai’s impulsive personality, fierce temper and immense drive mirror the fire within him. His strong sense of justice makes him stubborn and he’ll stop at nothing if he has put his mind to it … but this is also the source of his bravery. As older brother to Nya, he is overprotective of her. While Kai’s self-confidence can be overwhelming to some people, this makes him one of the leaders and big personalities in the group.

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        LEGO® NINJAGO® Videos

        Tales from the Monastery of Spinjitzu – Part 1 – The Weekend Drill

        “The past is our guiding light – or our journey into the future will be shrouded in darkness.” – Master Wu. The ninja are rebuilding the Monastery of Spinjitzu. To preserve the Legacy of Spinjitzu for generations to come, Master Wu is overseeing the making of a mural that depicts some of the most defining and epic moments in the history of Spinjitzu. Like the time Earth Ninja Cole used his Earth Driller to break into Kryptarium Prison to help Warden Noble take down the big Stone Warrior and Killow… Get ready to rock and roll!

        Be Ninja: The Paper Spin – Join the Spinjitzu Battle! – Cool LEGO® NINJAGO® Spinjitzu Catch Game

        How do ninja play catch? Watch here, and then go practice your own catch game skills with your friends, like true Spinjitzu Masters! How long can you keep your spinner and ninja minifigure jumping back and forth? Upload a few images or a video of you mastering this trick to prove you’re a real ninja! Be Ninja!

        Monastery of Spinjitzu – LEGO® NINJAGO® 70670

        The LEGO® NINJAGO® training – and building – session of the day is about to begin. Master Wu, Jay, Nya, Zane, Cole, Lloyd and Kai are ready to shape up their ninja skills at the Monastery of Spinjitzu. But before they can start, the creepy Skulkin General Wyplash tries to sneak into the Monastery to steal the Nunchucks of Lightning! Suddenly, the ninja have to use their battle platforms, sword-spinning and ‘fruit-cutting’ Spinjitzu training stations to fight off the REAL enemy!


        The makers of THE LEGO® MOVIE™ invite you to the mystical NINJAGO® Island, a vibrant, pan-Asian metropolis constantly under attack by the evil Lord Garmadon. Luckily, NINJAGO Island is defended by the Secret Ninja Force – Kai, Nya, Jay, Cole, Zane, and Lloyd, the Green Ninja who builds them all-powerful mechs to fight against Garmadon’s aquatic, robotic army. While the ninja are powerful heroes to the adoring public, under their masks they are teenagers who go to high school just like anyone else their age. And as if Lloyd’s life wasn’t complicated enough, his father happens to be Lord Garmadon himself. Go explore THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE™ exhibit and learn more about the characters, vehicles, locations and weapons from the movie. Watch the trailer above and go deep into THE LEGO NINJAGO MOVIE universe!

        LEGO® NINJAGO® Character Video: Meet Lloyd, Princess Harumi, Nya and Ultra Violet

        The Masters of Spinjitzu are back! This time, the NINJAGO® ninja will have to step up their game to hunt down the evil motorcycle gang who call themselves Sons of Garmadon. Meet our hero Lloyd – the Green Ninja, his new friend Princess Harumi – the intriguing adopted daughter of the Empress and Emperor of the NINJAGO world, Nya – the Water Ninja, and Ultra Violet – the thrill-seeking Sons of Garmadon biker, with the personality of a viper and an even worse temper!

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        THE LEGO® NINJAGO® MOVIE™ Video Game: Launch Trailer

        Train, Fight, GO! – Get a piece of the action TODAY, and play THE LEGO® NINJAGO® MOVIE™ Video Game, available now on PS4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC!

        70674 Fire Fang

        LEGO® NINJAGO® Ride Ninja product video – 70640 S.O.G. Headquarters

        Lloyd and Zane invade the S.O.G. Headquarters, dodging traps and attacks by Ultra Violet and her Prospects. It’s an impossible mission, but the ninja have to succeed if they want to save the LEGO® NINJAGO® world in this thrilling video. Do you dare go inside 70640 S.O.G. Headquarters and master all the tricks and traps inside?

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