The lego technic idea book simple machines

Обновлено: 16.05.2024

The LEGO® Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines is a collection of hundreds of working examples of simple yet fascinating Technic models that you can build based on their pictures alone. Each project uses color-coded pieces and is photographed from multiple angles, making it easy to see how the models are assembled without the need for step-by-step instructions. Every model i The LEGO® Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines is a collection of hundreds of working examples of simple yet fascinating Technic models that you can build based on their pictures alone. Each project uses color-coded pieces and is photographed from multiple angles, making it easy to see how the models are assembled without the need for step-by-step instructions. Every model illustrates a different principle, concept, or mechanism that will inspire your own original creations. You're encouraged to use these elements as building blocks to create your own masterpieces.

The Technic models in Simple Machines demonstrate basic configurations of gears, shafts, pulleys, turntables, connectors, and the like. You'll learn how to create small, elegant machines like cranes, operable doors, motorized cars, a rubber band-powered rocket launcher, a hand-cranked drag racer, and even musical instruments.

This visual guide, the first in the three-volume LEGO Technic Idea Book series, is the brainchild of master builder Yoshihito Isogawa of Tokyo, Japan. Each title is filled with photos of Isogawa's unique models, all of which are designed to fire the imaginations of LEGO builders young and old.

Imagine. Create. Invent. Now, what will you build?

NOTE: The LEGO Technic Idea Book series uses parts from various Technic sets. If you don't have some of the pieces shown in a particular model, experiment by substituting your own parts or visit the No Starch Press website for a list of the special parts used in the book. . more

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The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines: 1

The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines

The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines: 1

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Lists with This Book

The LEGO® Ideas Book by Daniel Lipkowitz
LEGO Star Wars by Simon Beecroft
LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia by Hannah Dolan
LEGO Harry Potter by Elizabeth Dowsett
Lego Ninjago by Greg Farshtey

The LEGO® Ideas Book by Daniel Lipkowitz
LEGO® Awesome Ideas by Daniel Lipkowitz
LEGO® Play Book by Daniel Lipkowitz
The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 1 by Megan H. Rothrock
The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 2 by Megan H. Rothrock

Community Reviews

Now for something quick and easy especially since I suspect there many be as many words in this book as there are in this review - not that its an easy read which I will shortly explain

What you have here is a book of quick a simply lego technic ideas which very rapidly build in to some very complex concepts. What is more it shows how those magicians at Lego are able to create some wonderfully complex and articulate models.

The book takes a series of almost painfully bright Lego bricks and starts Now for something quick and easy especially since I suspect there many be as many words in this book as there are in this review - not that its an easy read which I will shortly explain

What you have here is a book of quick a simply lego technic ideas which very rapidly build in to some very complex concepts. What is more it shows how those magicians at Lego are able to create some wonderfully complex and articulate models.

The book takes a series of almost painfully bright Lego bricks and starts to introduce various mechanical concepts - it explains what the purpose of them is and how to interpret their actions. These build and build till at the end of the book there are some pretty amazing ideas being presented. So when it comes to building something for yourself you know how to really achieve what you were hoping for.

So why so challenging a read and why so clever.
Well the challenge is that throughout the builds and designs the intention is to show how make something happen. Be it movement in a certain way, how to achieve a particular action or even just to think of things in a different orientation. However there are no instructions on how to build them instead you are lead to that point through a series of iterations - you have to figure out how they did it

The second thing I like is that they are basic - only showing what that "lesson" is - often with basic and highly colourful bricks - at a quick glance they look rather dated and poorly conceived when in actual fact i think its a very clever way of allowing you to figure out how they were built - rather like letting the audience seen the strings in a magic trick - you can see how they do it so you can try too but you are still impressed by their performance all the same.

There are several other books in this series and having grown up with Lego I am always interested in seeing how the truly creative Lego builders actually manage it . more

The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book. Machines and Mechanisms

Йошихито Исогава - Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Машины и механизмы обложка книги

27 %

Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Машины и механизмы

Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Техника и изобретения

Аннотация к книге "Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Машины и механизмы"

Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Машины и механизмып редлагает много способов постройки удивительных механизмов с помощью набора LEGO Technic. Для каждой модели дается список нужных деталей, минимальное объяснение и много цветных фотографий под разными углами, чтобы вы смогли собрать ее без пошагового объяснения.
Вы научитесь строить автоматические двери, стреляющие шариками устройства, руки-манипуляторы, устройства с вращающимися лопастями и другие удивительные механизмы. Каждая модель иллюстрирует простые механические принципы, которые вы сможете использовать при сборке собственных моделей.

Мы всегда рады честным, конструктивным рецензиям. Лабиринт приветствует дружелюбную дискуссию ценителей и не приветствует перепалки и оскорбления.

Не понимаю почему в переводе на русский эта книга называется просто книгой "идей", эта калька с английского не отражает содержания, ведь это целое обучающее пособие в картинках-инструкциях!
Для работы будут нужны детали от конструктора LEGO Technic, а также обязателен дефицитный набор LEGO 8293 Power Functions (мотор, двигатель, аккумулятор, выключатель, кабель). В конце книги представлены все детали, которые использованы, также набор необходимых деталей предваряет каждую.

The LEGO Power Functions Idea Book, Cars And Contraptions

Йошихито Исогава - Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Техника и изобретения обложка книги

27 %

Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Техника и изобретения

Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Машины и механизмы

Аннотация к книге "Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Техника и изобретения"

Большая книга идей LEGO Technic. Техника и изобретения предлагает много способов постройки удивительных механизмов с помощью набора LEGO Technic. Для каждой модели дается список нужных деталей, минимальное объяснение и много цветных фотографий под разными углами, чтобы вы смогли собрать ее без пошагового объяснения.
Вы научитесь собирать шагающие машины с разным количеством ног, останавливающиеся у края стола автомобили, управляемые гусеничные машины и другие удивительные механизмы. Каждая модель иллюстрирует простые механические принципы, которые вы сможете использовать при сборке собственных моделей.

Мы всегда рады честным, конструктивным рецензиям. Лабиринт приветствует дружелюбную дискуссию ценителей и не приветствует перепалки и оскорбления.

Книга большая, красивая, яркая. Ребенка сразу заинтересовала, приступил к сборке. Схемы понятные. Но деталек у нас маловато(( Прикрепляю фотографии страниц "Списка деталей", которые нужны, чтобы делать представленные в книге модели (чтобы была возможность заранее ими "закупиться")

Сыну 12 лет, увлекается лего-техник давно, сам без инструкций собирает разные агрегаты, движущиеся механизмы.
О книге сказал: "Здорово, интересно, любопытно. Но главное - идеи, а там есть очень любопытные! Вообще интересно ведь, что из моего любимого лего-техник могут напридумывать. Если еще что-то такое увидишь - покупай!"
Эти две книги мы купили обе, они не дублируются.
Именно в этой, мне показалось, все детали доступны, ничего редкого.
Механизмы разобраны от простого к.

Сыну 12 лет, увлекается лего-техник давно, сам без инструкций собирает разные агрегаты, движущиеся механизмы.
О книге сказал: "Здорово, интересно, любопытно. Но главное - идеи, а там есть очень любопытные! Вообще интересно ведь, что из моего любимого лего-техник могут напридумывать. Если еще что-то такое увидишь - покупай!"
Эти две книги мы купили обе, они не дублируются.
Именно в этой, мне показалось, все детали доступны, ничего редкого.
Механизмы разобраны от простого к сложному.
Многие механизмы уже знакомы по моделям, собранным по инструкциям из наборов Лего Техник.
Книга кроме того, что понятно объясняет обычные для мальчишек вещи, типа дифференциал, поворотный стол и коробка передач, еще очень вдохновляет на выдумку. У нас еще долго ходило по квартире нечто с треугольными гусеницами))
Вот, собственно, так, как есть.
Добавлю еще несколько фотографий книги.
Книга, действительно, огромная, добротная, грамотная (в смысле - в ней всё по уму). Скрыть

The LEGO® Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines is a collection of hundreds of working examples of simple yet fascinating Technic models that you can build based on their pictures alone. Each project uses color-coded pieces and is photographed from multiple angles, making it easy to see how the models are assembled without the need for step-by-step instructions. Every model i The LEGO® Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines is a collection of hundreds of working examples of simple yet fascinating Technic models that you can build based on their pictures alone. Each project uses color-coded pieces and is photographed from multiple angles, making it easy to see how the models are assembled without the need for step-by-step instructions. Every model illustrates a different principle, concept, or mechanism that will inspire your own original creations. You're encouraged to use these elements as building blocks to create your own masterpieces.

The Technic models in Simple Machines demonstrate basic configurations of gears, shafts, pulleys, turntables, connectors, and the like. You'll learn how to create small, elegant machines like cranes, operable doors, motorized cars, a rubber band-powered rocket launcher, a hand-cranked drag racer, and even musical instruments.

This visual guide, the first in the three-volume LEGO Technic Idea Book series, is the brainchild of master builder Yoshihito Isogawa of Tokyo, Japan. Each title is filled with photos of Isogawa's unique models, all of which are designed to fire the imaginations of LEGO builders young and old.

Imagine. Create. Invent. Now, what will you build?

NOTE: The LEGO Technic Idea Book series uses parts from various Technic sets. If you don't have some of the pieces shown in a particular model, experiment by substituting your own parts or visit the No Starch Press website for a list of the special parts used in the book. . more

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The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines: 1

The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines

The LEGO Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines: 1

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Lists with This Book

The LEGO® Ideas Book by Daniel Lipkowitz
LEGO Star Wars by Simon Beecroft
LEGO Star Wars Character Encyclopedia by Hannah Dolan
LEGO Harry Potter by Elizabeth Dowsett
Lego Ninjago by Greg Farshtey

The LEGO® Ideas Book by Daniel Lipkowitz
LEGO® Awesome Ideas by Daniel Lipkowitz
LEGO® Play Book by Daniel Lipkowitz
The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 1 by Megan H. Rothrock
The LEGO Adventure Book, Vol. 2 by Megan H. Rothrock

Community Reviews

Now for something quick and easy especially since I suspect there many be as many words in this book as there are in this review - not that its an easy read which I will shortly explain

What you have here is a book of quick a simply lego technic ideas which very rapidly build in to some very complex concepts. What is more it shows how those magicians at Lego are able to create some wonderfully complex and articulate models.

The book takes a series of almost painfully bright Lego bricks and starts Now for something quick and easy especially since I suspect there many be as many words in this book as there are in this review - not that its an easy read which I will shortly explain

What you have here is a book of quick a simply lego technic ideas which very rapidly build in to some very complex concepts. What is more it shows how those magicians at Lego are able to create some wonderfully complex and articulate models.

The book takes a series of almost painfully bright Lego bricks and starts to introduce various mechanical concepts - it explains what the purpose of them is and how to interpret their actions. These build and build till at the end of the book there are some pretty amazing ideas being presented. So when it comes to building something for yourself you know how to really achieve what you were hoping for.

So why so challenging a read and why so clever.
Well the challenge is that throughout the builds and designs the intention is to show how make something happen. Be it movement in a certain way, how to achieve a particular action or even just to think of things in a different orientation. However there are no instructions on how to build them instead you are lead to that point through a series of iterations - you have to figure out how they did it

The second thing I like is that they are basic - only showing what that "lesson" is - often with basic and highly colourful bricks - at a quick glance they look rather dated and poorly conceived when in actual fact i think its a very clever way of allowing you to figure out how they were built - rather like letting the audience seen the strings in a magic trick - you can see how they do it so you can try too but you are still impressed by their performance all the same.

There are several other books in this series and having grown up with Lego I am always interested in seeing how the truly creative Lego builders actually manage it . more

The LEGO® Technic Idea Book: Simple Machines is a collection of hundreds of working examples of simple yet fascinating Technic models that you can build based on their pictures alone. Each project uses color-coded pieces and is photographed from multiple angles, making it easy to see how the models are assembled without the need for step-by-step instructions. Every model illustrates a different principle, concept, or mechanism that will inspire your own original creations. You’re encouraged to use these elements as building blocks to create your own masterpieces.

The Technic models in Simple Machines demonstrate basic configurations of gears, shafts, pulleys, turntables, connectors, and the like. You'll learn how to create small, elegant machines like cranes, operable doors, motorized cars, a rubber band-powered rocket launcher, a hand-cranked drag racer, and even musical instruments.

This visual guide, the first in the three-volume LEGO Technic Idea Book series, is the brainchild of master builder Yoshihito Isogawa of Tokyo, Japan. Each title is filled with photos of Isogawa's unique models, all of which are designed to fire the imaginations of LEGO builders young and old.

Imagine. Create. Invent. Now, what will you build?

NOTE: The LEGO Technic Idea Book series uses parts from various Technic sets. If you don't have some of the pieces shown in a particular model, experiment by substituting your own parts or visit the author's website for a list of the special parts used in the book.

Check Out Some "Simple Machines" in Action!

Check out the other books in the series!

What is a gear?
Counting teeth
Different kinds of teeth
Even more gears
Pulleys are gears without teeth

Shafts and Connectors
Measuring gears
Measuring shafts
Pegs and connectors
Various shafts and connectors

Gear Combinations
Going from small to large gears
Going from large to small gears
Combining gears in different ratios

Gears in a Turntable
Using gears inside the cogs of a turntable

Gears in Series
Many gears in series
Attaching different gears to the same shaft

Angled Gears
Using gears to change the angle of rotation

Worm Drives
Using worm drives

Chains and Treads
Transmitting rotational power with chains
Transmitting rotational power with caterpillar treads

Rubber Bands
Various rubber bands
Transmitting rotational power with rubber bands

Rack-and-Pinion Gears
Changing rotational motion into linear motion with rack-and-pinion gears

Moving To and Fro
Translating rotational motion into reciprocal motion

Moving Freely
Transmitting rotational power in any direction

Going the Distance
Transmitting power over distance using many gears
Using chains
Using rubber bands
Using shafts

Motors and Gears
Combining motors and gears

Building in Any Direction
Combining pieces so you can build in any direction

Strong Combinations
Making strong combinations!

Two Simple Chassis
What can we make with a simple chassis?
A car with windows
A Formula One racer
An paneled car (with tiles)
A hot rod
What can we make with another chassis?
A car with pipes
A rocket car
A monster car—with claws!
A car with a hood and a trunk

Two doors opened by turning a handle
Swinging doors
A door opened by pushing a plate
An automatic sliding door with a motor and rack gears
A little garage door
A vault door
A door that closes itself
A door with a key
A door that catches like a “real” door
Little car doors
Gull-wing car doors

Pulley Systems
Lifting a load with thread
Various winches
Making your own winches
Simple cranes
The mysterious crane
A crane using chains
The mysterious crane using chains

Rubber Band Power
Launching a rocket with a rubber band
A windup car
A hand-cranked drag racer

More Uses for Gears
Changing the speed between two parallel shafts
Increasing power between two perpendicular shafts
Increasing power between two parallel shafts
Using two crank shafts to move pistons
Always rotating in the same direction
Something like a bug foot
Something like a bird feather
Linear motion with worm gears
Growing and shrinking with worm gears

Making Music
A xylophone
A little guitar
A music box

"These are an invaluable set of books to have as a reference to build mechanisms."
—BrickJournal (Read More)

"I can emphatically state that no self-respecting LEGO fan should exclude this series from their library."
—Bricks in my Pocket (Read More)

"These are excellent books showing a lot of great ideas for LEGO mechanisms. Even if you're an experienced builder, there are surely some ideas in here you've never seen."
—Brickpile (Read More)

"For those new to Technic building, the Simple Machines book is indispensable."
—The NXT STEP Blog (Read More)

"What I like about these cool little models is that they can be used to teach various science concepts such as gearing, Newton's Laws, and Potential & Kinetic energy—to name a few."
—The Robotic Realm (Read More)

"This is an eccentric but seductive book."
—;login: The USENIX Magazine (Read More)

"For anyone who loves Lego, prototypes in Lego, or loves mechanical assemblies, these books are definitely required viewing, and we're not sure how we lived without them for so long."
—Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories (Read More)

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